about appearance or becoming a pretty. F. Overall Opinion- My overall opinion of this book is good I really liked it and recommend it to anyone. It is a good book to read and it keep you interested throughout the whole book. Works Cited Westerfeld, Scott. Uglies. New York: Simon Pulse, 2005. Print.
The book I read was Pretties by: Scott Westerfeld. This book is the second book in a trilogy. The first book is Uglies. You will understand Pretties better if you read Uglies. Pretties was about a girl named Tally who has finally turned pretty. At first she thought that was she wanted, until she rediscovered the truth of becoming pretty. In the first book Tally met David, whose parents knew that truth. And that truth was horrible. Becoming pretty had its disadvantages. When you got the operation
‘Uglies’ is a science fiction, fantasy, adventure book written by Scott Westerfeld. Scott Westerfeld’s inspiration to writing Uglies was because his friend whose dentist asked him to consider getting cosmetic surgery. Uglies is set in a distant future where the technology is far more advanced. Uglies is a dystopian society where the world got wiped out by a horrible disaster and fell into ruins as the years went by. In Uglies a whole new civilization is created, and a law which the people in ‘Uglies’
Scott Westerfeld’s dystopian series, Uglies, is based in the future Seattle area, where people are placed into pigeon holes based on looks and actions. In this world, Tally sets out to rid the city of the cruel categories that the citizens are placed in, and let everybody be whoever they want to be. A theme that this book suggests is that people in today’s society are expected to look or act a certain way, when we should be defying stereotypes set by the masses. The first piece of critical evidence
The book Uglies by Scott Westerfeld is about a dystopian society where when you turn 16, you become a Pretty, where they change all your features so you look beautiful. Some people believe this is wrong so they run away. Tally, the main character, has to face being with her best friend Peris that turned pretty and waiting for her also, or her new friend that ran way. She either has to tell where her friend went to and have their entire village destroyed, or never be with her Peers, family, or turn
“When she awoke, the world was on Fire”. (Westerfeld 164) She saw fields on fire, and all that can comes to her head is to run. Fear is alive in her body and she has a different mindset. Tally wants going to be pretty, but to get there she has to risk her life, just to change her face. To get what you want in life one has to endure a lot. Tally, the main character in Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, is a regular citizen of Uglyville but as she is about to turn pretty she has to report a place that is
A saying commonly heard is: “Beauty is on the inside.” In the book Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, the main character, Tally, is confronted with the meaning of beauty. All of her life she has grown up thinking she was ugly, because you can only be pretty after your operation on your sixteenth birthday. Tally has lived with the fact that, because she is normal, she is ugly. Tally’s best friend, Peris, was three months older than her. She went to find him in New Pretty Town, but she was not allowed to
Uglies-Pretties by Scott Westerfeld. Uglies is about a girl named Tally Youngblood, She is fifteen going on sixteen. In this town sweet sixteen actually means something. It means that you are finally old enough to get the surgery. They turn you from gross uglie to a beautiful pretty. Not only that but when you turn six teen all you need to do is have fun in a high tech world filled with booze, But before Tally turns pretty she is met by Shay. Shay does not want to turn pretty she wants to escape
Uglies. The book Uglies was written by Scott Westerfeld and was published in 2005. Uglies is a book that is about a dystopian world where people are divided into pretty and ugly. The book follows a girl named Tally and her journey to a place called the Smoke. Smoke is a place where you can travel in one particular way to get to a place with people who don’t want to get pretty and you can live there with them. The main plot of the book is that Tally doesn’t get to turn pretty but has to go to the
“Society can serve its citizens only to the extent that it knows them”- David Marusek. Unpleasant, undesirable, the worst possible conditions for humans to live, this is the very definition of a dystopian society. Uglies by Scott Westerfeld presents readers with a post-scarcity dystopian society set in the future where former cities have fallen apart after the world’s oil supplies are completely destroyed. These collapsed cities are known as Ruins, with the former inhabitants branded as “Rusties”
Tally Youngblood is the young female protagonist of Scott Westerfeld’s novel, Uglies. The setting takes place in a post-apocalyptic dystopian society. Whoever would be considered “normal” by our present day’s standards would be “ugly” by their standards. People live in their respective Ugly Cities or Pretty Cities. They are born “ugly”, but when they become a certain age a special surgery will be conducted to make them extremely pretty. Ever since they’ve been young children they’ve been told that
This month I read the book Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. This science fiction novel is about a girl named Tally Youngblood who is about to turn sixteen. In Tally’s world, turning sixteen means undergoing an extreme plastic surgery to become what her society thinks is a “pretty”. When Tally’s friend, Shay, runs away to a land where “uglies” are accepted, Tally has a big decision to make, become a pretty or be accepted for who she is. In this story the main character, Tally, changed a lot. First of
such as eating disorders. Within the novels The Samurai’s Garden by Gail Tsukiyama, Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, and the play A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, one can concur that society treats people differently based on their beauty, and one’s physical appearance can lead them to feeling ashamed, used, or disrespected. Tally Youngblood is a teenage girl, about to turn 16 in the book Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. Since she has not yet had her sixteenth birthday, she is still considered ugly, because she
Scott Westerfeld’s dystopian book, Uglies, published in 2005, takes place in Uglyville and New Pretty Town. Tally Youngblood, who’s about to turn sixteen isn’t excited about getting her driver’s license like any other teenager usually is, but instead excited about finally being able to turn pretty. In Uglyville 16 year olds go through an operation to get a whole new look; a new face, new skin, basically a chance to become a whole new person. Although not everyone is positive they want to go through
Many factors contribute to the main storyline of Pretties by Scott Westerfeld. So far, Tally has attended a costume party with her best friends, received a large gash in her forehead after escaping from the party, and swallowed a white pill from a mysterious leather sack. The party and pill will be discussed and elaborated upon throughout this essay. The three most important objects in the story so far are Zane (Tally’s man friend), Champagne, and the key to open the lock on dorm room Valentino 317
because everyone is strongly opinionated when it comes to certain subjects, and people agree and disagree on everything. There are 2. no two people in the world that agree on every single thing. When we were having our last seminar on Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, Frank made the point that utopia would be achievable if you broke down society, and isolated all of the people in groups of likes and dislikes so that each of the groups would agree. ... ... middle of paper ... ...n, but it takes character
As quoted by historian and political scientist Christian Lous Lange, “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” In Uglies, Scott Westerfeld demonstrates that technology has become more of a master than a servant in society. Hence why, technology has an integral place in society, as long as humans do not rely on it too much. Although Westerfeld demonstrates the benefits of technology in his novel Uglies, the potential physical and mental dangers outlined outweigh any potential gains
ENG4U Theme Analysis: Uglies In the book Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, the story focuses on the theme of friendship and how it is necessary for happiness. Tally Youngblood is the central character whose tricks become much more serious when her intense relationships get her into a series of problems. Westerfeld allows his audience to truly connect with his story by using various elements involving setting, symbolism, and character relationships. Westerfeld also makes a point about beauty and appearance
her best friend Peris have a really weak connection because of this. Tally states, ”He [Peris] said that they’d be best friends again, once she was pretty. But the way he looked at her face… maybe that was why they separated Uglies from Pretties” (Westerfeld 25). Through this quote, the writer implies that Tally feels uncomfortable about her appearance. She feels that she needs to be turned into a pretty for society to accept her so she says that she wants to. But, when it is her turn to be turned into
My two main topics are; Don’t let other determine your worth, and Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want. In the book Uglies and the Movie Gattaca the main characters struggle with these two topics. The book Uglies follows a 15 going on 16 year old girl, who is an Ugly and would do anything to become a Pretty sooner than her 16th birthday. All she’s ever had to look forward to was turning 16 and becoming pretty. She wishes for it even more because her best friend