What is Research?

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In this chapter, discussion on what is research, research design, population, sampling strategy, sampling methods, sample size will be made. Moreover, great of emphasis will be given to data collection instruments, pilot study and data analysis. At the end a small conclusion will be stated.

3.1.1 Research

Research is a systematic inquiry that investigates hypotheses, propose new interpretations of data or texts, and poses new queries for future research to explore. It is also a systematic inquiry to define, analyse, forecast and manage the observed phenomenon. Research contains inductive and reasonable methods Babbie (1998). Inductive methods analyze the observed phenomenon and identify the overall principles, format, or processes underlying the phenomenon observed; deductive methods verify the hypothesized principles through observations. The purposes are different: one is to expand explanations, and the other is to experiment the validity of the explanations.

Marketing research can be in terms of primary and secondary research .So, primary research is also known as fields research that is it is the collection of new fresh information and data and it can be carried out through the help of questionnaires, interviews, surveys with individuals or groups of people. In fact, at this stage primary research will be used in order, to know about the views of people on internet transactional banking.

Whereas secondary research is also known as desk research and it is the collection of data that has already been collected by others and thus these information can be useful for the analysis of a wide range of marketing and consumer research. One person or entity’s primary data become another person or entity’s secondary data. For exam...

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...qual Model. To some extent a few respondents refuse to participate in the interviews because most of them were in a hurry and some were busy.

3.10 Conclusion

In this chapter, the objectives set for this survey was analyzed in more details to gather data more effectively and efficiently. Emphasis has been given to the research design and have shown its importance. Moreover, large of emphasis has been given to sampling Methods, data collection which states why questionnaire has been used and through the pilot study it has stated clearly who was the one who questionnaire has been distributed first and what respond have been receive from the respondent. The techniques as described in this chapter have been of great importance in achieving the objectives of the study. The next chapter deals with the results discussion and interpretation of findings.

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