The Analysis of Skill Acquisition

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The Analysis of Skill Acquisition



In this assessment I am going to complete three tasks, for the first

task I am going to identify, discuss and analyse skill classification.

For the second task, I am going to identify the characteristics of

skill and ability. For the third task, I am going to describe and

explain the difference between skill and ability.

Gross and Fine Motor Skills

Gross Motor Skills-- These types of skill always involve large

muscular movement within the body and require a low level of

expertise. An example of this could be someone doing weight lifting.

Fine Motor Skills-- These types of skill involve more delicate and

controlled muscular movements they can also be refined and practised.

The most common daily fine motor skill is writing. These skills can be

put onto a continuum like this one.

[IMAGE]Open and Closed Skills

Open skills-- sports such as basketball, Football, rugby, and netball

usually involve open skills. This is because the environment is

constantly changing and so movements the player makes have to be

continually adapted. When the environment is changing this could

include the weather, other players, the pitch or the crowd interfering

with the performance from the player in the game. In football, the

factor that makes it an open skilled game is that you can be tackled

at anytime during the game. Apart from kick off, a throw in, a goal

kick, penalty or free kick.

Closed skills-- These skills have the performer knowing exactly what

to do and when. The environment does not affect the Skill as it is not

constantly changing. The performer will know that they will not have

anyone about to tackle him or her. For example, a free throw in

Basketball, and serving in Tennis. However in a closed skilled

environment e.g. darts, there could still be a crowd and that would

make the environment unstable. The open and closed skills can be out

on a continuum like this one where you can see how open or how closed

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