Mulhouse in 1728, Lambert died at the age of forty-nine. He is widely regarded for his invention of the Hygrometer, which is used to measure moisture in the air. Lambert is also credited for his achievement in Lambert-Beer-Bouguer Law and Transverse Mercator Projection. Johann Heinrich Lambert didn’t come from the wealthiest of families. His parents were tailors. Therefore, at the age of twelve, recognizing his family’s financial condition, Lambert ceased traditional education and dropped out of school
A map projection is defined as “a geometrical transformation of the earth’s spherical or ellipsodial surface onto a flat map surface.” Although many things have been written about these projections, people still find this subject to be one of the most contraversial aspects of map use. Many professionals admit that they don’t completely understand map projections. This shortcoming unfortunately can have consequenes. First, it hinders their abilty to understand to understand the international relationships
We have eyes to see with, ears to hear with, why then do we err? We have been blessed with five senses that we are expected to survive with. But as technologies improve and our knowledge is broadened, the more we realize that our senses are not as glorious as previously thought. Indeed, man has been blessed with eyes and ears, yet he still errs. What he sees before him, is it correct? What he hears and what he is told, is it inaccurate? Our perception of our world has been shaped by centuries
errors. SiRF Star III single frequency receiver is used for collecting and projecting datum in World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84) co-ordinate form. To project the ellipsoidal model onto a map model, datum conversion from WGS-84 to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) form is needed. The conversion introduces errors in the datum. The variation in the errors can be observed from day to night, area to area and also due to the seasonal changes. The datum is collected from Ameerpet region of Hyderabad,