Abraham and God

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Abraham’s seriousness and dedication in regards to his covenant with God control tense actions and events between Abraham and Isaac. Abraham is compelled in his actions by his understanding and faith that his belief in God will reap benefits. Without hesitation, he considers doing everything that God tells him to do. Abraham’s willingness and sacrifice of Isaac show the great power that God has over Abraham. Abraham’s desire for God’s approval and blessings compel him toward grave actions without the concrete command from God. Abraham merely implies God’s intentions from the limited conversations held between Abraham, God, and the angel.

The unspoken dialogue between the characters put emphasis on the implicit ideas of the covenant that Abraham must follow. Abraham sees that he must fully envelop himself in the belief and trust in God. The absence of major dialogue creates the implications of the covenant that are not spoken but are natural to Abraham. He finds it necessary to obey God’s orders to the best of his ability regardless of the consequences or personal anguish. The basis of Abraham’s actions is set by what little dialogue there is. God speaks to Abraham and tells him to merely make an offering and Abraham interprets God’s task and is compelled to sacrifice Isaac to prove his worth to God. Abraham assumes what God wants of him in order to complete the covenant. As Abraham sacrifices Isaac, they do not exchange words which expresses Abraham’s solemn attitude in his attempt to complete his task. As events pass, Isaac’s only question to Abraham is “where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” (Genesis 22: 7). Isaac naïvely does not question Abraham’s motives or inquires further on the course of events. He is vaguely reassur...

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...e son. As Abraham wills himself to slaughter Isaac, be sees that “there was a ram” (Genesis 22: 13). The appearance of the ram by God’s will, at just the right moment blesses Abraham by sparing Isaac’s life. The objects timely appearances demonstrate God’s involvement in Abraham’s completion of his task and the rewards Abraham reaps for trusting in God.

In believing and trusting that God is only putting him through a test of faith and belief, Abraham is able to complete tasks what he would otherwise not be capable of. He puts God before all else in his sacrifice of Isaac and disregards his parental feelings as well as Isaac’s feelings. Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac only to prove his worth to God gains him credibility. Abraham is able to prove himself to God and complete the covenant which leads to great benefits to Abraham and his descendents.

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