Understanding Individual Resistance in Organizational Change

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Due to economic environment that is increasingly volatile, change is necessary and inevitable within any organisation with resistance to change as a key concept (Hayes 2010). It’s been suggested that one of the main reasons organisation face resistance is due to “Parochial self- interest”, whereby some individuals are more concerned with their individual vested interest and how it will be compromised when the change takes place (Agocs 1997). It’s been suggest that the most important aspect of an organisational change is to understand an individual resistance “groups don’t change, teams don’t change, and companies don’t change: people change” (Kotze 2006), hence individual behaviour within the organisation determines the outcome (Hayes 2010). According to Mullins (2005) despite the outcome, change is often resisted at both the individual and the company level. Also both Molinsky (1999) and Agocs (1997) attribute resistance to managers (primary change agents) as well as to employees. Agocs (1997) argues that not only do individuals experience change in different ways, they also vary in their ability and willingness to adapt to change. Organisation need to understand that emotion plays a significant role in contributing to the interaction of the individuals within the group that is likely to reconfirm self of the individual (Kool, and Dierendonck 2012). In term of employees resistance is often cause by fear of the unknown, habit, inertia, conformity and so on, however organisation itself can contribute to resistance. The beliefs themselves are established and embedded within the organization, and those in power control resources. These dominant individuals hold the power to resist change when change is threatening to their positions... ... middle of paper ... ...ing assumption, motives and political gain which the individual seeks to gain or lose at end of the transition of change. Organisation politics should be considered as complex variables that are interconnected due to the self-interest of the individual within the group. Also, organisations should be aware of the different political personalities that exist within a group and be able manage these personalities. Furthermore, negative financial implication when the change does take place would be perceived as inequitable and unfair by individual because the lack of personal gain. In addition, the highly hierarchal structure can often increase the individual resistance and group resistance because the apex may want the change primarily to serve their own self-interest without taking into consideration the self-interest of the operational core and middle management.

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