The Strong Breed Essays

  • The Strong Breed Soyinka Beloved

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    Reader Response Essay - On The Strong Breed Reading Wole Soyinka’s Strong Breed, I get to wondering about disclosure and ritual, disclosure between characters and to audiences, rituals of drama and religion. As I read the play, I see ample signs that both Sunma and Eman know about the curse-binding ritual that is to take place before midnight. I see signs of Sunma’s more specific knowledge in her shunning of Ifada from the start of the play. She declares, “Get away, idiot” (853). From

  • Isolation In The Dance and the Railroad and The Strong Breed

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    Isolation In The Dance and the Railroad and The Strong Breed An overall theme of isolation permeates through both Wole Soyinka’s The Strong Breed and David Henry Hwang’s The Dance and the Railroad. Every character in these two plays suffers from some form of isolation from the rest of their society. Although Hwang’s Lone and Soyinka’s Girl are isolated for markedly different reasons and take opposite roads in their character growth, they share many similarities including often mirroring their

  • Ritualistic Sacrifice in The Strong Breed

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    Soyinka’s writings are clearly influenced by Yoruba culture and practices. Communities and societies in Africa today religiously partake in ancient rituals that some may consider extreme, such as cannibalism and self-mutilation. In the village in The Strong Breed, the extent to which individuals will go in order to rid a community of its sins and faults is tested by the sadistic annual sacrificial killing of an innocent individual for communal benefit. Wole Soyinka introduces ritualistic human societies

  • Catahoula Research Paper

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    cutest breeds. Every dog has to grow up and they no longer have the puppy appearance, but the Catahoula is a striking breed and through out history has kept its name to be one of the most dashing breeds. The Catahoula comes from a long blood line of wild and domesticated dogs. ''War dogs'' are dogs that the English French and Hispanic people used in the 16th century, for tracking hunting and they were used in wars. There are three different breeds of war dogs. The Mastiff was English, this breed stands

  • The Boxer vs. The American Staffordshire Terrier

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    These two breeds, the Boxer and the American Staffordshire Terrier are a great fit to family life. It been said that dog is man's best friend, and because of this, it makes them great companions. For instance, when an owner tells his dog that he is a good boy, the dog happily wags its tail. Then, there are those times when an owner has to discipline his or her dog; it creeps away with that sad puppy dog look. The Boxer, and the American Staffordshire Terrier; have some similarities, but are different

  • Boxer vs. American Staffordshire Terrier

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    What makes these two dogs so similar is that they are two of the top most popular breeds here in the United States. It has been said that dogs is man's best friend, and because of this, it makes them great companions. These two breeds, the Boxer and the American Staffordshire terrier fit very easily into family life. When an owner tells his dog that he is a good boy, the dog happily wags its tail. Then, there are those times when an owner has to discipline his dog, the dog, then creeps away with

  • American Pitbull Theories

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    today’s American Pitbull Terrier. A lot of Americans claim some type of confusion with the Pit bull label. Technically the word “Pit bull” does not justify with any specific breed of dog, but it more often gives a false accusation of a variety of distinct breeds. Since they have comparable body and head structures, many breeds are falsely taken as pit bulls which also includes the Pitbull terrier, the Staffordshire bulldog terrier, or the American bulldog. Throughout time, dog breeders have distinguished

  • Dog Breeds: Akita

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    Akita History A breed that is native to Japan, this hunting dog dates all the way back to the 17th century. The name “Akita” comes from the mountain region where the breed originates. There, the Akita was called matagi, or “esteemed dog hunter.” In Japan, the breed is believed to be a symbol of good health, and is known as a loyal defender of the family. The Akita is the product of generations of selective breeding, and ownership was once limited to members of the Imperial family or Japanese aristocracy

  • Pit Bulls Should Not Be Banned Research Paper

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    Did you know that your pet could be in danger? There's a vote going around to ban aggressive dog breeds. The reason for this is that people think that some dog breeds are too aggressive, and should be taken away from owners worldwide. But this isn’t true. Studies have shown that no dog is inherently aggressive, and that any dog can be trained to be just as aggressive. Most of the time, the environment has more of an effect on a dog’s nature. Most dogs are aggressive because of their environment

  • Stereotypes: A Brief History Of The Doberman

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    1880’s in Germany and because of this they are an exceptionally historic breed. In this essay I will be going over some crucial parts of the doberman’s life like health and history. To be specific, I will be informing you about the creation of the breed, what you need to know before getting one, their health concerns, and addressing some stereotypes and answering common questions. My first topic is a brief history of the breed. The doberman was bred in Germany by a tax collector/policeman/runner of

  • Persuasive Essay On Pitbulls

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    I feel the dog restrictions in Shullsburg are limiting the lifestyles for both specific dog breeds as well as their owners. When I say I have a pit bull does that frighten you? For most people it does, even though it shouldn’t. Did you know that pit bull isn’t just one breed of a dog? There are seven different dog breeds that are classified as pits. My puppy, a terrier, lab, retriever, and pit bull mix, is both loving and affectionate, but because she is part pit bull people already have a bad image

  • Do Pit Bulls Make Good Pets?

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    “If somebody is too stupid to understand the fundamental immorality of dog fighting, you’re never going to be able to explain it to him” (Kevin Hench). Most people think that pit bulls have locking jaws. This is false however; no dog breed in the whole world has locking jaws. Dogs are not always aggressive how they are raised and trained determines the behavior of a dog. Dogs have tendencies to be aggressive only if not trained properly. The discrimination against pit bulls is wrong and uncalled

  • Should Pitbulls Be Kept As Pets Research Paper

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    of that isnt the pit bulls fault now am I saying that pit bulls arent fully at fault and never did anything wrong? No im saying its not all their fault. Another reason people should be allowed to keep pit bulls as pets is because, like any other breed, they can be loyal and loving companions. Despite the negative stereotypes surrounding them, pit bulls are often friendly, intelligent, and sensitive dogs. With proper training, socialization, and care, pit bulls can make wonderful family pets. In

  • Character Analysis: I Am Malala '

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    conflict with their strength and honor.The stories of Anne Frank, I am malala,also dear miss breed Help show that strength and honor are the best ways to react during conflict. Anne Frank shows that her home is her strength she brings things to keep her mind on what happened in the house not during the war.Malala shows that you fight in what you believe in. Dear miss Breed shows that if you're mentally strong you can get through anything. By using strength and honor is the best way of solving conflict

  • Informative Essay On Pitbulls

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    the face by a dog what breed would pop up into your head at first? It would be assumed that it was pitbull breed. In actuality pitbull dogs are one of the most lovable and caring breeds but have the highest misconception of being rather vicious and attack dogs. Like many other breeds pitbulls are breed to do something in their lives but the pitbulls are given the most media attention as their bred to be big,strong, and protective. There is a lot of good truth behind the breed of the pitbull but the

  • Informative Essay On Pitbulls

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    . Pitbulls are great dogs to have as pets and security,if they are raised right they can be very good family d About Pitbullsogs.Pitbulls are usually very strong dogs and can also be very fast.There are many different types of pitbulls and they are all round the world,there are English pitbulls,American pitbulls,Staffordshire pitbulls etc.But along with being family dogs they can also be quite aggressive depending on the owner.Over the years pitbulls have developed a bad reputation because

  • The Pit Bulls: The Dangers Of Pitbulls

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    feared, misunderstood, and abused breed of dog. Some commonly known reasons that they are considered to be so dangerous is because of their tendency to "lock their jaws" and their underdevelopment of the skull. Due to how the brain grows, the skull will crush the brain and mess with its function. Although these are only two reasons giving detail as to why one may think pit bulls are dangerous, there are dozens to prove how they are just as friendly as any other breed. Contrary to people 's belief, pit

  • Pit Bulls Vs Chihuahua

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    stay at a shelter is a quick stop, and for others, it may last a lifetime, but for the purpose of this essay, the dogs spoken of will be thought of at no-kill shelters. Two breeds find it increasingly hard to catch the eye of their potential adopters: Those two breeds are the Pit bull and the Chihuahua. Why would these two breeds have such a hard time being adopted? Pit bulls and Chihuahuas are greatly overlooked in shelters, and this essay will compare and contrast the things that keep these dogs

  • What Is The Airedale Terrier?

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    Terrier is said to originate from England. The largest of the terrier breeds, occasionally called “King of Terriers” due to its size, may be known as Waterside Terrier, the Working Terrier and the Bingley Terrier. Airedales ancestry supposedly includes terriers and hounds, but is believed to be a cross breed between the Otterhound and English Terrier. Use The Airedale Terrier has a range of duties starting from being the first breed in Great Britain and Germany to be police dogs, assisting in the war

  • Aussie (dog)

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    stimulation and activity. There are very few breeds of dogs capable of performing as many different jobs as the Australian Shepherd. The breed's easy trainability, intelligence, common sense and problem solving abilities, combined with a medium sized build, easy to care for coat, strong will to work and incredible loyalty make for a great working and playing companion. Australian Shepherd, also known as Spanish Shepherd, New Mexican Shepherd, or California Shepherd, breed of herding dog developed in the United