Diagnosis of Holden Caulfield in A Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

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The period of adolescence is one of growth. There will be necessary physiological, sexual, and mental changes in a person during this period, therefore making it one of the most important sections of life. If an error is found during the growth of an adolescent, it must be corrected. Holden Caulfield, is an erred adolescent, so he must be fixed. This paper will present a diagnosis for Holden, provide evidence for this claim, provide a hypothetical source for his syndrome, and then recommend a course of treatment. The diagnosis for Holden Caulfield is co-occurring Bipolar I disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The was conjectured because of his recent manic episode, excessive spending and depression, increased energy, constant “loud speech”, inflated self-image, feelings of guilt, suicidal and racing thoughts, obsessiveness with childhood, innocence, and a fear of change [or what can be seen as abnormal requirement for stability]; recommended treatment is referral to a psychiatrist for medicinal help, short-term therapy, and slow reinstitution into the general population. Bip...

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