Applied Theatre Essay

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In this paper, I will be focusing briefly on my knowledge and understanding of the concept of Applied theatre and one of its theatre form, which is Theatre in Education. The term Applied Theatre is a broad range of dramatic activity carried out by a crowd of diverse bodies and groups.
However, it is a theatre that is most beneficial to its spectators and merely through performance and bringing about change in communities or society. Applied theatre has the potential to educate, to raise awareness, to inform, addressing issues of social concern and to transform communities or society using the tools or techniques of drama and theatre. Applied theatre is an umbrella theatre term for a number of applied theatre forms such as Prison Theatre, Reminiscence …show more content…

Applied Theatre work includes Theatre-in-Education, Community and Team-building, Conflict Resolution, and Political theatre, to name just a few of its uses. However, Christopher Balme states that “Grotowski define acting as a communicative process with spectators and not just as a production problem of the actor” (Balme, 2008: 25). Applied Theatre practices may adopt the following “theatrical transactions that involve participants in different participative relationships” such as Theatre for a community, Theatre with a community and Theatre by a community Prentki & Preston (2009: 10). Whereas, applied theatre one of its most major powers is that it gives voice to the voiceless and it is a theatre for, by, and with the people. However, Applied Theatre practitioners are devising educational and entertaining performances bringing personal stories to life and build …show more content…

The Theatre in Education or TIE was initially developed and established in around 1960 by actor Roger Chapman. Theatre in Education refers to a style of theatre which brings audiences of young people face to face with the actors in an interactive theatre piece designed around the exploration of a particular idea. However, its aim is to stimulate, educate and inform young people by doing performance followed by the workshop that can be done before or after and it depends on the theatre company. Whereby, working with young people using drama as a means of allowing them to express themselves freely and creatively and to deal with issues relevant to them encouraging them to participate through work in the role and through debate. Theatre in education can be used to create different kinds of productions: for example, there are plays designed for a young audience, that could be based on a traditional story and activities for very young children, linked to a story with the opportunities for involvement. Theatre in education is used to encourage effective learning in schools. It calls for careful consideration of the audience's age and requirements in order to engage them and get the message

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