Snell Memorial Foundation Essays

  • The Motorcycle Helmet Law Debate

    2192 Words  | 5 Pages

    People should not have to wear helmets because non-helmet usage dose not cost the government more money then helmet usage in a crash there is no difference between injuries with a helmet and without a helmet, and a helmet limits personal freedom. Living in Wisconsin we see see many motorcyclist ride without helmets many non motorcyclist think that that rider is irresponsible or he has a death wish and that they are costing them more money in there taxes thats just not true many motorcyclist have

  • Helmet Safety Essay

    1976 Words  | 4 Pages

    The helmet and its improvements for safety. Bicycles, the one way we got to move around as kids, and as adults it is the one way we get around too, because cars are mainstream. Safety is an issue when it comes to bicycling and that why the helmet is an important factor when it comes to safety for bikes. Every year, in the U.S, nearly 900 persons die from injuries due to bicycle crashes and over 500,000 persons are being treated in emergency departments. Head injuries are by far the greatest concern

  • David Leavitt's The Lost Language Of Cranes

    939 Words  | 2 Pages

    David Leavitt was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on June 23, 1961, the son of Harold Jack Leavitt and Gloria Rosenthal Leavitt. David was raised in Palo Alto, California after his family moved there. David also had 2 other siblings, a brother, John, and a sister, Emily. (David Leavitt Biography, 2015) The early years of his life were a bit nomadic. The family had to move frequently, following the course of his father’s career. His father, Harold, taught at Rensselear, then at the University of