Wantage Essays

  • Our Lady's role in the Ballad of the White Horse

    686 Words  | 2 Pages

    1. Our Lady's role in the Ballad of the White Horse as portrayed in books I, II, and VII. King Alfred of Wessex, ruler of southern England in ninth-century, is the main character in G.K. Chesterton's compelling poem, The Ballad of the White Horse. During a time when the pagan Danes threaten to destroy the societal values Western Europeans had spent centuries building, Alfred, his chiefs, and his Christian armies receive inspiration to continue the battle for Christendom from Our Lady. For though

  • Industrial Visit to White Horse Leisure Centre, Wantage

    1146 Words  | 3 Pages

    Industrial Visit to White Horse Leisure Centre, Wantage Introduction ============ I visited the White Horse Leisure Centre in Wantage, this is the local town sports centre. Its facilities include a swimming pool, gym, dance studio, tennis courts and large sports hall where many activities take place such as basketball, badminton and trampolining. Physics is used through out the sports centre in the equipment and the building itself, I am looking at two of these situations where physics

  • Just How Unified Was The Kingdom Of England By C-1000?

    1789 Words  | 4 Pages

    After separation from Rome in 410 AD, it would be another five centuries before England would be ruled again as a singular entity. When Æthelstan (r.924-939) captured York in 927 he became the first West Saxon king to rule over all of England, and in a wonderful panegyric, Petrus explains this event in epigrammatic style: ista perfecta Saxonia (this Saxon land now made whole) . From Æthelstan’s death to the first reign of Æthelred the Unrædy (r.978-1013) the perfecta Saxonia underwent a process of

  • Research Paper On King Alfred The Great

    572 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alfred was the only english leader to be called “ The Great”. He founded the britsih army and navy in 890 AD. In his defeat of the Danes at Ashdown and Rochester and The battle of Edington which made him Alfred was born in the village of Wanting, now Wantage Oxfordshire. He was the youngest of five kids. In 853 AD at the age of four Alfred was sent to Rome, where he was anointed by Pope Leo IV. Around 858 AD Alfred's father Ethelwulf died and alfred's eldest brother Aethelbald took over as king. In 865

  • Susan Travers and the French Foreign Legion

    1089 Words  | 3 Pages

    mother for her money and the union was not an especially happy one. Susan;s childhood was comfortable but over-strict, and she had her most enjoyable times away from her parents with her grandmother in Devon. She was sent to school at St Mary’s, Wantage- an experience which she did not remember fondly- but during the First World War her father had been put in charge of marine transport at Marseilles (where his own father had once been British Consul), and in 1921 he decid... ... middle of paper

  • King Alfred the Great

    1303 Words  | 3 Pages

    King Alfred the Great King Alfred the Great was born at Wantage, in 849, on a royal manor of his father's holding, a family estate which long afterward he himself would leave in legacy to his wife. Alfred was the youngest of five children, four sons and a daughter, born to Ethelwulf by his wife Osburh. When Alfred was four years old, his father, the king, who by now had long despaired of getting to Rome in the present state of things, decided to send Alfred there, to at least receive the blessing

  • The Reign of King Alfred

    1980 Words  | 4 Pages

    worthy of the title. Because of King Alfred’s reign, Britain was shaped to be what it is today. Therefore, King Alfred created modern Britain and without him and his government, Britain would be much different than it is now. King Alfred was born in Wantage, Berkshire in 848. Alfred was the son of the king of the West Saxons, Aethulwulf. When Alfred was a young child, his father made a mutual agreement with him and his four older brothers that if Aethulwulf were to die then the older brothers would take