Swiss Essays

  • Swiss Government

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    Zurich. During the Napoleonic era that followed, Switzerland was occupied by the French, who imposed their institutions on the country. This all ended with the defeat of the French and the convening of the Congress of Vienna in 1815, which guaranteed Swiss neutrality for the foreseeable future.

  • The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss

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    The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss is a story about a family who are shipwrecked on an uninhabited island. The ship was being tossed by angry waves. The whole crew and captain had deserted their ship only to perish to the sea. The only ones remaining on board was the Robinson family. When the storm was over, they discussed about how to get to shore. After much thinking, they built a sort of raft big enough for the family of six, taking with them

  • How the Super Rich Take Advantage of Swiss Banks

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    banking-secrecy laws, Swiss private banking is in good shape. Customers value Switzerland for its security, political stability and stable currency, and have continued to pour in new money over the past two years. Tax evasion isn't as important as sometimes supposed; much of the money coming in is from regions with low tax rates, like the Middle East and Asia. With the super-rich likely to see their wealth rise significantly in the coming years, the future is bright for Swiss banks. But, this also

  • Swiss Air And The Dissolution Of The Qualifier Group

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    Aircraft of Swiss Air were grounded in Zurich back in 2001 due to the lack of cash flow. There was so little money left that there was not enough money to pay for fuel. This was even more surprising since this airline was in one of the richest countries in the world, Switzerland. Swissair managed to establish itself as a quality airline throughout its home country of Switzerland and in Europe. Swiss Air celebrated its 70th birthday in March that year with no indications of what would happen in

  • The Art of the Postage Stamp

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    I rarely stop to closely examine these gems. A square inch canvass can often reward the viewer more than a mural will. With his unique Picasso meets Dali style, Hans Erni rekindled my interest in stamp collecting. Born in Lucerne, Erni shared my Swiss heritage as well as boasting a considerable amount of artistic prowess. More than 90 postage stamps from Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and the United Nations feature his designs (American Sport Art Museum). In addition to the traditional challenges

  • Switzerland

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    French and the Italian. Two thirds of the Swiss population lives in the Plateau, between Lake Geneva and Lake Constance, in 30 percent of the country’s surface area. There are 450 people to every 1 km2 (1,166 per square mile). This makes the country one of the most densely populated regions of Europe and a promising prospect for marketing a product. The country that we know today took its final shape only in 1848. Before that time, we cannot really speak of "Swiss history," but rather the history of its

  • The Swiss Sanatorium

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    I. Summary “[The] Swiss Sanatorium Society is a fabrication, and its very foundations have compromised its goodness,” Linda De Roche argues in her article explaining the false ideas behind the sanatoriums that the character Nicole Diver, from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “Tender Is the Night” and Zelda Sayre, Fitzgerald’s wife, experienced during their rehabilitation (De Roche 50). The article makes connections to the false concepts that the public received about the mentioned sanatoriums in Switzerland

  • The Life of Albert Einstein

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    with his family in Milan. At the age of sixteen, Einstein took the entrance exam for a school that would give him a degree in electrical engineering, and failed. Einstein attended a Swiss school to prepare to take the exam again, and found that he so much preferred the less regimented system of teaching and the Swiss democratic attitude that he relinquished his German citizenship. On his second attempt to enter the University, one year later, he passed and was admitted for a degree in science and

  • Le Corbusier

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    constituent parts that they hold in common. These are types of form as opposed to particular designs. Cities depend on the repetition of these types for the heterogeneity, the redundancy and the complexity of their structure. Le Corbusier, the great Swiss Architect is often mistaken as being of French origin. In actuality, he was born in 1887 as Charles Edouard Jeanneret in La Chaux-de-fonds, a watch-making city in Switzerland. He left school at age 13 to learn the trade of engraving watch faces. Encouraged

  • Addressing Crime in America in John J. DiIulio's Article, Let 'em Rot

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    Addressing Crime in America in John J. DiIulio's Article, Let 'em Rot John J. DiIulio, Jr. writes his article, "Let 'em Rot," in response to the State of the Union Address by President Clinton in January of 1994. In this article he focuses on the continually increasing crime problem in America. DiIulio feels that a change is needed in the way this country handles the punishment and rehabilitation of criminals. He makes a claim of policy that criminals should serve their entire prison sentences

  • Fighting the Vietnam War and Communism

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    servicemen. These men, along with every other individual involved, went through a dramatic experience that will forever haunt their lives. Their minds are filled with scenes of exploding buildings, rape, cold-blooded killing, and bodies that resemble Swiss cheese. Part of this assignment is to describe my impressions of the Vietnam War and its impact on the men who fought it. This is a very difficult task. No matter how many articles and stories I read, I will never truly understand the pain and anguish

  • College Admissions Essays - Something Daring and New

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    College Admissions Essays - Something Daring and New Think about something you never did in high school but wish you had done. Now imagine your time at college. Propose taking up something daring and new, and describe how it might affect your life. For years I have harbored a secret desire to become a cheese aficionado. This is not entirely arbitrary. Cheese, as an independent entity outside of any broader alimentary context, is at once worldly and whimsical. It provides the ideal complement

  • Peace of Westphalia

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    Holy Roman Empire was officially dissolved with the Peace of Westphalia. This had been advanced with the drawing of internal religious frontiers in the days of Luther, although now it was confirmed. Borderlands of the Empire fell away. The Dutch and Swiss established themselves as independent, as did the United Provinces. The western frontier of the Empire was carved up among France, Sweden and the Dutch. France took control over three Lorraine bishoprics which they had occupied for a century. The Swedes

  • Banner in the Sky by James Ramsey Ullman

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    She does not want Rudi to become a guide like his father because she fears that he will die the same way. John winter is a famous guide in Switzerland. Rudi saved his life and now Winter wants him to climb the Citadel with him. Emil Saxo is a famous Swiss guide form the village of Broli. Winter asks him to be the guide for the journey up the Citadel. Rudi Matt has been given a chance to avenge his father’s death when Capt. John Winter asks him to climb the Citadel, the last unconquered peak in the Alps

  • Albert Einstein

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    and then enrolled at the Swiss National Polytechnic in Zurich. School there was no less exciting for him than it was before, and Einstein often cut classes, using the time to study physics on his own or practice on his violin. He graduated in 1900, but his professors did not think very highly of him and would not recommend him for a university job. Einstein worked for two years as a tutor and substitute teacher until in 1902 he found a position as an examiner in the Swiss patent office in Bern. In

  • An Interview with Albert Einstein

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    I attempted to attend I was accepted. This new place was named the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. This new college was located in Zurich, Italy. In 1896 I started my freshman year of college. Even though I commonly missed classes due to me testing theories, and such. I passed all my examinations with the reviewing of my friends' notes; thus I graduated in 1900 JB: According to my sources you became a naturalized Swiss citizen in 1901. Can you tell us why you became a N... ... middle

  • The Death of Adolf Hitler

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    that Hitler was still alive gathered pace. There were many sightings. Among the first, it was reported that Hitler had been seen living as a hermit in a cave near Lake Garda in northern Italy. Another report had it that he was now a shepherd in the Swiss Alps, a third that he was a croupier at a casino in Evian. He was seen at Grenoble, St Gallen and even off the Irish coast. Viewed from this distance, each of these accounts appears fantastic and incredible. But that was not how they were seen at

  • Why Must We Dream in Metaphors?

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    might hear a car coming down the street and from the noise of the engine discern a kind of secret knowledge, an awareness, that is lost on other hearers. The strong arm of metaphor has led to statements like, "Thatís why schema theory is a kind of Swiss army knife" or "using consultation is like deciding whether to fix your own transmission". Also: good teaching is very often about finding metaphors that give students another way of relating new material to what they have already more or less experienced

  • The Physicists

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    The Physicists The Physicists is a satiric play written by the Swiss author Friedrich Dürrenmatt about three physicists who are living in the private sanatorium " Les Cerisiers " headed by the last living member of an old regional aristocratic family, Miss Dr. h.c. Dr. med. Mathilde Von Zahnd. The first one thinks he is Sir Isaac Newton, but he is in reality Herbert Georg Beutler, the second one thinks he is Albert Einstein and his real name is Ernst Heinrich Ernesti. The third physicist, Johann

  • The Tragedy of Mileva Maric Einstein - Einstein's First Wife

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    scientist, gone unnoticed. Mileva "was born in Hungary in 1875, with a hip deformity and a good mind" (Storey 31). Although women did not usually pursue science degrees, she had won top marks in her class for math and physics, and was sent on to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich the same year as Einstein (Grenier B05). She was one of five in their class; Mileva and Albert both specialized in theoretical physics. Mileva attended classes and took notes for both of them. They studied