The SCRAMJET, simply abbreviated from Supersonic Combustion Ramjet, is the latest evolution of the jet engine family. NASA made the news with each test of the X-43A scramjet craft, so I set about to discover why this type of jet engine should garner so much scientific attention. Turbojet The most basic jet engine is the turbojet. As soon as the air enters the front of the engine, the blades of the compressor, compresses the air before funneling it into the combustion chamber. During the
Chapter 3 The scramjet model 3.1 Configurations of scramjet engine Scramjet engines can be used as a propulsion system for cruise missiles, military aerospace planes and space launchers. Scramjet propelled aerospace plane can propel small payloads using hydro-carbon as fuel in horizontal take off SSTO (Single Stage to Orbit) and propel large payloads when using hydro carbons as fuel and when it is likely to succeed on the second stage of TSTO (Two Stage to Orbit). Different types of Scramjet engines were Vogel, J. (2013, May 03). The warp speed of today: Boeing's x-51a waverider . Retrieved from Wiki. (n.d.). Scramjet. Retrieved from Wise, J. (2006, June 05). Introducing the airplane of the future. Popular Mechanics. Retrieved from World Digital Library. (2013, July 16). Telegram from
The effects of intake modification on a Ramjet engine A ramjet intake design analysis. Supersonic and hypersonic flights often make use of a ramjet engine during the cruise phase of the flight. The design of the intake affects important variables of the ramjet engine, namely Mach number distribution, formation of shocks and pressure distribution. Analysis of a normal intake design provides lower than optimal pressure to the combustion chamber. A geometric dimension modification on the intake,
We must meet a set of requirements to achieve mission objectives that mark the beginning of a space-mission planning. The re-entry phase of a mission is no different. The three most competitive requirements that must be delicately balanced are • Deceleration • Heating • Accuracy of landing or impact The vehicle’s structure and payload limit the maximum deceleration or “g’s” it can withstand. (One “g” is the gravitational acceleration at Earth’s surface—9.798 m/s2. The amount of deceleration is so
" History Home. Web. 04 Apr. 2012. . "Centennial of Aviation." NAE Website. Web. 04 Apr. 2012. . "The Hypersonic Age Is Near." Popular Science. Web. 05 Apr. 2012. . "The Evolution of Fighter Jets." Socyberty. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. . "SCRAMJETS." Socyberty. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. . Clarke, M.. The evolution of military aviation. N.p., 2004. Web. 19 Apr 2012.