The ESV Bible

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The Christian Bible may be one of the most influential pieces of texts ever written. Through reading of the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible my life has changed drastically as a human being, in every way, shape, and form. Not only has the Bible changed who I am but, it has drastically changed the way I read. Two texts that have truly affected me as a reader of the ESV Bible are the Catholic Bible and Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. While reading the ESV Bible has changed me as a person it has also changed me as a reader. When I began to read larger books when I was younger I used to speed read through books. I remember reading the Harry Potter series as a child and when I was finished there would be large portions of the book that …show more content…

God told Abraham to take Isaac to the land of Moriah and to sacrifice him on a mountain. When Abraham and Isaac got there Abraham started to tie down Isaac and a moment before he went to sacrifice his son God sent him a lamb to sacrifice in Isaac’s place. When reading this the first time I just thought it was a story were God changed his mind at the last second. After reading it through the text of the ESV Bible I grew aware that God didn’t just change his mind but, instead was just testing Abrahams faith in him. This meaning and others started to pour out of the Bible as read it in the ESV …show more content…

I grew up going to Catholic Church and doing readings out of the Catholic Bible. As I grew older and started getting into middle and high school my attendance at church started to fade from going a few times a month into a few times a year. When I was sixteen I started to go with my girlfriend to a Baptist Church. Even though both churches were both preaching the same basic message, which was devote your life to following Christ and you will be saved from eternal damnation, they had two very different ways of being brought to salvation. The Catholic Church taught that you were saved by your good works on earth as well as your belief in Jesus Christ while the Baptist Church taught that you are saved by God’s grace alone and nothing you do on this Earth can change that. These two churches had different ideals about how to be saved, and it showed through their Bibles. The Catholic Bible has multiple books and two sections of books that are not in the bible I used at the Baptist Church, which was the English Standard Version (ESV). These books talk about being saved through good works and therefore they disagree with the Protestant theory of being saved through grace

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