The Santería Religion and South Florida

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Santería is a newly recognized religion within the United States. Many Americans who practice more traditional religions, such as Catholicism, and Judaism, find the practice of Santeria very odd and quite obscure. The preponderance of our society feels that the practice of animal sacrifice, prevalent in Santeria, is immoral and possibly offensive. One reason for this reaction could be that there is a major lack of understanding of this religion in our society.

Many people that do not practice this religion automatically assume that the religion is some sort of horrible cult in which people simply slaughter animals. In interviews with people that live near the Lukumí Babalú Ayé Church, published in The Miami Herald, terrible remarks have been made concerning the religion and its practices in our community. One unnamed gentleman, who has spent five years living in the community where the church exists, says "It bothers me to have it here, I'm definitely against it" (May). Many people have similar opinions to this one because they assume that the practice of Santería is all bad. Perh...

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