The Use of Green Technology

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Throughout history the planet Earth has experienced many climate changes due to natural causes. The Earth’s orbit, the sun’s intense heat, volcanic activity, and the circulation of the ocean all play a role with climate change and the Earth’s temperature. The natural cycle of these factors working together dictate how the planets weather and seasons take place. However, the Earth’s rapid warming trend seen today cannot be explained by natural causes alone. Humans are responsible for the rapid rise in anthropogenic climate change (formally known as “global warming”), due to industrial over development and excessive use of products which cause gas emersion into the Earth’s Atmosphere. Now that anthropogenic climate change has become a serious problem, many environmental scientists as well as activist argue if the damage that has taken place is irreversible. Many argue the Earth has a chance at surviving the damage anthropogenic climate change has caused as long as less gas emersion takes place, while others feel the immediate actions taking place will not be effective enough to have a positive long term effect on the environment.
What’s really happening?
The earth receives energy from the sun and then radiates much of this energy back toward space. However, the EPA research shows certain gases in the atmosphere called “greenhouse” gases absorb some of the outgoing energy and trap it in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are any gases whose absorption of solar radiation is responsible for the greenhouse effect, including carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and the fluorocarbons. The

Greenhouse effect occurs naturally, however human activities have substantially increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the...

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...duce energy use, then there is no hope for change in the near future to come.

Environmental Protection Agency. (2010). Energy Star. Retrieved from:
Environmental Protection Agency. (2007). Climate change. Retrieved from
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (2007). Climate change. Working group 1: The scientific basics. Retrieved from http://www.grida/climate/IPCC_tar/wgi/044/htm
Mata-Toledo, R., & Gupta, P. (2011). Green data center: How green can we perform? Journal of technology research, 2, 1-8. Retrieved from
Shoemaker, P. & Day, G. (2010). Innovating in uncertain markets: 10 lessons for green technology. MIT Sloan -management review, 52 (4), 37-45. Retrieved from

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