Writing Commentary

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For my argumentative writing piece, my purpose of this was to inform how fees in higher education were causing many problems and it should be free. Before doing all of this, I firstly thought about the audience. I believed this issue should be informed to everyone. This is quite vague as it does not have a specific target audience. So, my focuses are on the educated people and people who are willing to learn higher studies in our society, as this topic mostly appeals to them. I wanted to write in a style of an editorial newspaper, expressing all my opinions about this. Therefore, I employed many facts and statistics as possible to make my article convincing and engaging for the reader rather than just presenting all my opinions which disinterests them.
One key thing that I mostly considered in my article was the tone. As the purpose of my article was to inform, I thought that a serious tone would be appealing. It is also appealing to my audience as they can clearly understand this type of tone. Another key thing that I also considered in my article is the language and how it would appeal to my audience. Throughout my article I decided to write formally. I used phrases such as ‘it is’ rather than ‘it’s’ to make it sound formal. I did this because my audience were more likely to be educated people such as professors or people who are willing to pursue higher studies. Therefore, by communicating in a formal way would be appropriate for them to read.
Complex sentences are more likely to be prevalent in formal writing. They provide a lot of detail. However, too many long sentences would easily lose the reader’s interest and would not engage them whereas short sentences are more punchy and quick, however they are not very detailed. T...

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...sed was emotive language. This helped me to explain my points. However, I did not excessively use them. I thought this technique will sustain the reader’s interest as it allows them to have an immediate emotional reaction, which influences their thoughts.
I also presented my writing by presenting lots of points that supported by viewpoint because obviously it would strengthen my argument. However, I did show some points that were against my viewpoint. When I presented the opposing view in my article I intended to write in less detail. This is because if it was detailed, then it would just weaken my argument. Therefore, to ensure that my argument was always stronger than the opposing view, I counter argue the opposing views in the next paragraph by mostly using startling facts and statistics to show the reader how the ideas of the opposite view are wrong and absurd.

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