Physics Research Paper

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“Teach me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.” – Benjamin

Franklin. Benjamin Franklin was raised in a poverty. He nourished himself with literature when he

was just a kid, and worked for his brother as a printer at the age of 17. When he left his brother to

open his own printing press, he became so successful that he retired at the age of 42! This allowed

him to focus on his love for science. Franklin was a polymath (in other words, he was many things)—

an author, printer, politician, scientist, musician, inventor, and much, much more. He made significant

contributions to many fields. However, he is probably best known for his work in science, especially in

electricity and the physics of electricity. For the areas of science in which he worked, he is known for

his studies in the theory of electricity and his useful inventions. These include the Franklin stove, bifocal

eyeglasses, the lightning rod, and daylight savings time.

One of Franklin's greatest claims to fame was his work in electricity. He carried out experiments

with the Leyden jar, sent a current through water to ignite alcohol, made the first battery, ignited

gunpowder, and much, much more (Bellis). He even charged wine glasses so the drinkers would receive

shocks! More importantly though, he began to develop the theory of the relationship between lightning

and electricity; he brought up the idea of protecting buildings by using iron rods. In the summer of

1752, he performed the famous kite experiment, where he drew down electricity from the sky by

charging a Leyden jar from the key at the end of the string. Franklin stated that "electricity is a single

electrical 'fluid'" (electrons) "that may be transferre...

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...known scientist and politician in both American and Europe and will always be remembered as the father of electricity.
"Timeline: 1750-1774." Magnet Lab. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. . One of the dominant minds working during this period was Benjamin Franklin, the first American to make significant contributions to science. Also an accomplished statesman, philosopher and writer, Franklin developed a keen fascination with electricity in the 1740s, after he was given a glass tube and cloth with which to experiment. With this and an electrostatic generator he had built, the tireless tinkerer embarked on a series of experiments that led him to believe there was just one type of electricity after all, rather than the two types Du Fay had theorized some years before.

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