'Civil Peace And The Thrill Of The Chase'

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If I got lost in a desolate desert , I would survive because I value things that are essential and beneficial for survival. King Tut would have died if he got lost because he values items like gold and jewelry, whereas I bring the essentials. This is a good habit because money does not bring happiness into anyone’s life. It is the moments that they spend with their family that bring true happiness into their life. When people value material possessions greater than their own or their family's survival won’t live a happy life. This essay will include “The Necklace”, “Civil Peace”, and “The Thrill of the Chase”. The Necklace is a great example of how our desires can create tragedy rather than happiness. Madame Forestier would have rather been idolized for her wealth instead of buying items that grant her survival. She says,”It’s just that I have no evening dress and so I can’t go to the party.” which explains well how she had a finite amount of money and thought material wealth was more important than happiness. If she only knew before that she would spend the next decade working off her debt, she would have never asked for the necklace and she would have had a happy life. Furthermore, wealth isn’t the only thing that brings happiness to a life. With an easy explanation, it explains how having material possessions doesn’t matter, because the moments we have are more valuable. Even though Forrest Fenn had all of the money he could ever desire, he decided that a treasure hunt would be more valuable. He has brought hundreds of people and families together so they can discover the treasure he has hidden. He wrote a cryptic poem that had clues where to find the treasure and no one has found it. It said, “Anyone who dies with over $50 is a failure” which shows that wealth doesn’t make you a successful person, whereas leaving behind something other than wealth is

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