Discuss the different approaches to using film by Forced Entertainment and Frantic Assembly

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This essay will investigate a variety of different approaches to using film by both Forced Entertainment and Frantic Assembly. Both companies claim to produce energetic, memorable and contemporary theatre and have both incorporated the use of film in their works. Although Frantic Assembly and Forced Entertainment both produce work that is placed under the umbrella of physical theatre, their ways of working and the work they produce differs from other theatre companies which also adopt this title. The two companies I will discuss have differences and similarities in their approaches to using film and have both incorporated it into their practices in groundbreaking ways. From the use of actual moving film in their stage performance, to exploring the different elements of film and exploring ways in which those same principles can be adapted unto the stage. Frantic Assembly and Forced Entertainment make claims of creating innovative theatre that offers to lure and shock spectators. Their works demonstrate that they are both in constant exploration to push and break the boundaries of how theatre is viewed today. Both Frantic Assembly and Forced Entertainment have always created theatre that is influential and relevant with the times, so it comes as no surprise that the use of film has been a big influence on the their works. I think the work has political and social concerns that emerge from the process and from the way that we work rather than political and social concerns that are bolted on. (McGuire, 2008)
Like Frantic Assembly Forced entertainment devise work that is relevant with the times and everyday life. As technology plays a big part in modern society the use of film is often demonstrated in their work. As well as using film on stage, Forced Entertainment extends the use of film during their rehearsals process.
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