“One out of every two hundred homes will be foreclosed every month, making 205,000 new families enter into foreclosure,” Mortgage Bankers Association. The housing industry in the United States is undergoing an unfortunate crisis. There are way too many homes being foreclosed, which cause a ripple of problems. President Obama has been brave to take office in a time of need. Creating plans like the Recovery Act is a wonderful start in fixing this problem. Unfortunately much more needs to be done in
bill. This bill made it illegal for government officials to solicit naval yard workers for money (Fuller). In 1907, the Tillman Act was passed. This act prohibits corporations and national banks from contributing money directly to presidential or congressional campaigns. This law only applied to general elections and was ineffective due to loopholes (Rowan). The Federal Corrupt Practices Act was passed in 1910. It requires House candidates to disclose campaign spending and the source of all campaign