Tom Magliozzi Essays

  • Some Words in the English Language Should Be Given Strict Definitions and a Limit for Its Use

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    the language. Sometimes confusion begins when the use of a common word is given a new definition. While one writer, Ray Magliozzi (the host of the award-winning show Car Talk) dislikes the use of the word “tall” replacing “small” at Starbucks. Magliozzi describes Starbucks as “the Tall/Short Mafia” and is upset with the way they describe the cup sizes for the drinks. Magliozzi says, “Now as good as their coffee is, they have unnecessarily complicated my life and probably everyone else’s life, too

  • Ballistics

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    pack the powder in the killer’s gun. The prime suspect in the killing was a man named John Toms. When a piece of newspaper found in Toms’ pocket was compared with the piece found in the wound, the pieces fit together like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Based on the evidence, Toms was easily convicted. The Toms case was probably the first in America in which ballistics was used to solve a crime. Much like in Toms case, most investigations start with a crime having been committed. Forensic ballistics

  • Rear Window, by Alfred Hitchcock

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    that it is not just Stella. Stella is just the only one who speaks out about it. You must observe all the other characters actions and reactions to truly see. Stella tells Jeffries that “we have become a race of peeping toms” and that “the only thing that can come out of peeping toms is trouble”. In no way do those comments make Jefferies feel like what his is doing is wrong. By his reactions to Stella’s comments you actually feel like they encourage him to continue watching his neighbors from his

  • Negative View of Money in Great Gatsby

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    we must consider how money has corrupted the individuals in "The Great Gatsby". Toms is said to have been a handsome and athletic football player in his college years, and has now become and old bulky man with thinning hair and at times displays a sinister personality. "Tom Buchannan's wealth has rendered him cruel, arrogant, and immoral; he is driven entirely by power." (Lathbury 62) This exposes to us that Tom is a cruel and immoral individual because of wealth, and that beyond a doubt he has

  • Free Glass Menagerie Essays: The Destruction of Laura

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    mother and brother shared some of her fragile tendencies. Amanda, Laura's mother, continually lives in the past. Her reflection of her teenage years continually haunts Laura. To the point where she forces her to see a "Gentleman Caller" it is then that Tom reminds his mother not to "expect to much of Laura" she is unlike other girls. But Laura's mother has not allowed herself nor the rest of the family to see Laura as different from other girls. Amanda continually lives in the past when she was young

  • Comparing Rugby and Football

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    Comparing Rugby and Football The thick, broad-shouldered athlete breathes heavily and grunts with each step as he and his teammates push mightily against the opposition. His arms are locked over his teammates' shoulders, all of their heads down. The two teams are pushing against each other like two moose fighting over territory. He looks down to see the ball, sitting just in front of his feet. If he could just hook it with his foot and heave it to his teammate behind him… This is what every

  • Great Gatsby

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    Nick Carraway the narrator of The Great Gatsby, has qualities which are the complete opposite of those of Tom Buchanan, his cousin-in-law. In the novel, the author, F. Scott Fitzgerald, uses the comparison between two cousins to show how their differing characteristics reflects the themes of morality and reality versus illusion. One of Nick’s Characteristics, that is incompatible with Toms is that Nick is cautious when speaking. On an occasion when Mr. Gatz said something that Nick disagreed

  • Blackfish as a Platform for Animal Rights

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    The death of Dawn Brancheau made national news back in 2010. Dawn was working as an orca trainer at the SeaWorld of Orlando when the tragic accident occurred. While doing a relationship session with Tilikum, the largest orca in captivity, Dawn was pulled into the water and drowned. It was a story that not only shocked the nation but left people wondering how something so horrible could happen. Gabriela Cowperthwaite‘s use of the accounts of retired SeaWorld trainers exposed the harsh reality of captured

  • Summary of the Movie Forrest Gump

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    innocence and purity of Forrest Gump. The bus stop is where Forrest initiates the storytelling and continues to tell his life story to each and every person he comes in contact with at the bus stop. Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks) is a mentally challenged man (Zemeckis & Roth, 1994). Tom Hank’s performance is so believable and outstanding. He’s dressed in a suit in the sultry heat of Georgia, but the setting on the bench is shaded as the sun is shining in the background. The camera stays on Forrest

  • Parallels Between the Life of Ken Kesey and One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest

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    ed. Ipwich: Salem, 2006. 1-8. Literary Reference Center. Web. 10 Apr. 2014. Reilly, Edward C., and David W. Cole. “Ken Kesey.” Critical Survey of Long Fiction. 4th ed. Ipwich: Salem, 2010. 1-9. Literary Reference Center. Web. 10 Apr. 2014. Wolfe, Tom. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. New York: Picador, 1968. Print.

  • Huckleberry Finn: Friendships Despite Racism and Slavery

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    “He ain’t no slave; he’s as free as any cretur that walks this earth!” (Twain289). Tom Sawyer, one of the main characters in Mark Twain’s novel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, said these words in defense of his friend Jim, when someone tried to return this once-enslaved man back to his former obligations. This classical novel is about a boy named Huck, and a runaway slave named Jim. Huck escaped his town and ran off with Jim, traveling along the Mississippi River. They confronted many obstacles

  • Huck and Jim's Friendship in Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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    Mississippi River. Huck came from a broken home. Miss Watson and her sister Widow Douglas takes Huck into their home and tries to civilize him by forcing him to go to school and to church. Huck feels trapped and decides to take off and meet up with Tom Sawyer. Tom reminds Huck of the person that he wants to be; a person who has freedom and adventure. The two older ladies do not give Huck the feeling of belonging to something like Tom’s little adventure gang. Huck realizes Tom’s adventures are just make-believe

  • Forrest Gump Movie Review Essay

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    Forrest Gump Movie Review Essay Often, hardships such as war, separation from the ones you love, terrorism, and bullying can bring your self esteem, motivation, and even personality down to a lower level. It can be difficult to stay strong and keep progressing with the many misfortunes that can occur. Likewise, Robert Zemeckis’ Forrest Gump shows how the protagonist, Forrest Gump, deals with and reacts to all the adversity that happens in the society and in his family and friends as well. Forrest

  • Animals Rights and Religion Analysis

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    Animals Right and Religion Analysis In his essay “Religion and Animal Rights," the writer Tom Regan maintains the place that animals are "subjects-of-a-life”, like humans. If we value all beings regardless of the degree of human rationality that are able to act, we must also attribute to animals or as it is called non-human animals as well. All practices involving abuse of animals should be abolished. The animals have an intrinsic value as humans, and stresses that Christian theology has brought

  • Gatsby versus Huckleberry Finn: A Battle between the Two Greatest

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    lies and deceit, and education; they both have common archetypes like water, darkness, and innate wisdom versus educated stupidity; the community in one novel parallels the other (Huckleberry Finn versus Nick Carraway, Tom Sawyer versus Jay Gatsby, 1830s American society versus Tom Buchanan); and both settings are accurate in depicting the real environment and time period the characters would have lived in, thanks to the authors writing their novels based on the location and time in which they had

  • Self Reliance In Huck Finn

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    Andrew Almeida Huck Finn Self Reliance This quote from Lauren Oliver speaks volumes on the mindset of Huck Finn; “I’d rather die my way than live yours.” Huck Finn is a young kid growing up in at a very chaotic time in America. Many ideas and bias are either forced upon him or he has no help but experiencing. Rather than putting up with this Huck decides he would be better off on his own as opposed to trying to adapt to everyone else's standards. Living by himself lead to many more challenges and

  • Physical Journeys

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    A physical journey occurs as a direct result of travelling from one place to another over land, sea or even space. The physical journey can occur individually or collectively, but always involves more than mere movement. Instead physical journeys are accompanied by inner growth and development, catalysed by the experiences and the decisions that impact the outcome of the journey. These journey concepts and the interrelationship between physical and emotional journeys is exemplified in the text; The

  • Opening Battle Scenes in "Saving Private Ryan," Directed by Steven Spielberg

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    Spielberg in 1998. It was written by Robert Rodat, who was inspired to write a script based on a monument he had visited which was dedicated to four brothers from the American Civil War. Some famous actors star in the film including Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Vin Diesel and Tom Sizemore. I think Saving Private Ryan is very emotional and has a great effect on the audience. This is because of all the action and emotions that the soldiers are going through in the battle, and it also shows what really happened

  • Should Huckleberry Finn Be Banned from Society?

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    First off, I would like to ask you if you think Huckleberry Finn should be banned from society? With that question in mind I would like to tell you why it should not. The Novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, according to an offended citizen, that the novel "should be removed from schools curriculum and expunged from public library shelves." This novel is already banned from all black schools and Christian schools for the profusely use of the "N" word and the insults of religion by

  • How do you imagine heaven?

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    Have you ever watched “Tom and Jerry” when you were young? There was one episode I saw when I was young is called “Heaven Pass”. That Tom is in a dream he tried to gets into heaven, because his whole life was trying to kill Jerry, therefore he could not get in. The only way was to get Jerry sign the forgive Tom certificate then he would be able to get in. From them on I started to imagine where I would go when I die? What heaven look like? One sunny day, I was sitting on a swing branch steering at