Madam Loisel's The Necklace

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Money can buy you anything you want. I think we can simply say that money is the best thing in the world. I tend to imagine what life would be without money. How would we buy all of our luxuries we love? Therefore, if you ask me I believe money can make you very happy. In the story The Necklace, we see that Madam Loisel is very unhappy with her life because she has no money and feels oblivion. She feels very poor and that she can’t own nice and expensive things. When she got invited to the ball, she was so worried because she had no idea what to wear. As soon as she got a dress and the necklace she wanted to wear, she felt like a prodigy. Like if she had owned all the money in the world. She had an affectation in the ball. You get to noticed that she is very happy with what she had at the moment and we can infer that this was the way she wanted to live. Money and luxuries made her really happy. If it wasn’t for the ball, she would’ve been home still feeling miserable about her life and how poor she was. She would’ve felt despondency. I got to see in the story that money does make you happy because without it, you feel …show more content…

I wouldn’t know how to live without it. I’ve seen many poor people living in the streets and begging for money every day just to grab something to eat. Without money I believe I would be just like them. I admire those people because they’re out there every day in every street asking for money and that’s how they live. With the money that my parents have we can have a place to live, clothes to put on, or even food in our tables. I can also include the luxuries that we have like a TV, phone, computer, game console, etc. we live our happy lives with money. That is the thing that maintains us. Without money, my sister and I wouldn’t be able to go to school and get an education. We are happy that we can afford the things we have with the money that we have and manage to survive with

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