focuses on modeling the errors which normally degrade the accuracy of Global Poisoning System (GPS). The performance of the GPS is mainly affected by ionospheric errors. SiRF Star III single frequency receiver is used for collecting and projecting datum in World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84) co-ordinate form. To project the ellipsoidal model onto a map model, datum conversion from WGS-84 to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) form is needed. The conversion introduces errors in the datum. The variation
of Mulhouse in 1728, Lambert died at the age of forty-nine. He is widely regarded for his invention of the Hygrometer, which is used to measure moisture in the air. Lambert is also credited for his achievement in Lambert-Beer-Bouguer Law and Transverse Mercator Projection. Johann Heinrich Lambert didn’t come from the wealthiest of families. His parents were tailors. Therefore, at the age of twelve, recognizing his family’s financial condition, Lambert ceased traditional education and dropped out of