Signifier Essays

  • Magazine Analysis

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    Maclean’s is a Canadian news magazine established in 1905 by John Bayne Maclean. Distributed weekly, it is Canada’s only national current affairs magazine; it covers such matters as politics, international affairs, social issues, business and culture. On average, the magazine circulates 366,394 issues per week and has a readership of 2,753,000. 51% of readers are men and 49% are women, with an average age of 45 years old. On October 11th, 2007, Volume 120 Number 41, October 22nd, 2007 issue (Figure

  • A Rhetorical Analysis Of Lucozade Signifiers

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    Within this analytical deconstruction of Lucozade sport, the major signifiers being assessed within the chosen advertisement are the use of a celebrity and individual male located at the bottom right of the advertisement. As for the second set of signifiers; the slogan, written text and scientific display of graphs which are strategically positioned at the top left of the advertisement for the reader’s benefit. The third set of signifiers consists of the background,

  • Visual Signifiers In Crash, Haggis, And Amores Perros

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    filmed in popular cities, yet each film shows a perspective of the city that people who don’t live there aren’t often able to see. Set in Los Angeles, Crash shows none of the popular visual signifiers those who aren’t familiar with the city would use to identify it. That said, there are many visual signifiers within both films which denote class difference between the characters. The differences in the classes are primarily shown to the audience through their clothing, and through their interior

  • Ferdinand De Saussure Sign And Signification

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    linguistics. Saussure developed the historical study of languages to what most know as semiology – the study of signs. He defines the sign as a dualistic notion, consisting of the signifier and the signified. The signifier is a form linked to an idea, whereas the signified is an idea or concept linked to the signifier (Torres, 2017). The sign is the union of the word and the idea. One key argument discussed in the Nature of the Linguistic Sign is that the relationship between the two parts of a

  • Perversity and Lawrence’s Prussian Officer

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    the arbitrary relationship between the signifier (a word, or even a sound), and the signified (the meaning we give to the word or sound in our minds).  For example, the word "can" signifies a cylindrical container to me, but could mean something entirely different to someone who does not understand English.  The relationship of the word "can" to a can is completely subjective.  It's nothing but a trigger for my pre-existing notion of a can. SIGNIFIER (CAN) SIGN =SIGNIFIED (CYLINDRICAL CONTAINER)

  • Jacques Derrida's On Logocentrism And The Philosophy Of Language

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    word if it is merely seen as an external representation of speech. Saussure also responds to this supposed flaw. Although logocentrism professes the signifier to be exterior from the signified, Saussure instead likens these concepts to one indivisible sheet of paper with the associated concept, the signified, on one side and the sound image, the signifier, on the other. This analogy by Saussure highlights the impossibility of isolating sound from thought, or thought from sound in language. Therefore

  • Semiology In Ferdinand De Saussure

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    According to Saussure, the signifier is the written mark in writing or sound unit whereas; the signified is our mental representation of the signifier. Together, these two create a sign. For instance, ‘wedding’ is the sign created by the union of signifier and signified. The signifier refers to the actually combinations of letters to create the word. However, the signifier is much more complex. The relationship between signified and signifier is completely arbitrary due to the fact that

  • Wizard In Wonderland And Wizard Of Oz Comparison

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    Etherington-Wright and Doughty, “The signifier is the form that the sign takes. It can be a word. It can be a word. It can take the form of a specific sound or marks on a piece of paper (a combination of letters of letters or symbols). The signified is the conceptual stage of communication. This is when the sign stimulates a mental idea/image” (Doughty, p. 65). A signifier in Alice in Wonderland, is the world of Wonderland itself. The signified is her quest for knowledge. The signifier is her physical journey

  • Examples Of Transcultural Experience In The Tattood Soldier

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    Transcultural Immigrants’ experience can be describes as being transcultural, meaning their experiences from their country (including cultural signifiers) are translated or transported to the mew country they live in. During the transcultural experience, people can be changed by the new culture, and they also bring some their own traditional culture to the new environment. In 1990s, a lot of Latinos leave their countries to come to the United States because of the civil war. Hector Tobar’s book

  • Essay On Semiotics

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    2010). A sign is something that stands for something else. Signs come in many forms. They can be in the form of sounds, spoken or written words, gestures, figures, material objects and images. The rudimentary principle is that signs are made up of a signifier and a signified (Berger, 2010). There are both denotative and connotative meanings behind a sign. These meanings are learned and can vary between cultures or over a ... ... middle of paper ... ...ter, 1996). Art critics and historians look for

  • Semiotic Theories and Terminology Analysis

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    The notion of semiotics involves the study of the relationship between symbols and signs and interpretation. It is through the work of semiotic that theorists such as Ferdinand De Saussure, Roland Barthes and Charles Peirce, which has essentially enabled the relationship between signs and the creation of meaning to be examined. Through this essay, I will be applying numerous semiotic theories and terminology to analyse the meaning, function and effectiveness of a visual advertisement, from a 2013

  • Meaning Of Semiotics

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    We wake up every morning to the constant projection of signs. These signs become an integrated part of our everyday life, which in some regard govern our daily lives. Although this interaction occurs daily, we hold no significance to it. The significance behind these signs have no fixed or unambiguous meaning, the individual is tasked to establish an unconscious or conscious interpretation of the signs. Our actions and thoughts, are governed by a complex set of cultural, economical, and political

  • Semiotics: The Science of Signs and Symbols

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    proves as laborious yet rewarding. Introduction Various amounts of research point to the fact that humans have an innate ability to picture something upon hearing a word. We often think of the sign without realizing that there is a signifier and that which is signified. Semiotics theory is a basis for understanding how that is so. This is not to be confused with semiology. Semiotics is the study of signs and codes, signs that are used in producing, conveying, and interpreting messages

  • Analysis of PETA Advertisement

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    Semiology is a useful tool in the analysis of media texts and allows the deeper layers of meaning to be revealed. According to Rayner, Wall and Kruger “semiology is an attempt to create a science of the study of sign systems and their role in the construction and reconstruction of meaning in media texts” (Image Analysis, 2004). The text that will be analysed is advertisement for PETA featuring Pamela Anderson, which aims to sell an ideology of beauty and femininity, as well as sexual empowerment

  • Analysis Of The Katy Perry Perfume 'Killer Queen'

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    semiotic analysis. The advert itself is a conglomeration of symbolic signs, indexical signs, connotations, denotations, paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations combined. The implementation of Ferdinand de Saussure view on signs and his approach of signifier and signified assisted

  • Distinction Between Language And Speech

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    Syntagm is the liner patten or sequence of linguistic objects, relations between signifiers functions when terms share a distinction. For example, when you have a sentence that makes sense, you can not change the words around or the letters in a word around horizontally without changing the meaning or destroying the connection between the signifier and the signified. The Paradigm refers to a group of terms which have similarities and that can replace one another

  • Semiotics: The Significance Of Meaning In Signs

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    signs. It allows us to interpret meaning through representation. To elaborate further the approach argues that meaning is either representative of something or in affiliation to it only then is the sign meaningful. 2 The three concepts, the sign, signifier and signified are profound concepts according to Hall. A sign is a basic concept of meaning, its anything that asserts meaning and it could be an object or abstract. We are free to perceive and interpret signs that represent what we are accustomed

  • The Search for Truth or Meaning in James Joyce's Dubliners

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    if not impossible. Early in Dubliners, Joyce establishes the theme of emotional investment in representation. In the third story in Joyce's volume, the childhood tale "Araby," the young narrator and protagonist reveres words-written or verbal signifiers-as vessels for containing spiritual meaning. The mere utterance of Mangan's sister's name (which, incidentally, is never revealed in the story) serves "as a summons to all [the narrator's] foolish blood" (25). Words are repeated by the narrator

  • Semiotic Lens

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    This sign carries a set of connotations or associations that remind me, the viewer, of certain feelings or beliefs attached to the signifier (O Shaughnessy & Stadler, 2012). The connotations from this sign are physical abuse, depression, embarrassment, pain, and medical treatment. The cuts are also an indexical sign which is the physical result of

  • Prom Night Distinctively Visual Analysis Essay

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    purely advertising purposes, it can be discussed through semiotics. Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols to create meaning and is evident in the text through the analysis of certain techniques (O'Shaughnessy & Stadler, 2012). By analyzing the signifiers, denotative and connotative meaning, we are able to draw conclusions on a larger scale of ideology. Volkswagen’s moving image that we are examining is a clip advertising SUV cars. In a new advertisement for the 2015 VW Tiguan, a young couple is