Seminar Essays

  • Othello Seminar

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    The Theme of Love In William Shakespeare's Othello the Theme of Love is very important. The main themes conveyed are: Love can be used against you/ love can be manipulated, and love is blinding (unconditional love). The theme of love can be used against you is best shown in Othello and Desdemona, Cassio and Bianca, Roderigo and Desdemona, and Iago, Roderigo, and Brabantio. The theme of love is blinding is best shown in Desdemona and Othello, Emilia and Iago, and Brabantio and Desdemona. Love can

  • No Utopia Found in Wendell Berry’s What Are People For?

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    farmer. Having been in the same profession and location most of his young life, Berry in 1958 (at age twenty-four) accepted a Stanford University Stegner Fellowship. Intrigued, he decided to read Stegner’s books and take this professor’s writing seminar. Berry is reverent and testifies that Stegner filled the Jones Room of the Stanford Library with an aura of literary authority. It is here that Berry learns “responsible writing.” This is writing that contains the values one has “proven” by living

  • Gustav Robert Kirchhoff

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    Gustav's mother was Johanna Henriette Wittke. In 1988 Gustav Kirchhoff went to the Albertus University of Königsberg to study math when he was at the age of 18. In 1833 Frans Neuman and Jakobi set up a mathematics-physics seminar at Königsberg. Kirchhoff attented at the seminar from 1843 to 1846. It was while he was studying with Neumann that Kirchhoff made his first outstanding research contribution which related to electrical currents. Kirchhoff's laws, which he announced in 1845. The year 1847

  • Miss California Essay

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    The Miss California, USA Seminar At the Miss California, USA seminar we were directed in how to apply makeup the correct way for stage lighting and also we had a number of evening gowns modeled so that we could know what is acceptable. We also had numerous swimsuits modeled for us by other delegates who I will be competing with. The person in charge of the USA pageant organization is Carolee Munger from San Luis Obispo, CA. She taught us how to present ourselves in the presence of our judges and

  • Comparing Bronte's Wuthering Heights and Dickens Coketown

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    Withering Heights remind each reader of the tranquil lifestyle enjoyed by the British at this juncture in their history. As pointed out in Seminar 1, "travel was not an easy chore" at this time, thus making frequent visiting among neighbors impossible (Seminar 1 J.H.). Therefore, it is understandable that women occupied their time knitting and gossiping (Seminar 1 K.T.). The women of Withering Heights portray this idol lifestyle. When Lockwood meets Cathy 2, she is idly setting in the apartment. Cathy

  • Troilus And Cressida Research Paper

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    concerned with marring Helen's beauty that seems to have thrown a bane in the camp.   The other Loves The other love between Paris and Helen is more pictured as lust and it satiric presentation sets the mood of the whole play. During the seminar, it was said that this love had indirect influence on the ending of the love of Troilus and Cressida. Moreover, a similarity with the latter was drawn in that both men are distracted from their duties as warriors. One can also add here Achilles who

  • Character Revelation in The Crucible by Arthur Miller

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    Character revelation is how a character is portrayed to the audience. The relationship between John and Elizabeth Proctor in Arthur Miller's, The Crucible is presented in two different stages throughout the play. The first stage is a troubled relationship lacking in chemistry. The second stage is that of acceptance, presenting a clear picture to the audience of the love between John and Elizabeth. The First Stage The relationship is cold, lacking in chemistry, it is very awkward. There is

  • Reflection On Oxfam

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    During the past 12 weeks of learning this module, I have discovered and learnt so much about myself that I have never known up until now. I have always been a shy team member who just kept themselves to themselves and simply got on with the job at hand. This may be due to me having a stronger preference for working or studying in an organised and systematic way. As part of the module, we had to take part in an Oxfam Fundraising event that saw groups made up of four to five team members come up with

  • Seminar

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    1. What rhetorical device is most commonly used throughout “Ketchup Conundrum” and “Something Borrowed?” How is this device used effectively by Gladwell? In other words, what does it add to the essay as a whole? For “Ketchup Conundrum” I think that Gladwell mostly focuses on logos. More of logical facts are presented to the readers to show his research in the field of mustard and ketchup. Logos means persuading by the use of reasoning. It is used by Gladwell. Gladwell uses it to show the clarity

  • Seminar Reflection

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    I looked back at my seminar class and where I started compared to when I ended. I made improvements in some areas like distinguishing multiple senses of a text and my oral communication. I did not regress at all, but I did not improve in my ability to analyze arguments to form a well reasoned thesis or pursuing new understandings through collaborative inquiry. I may not have improved, but my abilities in those areas were at a satisfactory level. During my first year of seminar at Saint Mary’s College

  • Seminar Reflection

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    It is not everyday when you can say the majority of your college class is you talking and the teacher listening, this is seminar. Coming from a family where heated debates were present almost daily, I already know if I were passionate about a topic I would never pass up an opportunity to express my opinions. For me, seminar has allowed me to grow in this confidence of expressing my thoughts as well as learning from others opinions. Having come from a high school that stressed the importance of student

  • Socratic Seminars

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    The Disadvantages of Socratic Seminars Socrates may have used the Socratic method to teach his students, but they really aren’t as beneficial as they seem. Socratic seminars are used in many schools as a way for students to professionally talk to their peers. They are also carried on into the workplace. Teachers and parents may argue that Socratic seminars help a student in their adult years, but this is untrue. Socratic seminars are not beneficial; diversity in answers can make it difficult to fit

  • Seminar Reflection

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    While I was being asked to speak today and being given the topic of my talk I was reminded of an experience that I had as a young man preparing to serve a mission. I recalled a moment spent in the Priesthood Session of General Conference mere months before I was to attend the MTC in Provo, Utah. I knew that leading up to the time appointed for my mission that I had a lot to do to prepare to teach the gospel, to live as a missionary, and to be a witness for the Savior. I recalled the days leading

  • Narsapur vs. America

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    Narsapur vs. America This Women’s Studies Senior Seminar class has provided the opportunity to read about many cross-cultural issues pertaining to women. In the article, “Women Workers and Capitalist Scripts: Ideologies of Domination, Common Interests, and the Politics of Solidarity” by Chandra Talpade Mohanty, issues of “poor women worker in the global capitalist arena” (3) are addressed. Mohanty focuses on the plight of exploited, poor Third-World women. She illuminates specific issues that

  • Writing in Mathematics Seminar

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    essay, although not feasible to implement in the real world, accomplishes the goals of a Writing in Mathematics seminar, which are to encourage students to think creatively about mathematics, increase the students’ skills in writing effective arguments, and show the students that there is far more to mathematics than what was taught in high school. Most of us arrived to this writing seminar in mathematics after we had been taught the dry, routine mathematics typically taught in high schools throughout

  • Juvenile Delinquency in the States

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    states are role models in the way their juvenile justice systems are managed and executed. Generally, state juvenile delinquency prevention systems were overhauled as a result of the high crime rates in the early 1990s. For my political science Senior Seminar research project, I wanted to look at what factors affected state delinquency rates. I was looking for what effects the reforming (or lack thereof) of these systems has had on the crime committed by juveniles in the states. Working for the Washington

  • Jesus' Prohibition Against Swearing and His Philosophy of Language

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    Jesus' Prohibition Against Swearing and His Philosophy of Language In an article entitled "Oath Taking in the Community of the New Age (Matthew 5:33-37)," Don Garlington calls Jesus' prohibition against swearing an oddity and the avoidance of swearing by certain Christian sects a superficial application of the logion.[1] As a member of one such group, the Mennonites, I offer an apology rather than a rebutal. Mennonites make affirmations rather than swear oaths in order to fulfil Jesus' command

  • The Message of The Gospels: The I Am Statements of John

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    The "I Am" Statements of John When thinking about The Message of the Gospels, there is one that specifically intrigued me more than the others. This Gospel is John. Unlike Matthew, Mark, and Luke, John is not arranged the same with the stories the other Gospels include. According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, "John is highly literary and symbolic (The Gospel According to John, 2014)." Interestingly enough, symbolism is what captivated me in this

  • The Quest for the Historical Jesus

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    The Quest for the Historical Jesus John Dominic Crossan vs. Dale Allison: Two Different Ways to Look at Mysterious Figure For someone so well known, Jesus is someone the historical world knows little about. Around this religious figure revolves a strange phenomena. Most people could probably tell you something Jesus stood for, or the gist of something he said, just off the top of their head. But someone who has spent years studying Jesus within a historical context, would probably have a hard

  • Persepolis Socratic Seminar

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    Persepolis Socratic Seminar Q: How does the last panel of the novel contribute to the big idea of the novel? A: In Persepolis, the last panel of the novel appears on page 153. This panel has one voice over, “It would have been better to just go” (153), and a very detailed image. The image shows Marji behind a glass wall staring at her mother and father walking away. Her mother has either fainted or died and her husband, Marji’s father, is carrying her away from Marji. Marji is being sent to Austria