Semantic Web Services Essays

  • Semantic Web Services and Goals

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    In this section, we present the service discovery scenarios to evaluate and compare the current web services technology with our proposed framework for semantic web services using existing telecommunication industry data. The evaluated results are based on prototype implementation, using sample data of a leading telecommunication operator in Pakistan, which has its distributed computer centres in nine different cities of Pakistan (name is not cited for privacy conditions). We performed a typical

  • Semantic Web: An Enhancement of the Current Web

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    The vast content of the World-Wide Web is used by millions. Many users employs a search engine to begin their Web activity. The query is usually a list of keywords, and the result returned is also a list of Web pages that may or may not be relevant, typically pages that contain the keywords [4]. The web of today lacks metadata which can be read by other computers. Metadata is data about data, such that, it would be possible to distinguish between 1984 (a number), 1984 (a date), 1984 (a film starring

  • SDI

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    information is converted into linked geospatial data, for exposing, sharing and connecting resources in the web. For example, a geographical feature described in the data has a URI with links pointing to other geographical features based on their geospatial relation. The knowledge model and catalogue model of the datasets (metadata) is changed according to the developments in the field of semantic web to accommodate details that are necessary for pattern recognition and subsequent linking .The SDI should

  • Ontology Essay

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    Ontology contains a set of concepts and relationship between concepts, and can be applied into information retrieval to deal with user queries. Challenges in interpreting a query from different ontologies: • It is not possible to determine in advance which ontologies will be relevant to a particular query. • User queried keyword has to be translated into ontology-centric terminologies. • Answer to a query may require the integration of information from multiple ontologies. Our approach is to keep

  • Web 3.0 Essay

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    What Is Web 2.0? Web 2.0 is branded by open source and freeware. It is used a lot in blogs, tags, wikis, RSS. “Web 2.0 philosophies are about user generated content and rejecting passive browsing, it’s about customization and specialization.” (BuySellAds, 2013) What Is Web 3.0? It has been said that web 3.0 will allow people of automatous agents to perform tasks for some users. There will no longer be search engine, which searches towards the key words you enter, the search engine will be geared

  • Ontology In Software Engineering

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    research paper 1. INTRODUCTION The software engineering ontology defines information for the exchange of semantic project information and is used as a communication framework. In the area of computer science, Ontology represents the effort to formulate an exhaustive and rigorous conceptual schema within a given domain. Several Ontology languages such as Resource Description Framework (RDF), Web Ontology Language, DARPA Markup Language and Ontology Interchange Language (OIL) are available. 2. Ontology

  • Industry essay: What are Web Services?

    991 Words  | 2 Pages

    Industry essay: What are Web Services? Web services have been hyped over the past year to be the most innovative improvement that has come to the Internet. It has been adopted by many companies, and has reached the forefront of applications development. So what is all the hype about? Web services can be described as an application that can be deployed or called over the Internet that allows applications to communicate with each other- regardless of the language in which they are written

  • Amazon and Ebay: The New Face of Web Services

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    Amazon and Ebay: The New Face of Web Services CASE STUDY QUESTIONS 1. What are the purpose and business value of Web services? The principal purpose of Web service is create the exchange of data between business (for example e-commerce or e-business) in real time via Internet, and this way a business might share with its costumers, suppliers, and other business partners all the necessary information. As a result, the use of Web serving by any organization, which wants grow up and support

  • AT&T

    661 Words  | 2 Pages

    as the telecommunications industry seems to be the vision of the future. More and more companies like AT&T are trying very hard to combine their network services of phone line, video and data transfer, high speed internet access, and television cable via one line in the consumers homes. With a successful combination of the above stated services AT&T is hoping to be the industry leader in the near future. In today’s telecommunication market there is a lot of competition by industry giants such as

  • Purpose and Value of Web Services

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    1. What are the purpose and business value of Web services? Due to evolving of internet, web site can deliver HTML pages and centralized services to browser. Then, web site become more programmable that directly links to organizations, application, services, and devices with one another. Lastly, this programmable Web sites become more than static accessed sites which turn to reusable, an intelligent Web Services. So, the Web services can be defined as a set of technologies to standardize how applications

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

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    this essay I will be discussing Service Oriented Architecture. As part of that I will write about the terms Web Service, Service Oriented Architecture and SOAP. I will list some advantages and disadvantages of SOA as well as the technology involved in using SOA and the standard syntax and operation employed in such a system. I will close this essay by writing about a company that could take advantage of the Service Oriented Architecture. Web Services The World Wide Web Consortium is the main international

  • Amazon and eBay : The New Face of Web Services

    658 Words  | 2 Pages

    1) What are the purpose and business value of Web services? Amazon is platform charge more in web technology services from its website, they realize that if they have all bottled-up intellectual as developers in their services, they will be more valuable to the Amazon, so they create "programmable web" where programmer can have access to data and functionality website. Furthermore, while EBay took an invitation-only developer program to make e-commerce software available to the public, they could

  • Amazon and eBay : The New Face of Web Services

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    1. What are the purpose and business value of Web services? The aim is to connect the system, since Web users and business partners. In addition, the aim is to sell products on the platform and the site acts as a guide for their customers. In the other hand, creating a web service data will exchange between businesses in real time via the Internet. Therefore, this method may share business with suppliers, customers and other business partners with all the necessary information. To do this, they

  • Case Study of Ericsson and Amazon Web Services

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    Assess how Ericsson benefitted from Amazon Web Services (AWS) in terms of cost reduction, automated software updates, remote access, and on-demand availability. Amazon Web Services has benefitted Ericsson. Ericsson had specific business needs for the support of their business and Amazon’s Web Services was able to provide them with a robust global infrastructure that provided Ericson some significant cost savings. AWS gave them the ability to scale their application according to the business demand

  • Characteristics Of Cloud Computing

    1003 Words  | 3 Pages

    1. Introduction of cloud computing When they wanted to save photos online instead of on your personal computer, they are able to use “cloud computing” service. Cloud computing means that the transfer of computing data or information over the internet. Not just to keep data in your personal computer, they are able to save the data on internet server to open their data in any computer. In this report we will walk through about what is cloud computing, what kinds of model did cloud computing have,

  • What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cloud Computing?

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    internet using web-based tools and applications. Data and software packages are stored in server database. However, cloud server allows the cloud users to access data resources as long as system is connected to the internet. In cloud computing, the cloud service providers (CSPs), such as Amazon, are able to deliver various services to end users, with the help of powerful datacenters. By combining the local data management systems into cloud servers, users can enjoy high-quality services and save significant

  • Four Basic Principles Of Cloud Computing: On Demand Computing

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    Computing The term used as cloud computing is a wide term. It includes a wide range of different services. Cloud computing is also known as on demand computing. This name is given to cloud computing because it provide online services to different persons on computer by sharing processing resources in addition with data to computers depending upon different demands. Experts have claimed that the services provided by cloud computing help the companies who subscribe for its use to focus on things that

  • Cloud Computing: An Introduction To Fog Computing

    1111 Words  | 3 Pages

    of the network to enable applications and services do not fit with Cloud Computing : • Low and predictable latency applications. • Geographical distributed applications. • Mobile applications. • Large-scale control systems Fog computing provides data , storage , computing through applications and services to end-users .The motivation of Fog is which make Fog Computing appropriate platform for a number of critical Internet of Things (IoT) services and applications. 2. Introduction Fog computing

  • Essay On The Pros And Cons Of Cloud Storage

    731 Words  | 2 Pages

    The 7 Pros and Cons of Cloud Storage I had talked a lot about the awesomeness of cloud storage so far. It seems like, there are no flaws in this kind of storage. Today, I would like to go back to the basic which is the part where we analyze whether you should go for cloud storage. So, what we normally do when we analyze a solution, system or a product is to learn the good and bad of it. Let’s start with the good one. The Pros of Cloud Storage 1. Access anywhere. It doesn’t matter where

  • How Amazon's Complex Website Keeps the Company Up and Running

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    database. As of 2... ... middle of paper ... ...or collaboration. Amazon has a dedicated team of skilled call leaders to ensure smooth systematic collaboration (Amazon, May 2011). Conclusion Amazon's website vendors are a myriad of products and services. The current hardware and software infrastructure in place is optimal but supplementing new technology can help the website reach maximum efficiency. Product X is being used for softwarre. X is for hardware. Database/comm is x. SDLC can assist the