DNA Isolation Lab Report

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This lab took place in a high school lab where we were isolated our very own DNA. We all chose partner that could help us during the experiment.
The first step was to add 1 mL of a premade 8% sodium chloride (salt) solution to a large test tube. One mL is approximately 20 drops from a pipette. The salt solution is very important because it will go into the DNA and destroy the histones that the DNA is wrapped around (Rice, George). It will also start to break apart the cell membrane so we can get to the DNA (DNA Extraction Techniques).
Next, I had to pour 10 mL of water in to a small drinking cup. I then transferred the water into my mouth and swished it around for at least 30 seconds. While the water was in my mouth, I lightly bit the inside of my cheek to collect more cells. The more cells I collect now, the more DNA I will be able to extract later. After 30 seconds, I spit the water back in to the drinking cup.
For step four, pour a couple mL of the “cell water” into the test tube with the 8% sodium chloride solution in it. Remember, the sodium chloride will remove the histones and help break down the cell membrane. I then had to add 1 mL, 20 drops, of a premixed, 25% liquid dishwashing detergent to the test tube. As you know, dishwasher detergent is used to clean dishes by destroying fats; it does the same thing with cells. It disposes of the lipids and proteins that make up a cell. These would include the nucleus and the cell membrane. After they are destroyed, the DNA will be released (Caplan M. Geralyn). Even though the salt and the dishwashing detergent do the same thing, without one of them the nucleus and the cell membrane would only be partially destroyed when it needs to be fully demolished.
Step six required me to ...

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...f strawberries out. After the time is up, put approximately two mL of the “juice” into a test tube. Add 2 mL of shampoo to help dissolve the lipids and proteins that make up the cell membrane and nucleus. Add two mL of ice-cold ethanol alcohol by letting it slide down the side of the test tube. The cold alcohol will make everything dissolve besides for the DNA. Let it sit for two minutes or until the DNA starts appearing (Activities: Classroom Activities in Plant Biotechnology).

Works Cited

Activities: Classroom Activities in Plant Biotechnology. The American Phytopathological Society, n.d. Web. 5 April, 2014.
Caplan M. Geralyn. DNA Isolation Lab. Owensboro Community & Technical College, n.d. Web. 5 April 2014.
DNA Extraction Techniques. Biologycorner.com, Web. 5 April 2014.
Rice, George. DNA Extraction. Carleton College, 14 December, 2013. Web. 5 April, 2014.

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