San Antonio River Essays

  • Texas

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    ranches, and cattle have played a major part in that legend. For more than 100 years, Texas was part of the Spanish Empire in America. When Mexico gained its independence from Spain in 1821, Texas was for a while joined to Mexico. The section from San Antonio southward retains the flavor of the Hispano-Mexican period in its architecture, foods, and festivals. The name Texas is derived from tejas or teyas, the rendering by the Spanish in the mid-16th century of the Caddo people's word for friends or allies

  • Fiesta Festival In San Antonio

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    Fiesta is an event located in San Antonio, Texas and happens annually beginning on April 20th till April 30th of 2017. The festival has been celebrated since the late 19th century. The festival is in memory of the Alamo and The Battle of San Jacinto to honor those who have fought in those battles. People would throw flowers at one another and meet in front of the Alamo. After this the first annual event for The Battle of the Flowers parade began. An association began crowning a Carnival Queen in

  • The Effects of Grazing and Trampling Behaviors of Large-Sized Livestock on the Formation and Weathering Patterns of Soils

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    The Effects of Grazing and Trampling Behaviors of Large-Sized Livestock on the Formation and Weathering Patterns of Soils Introduction Walter Coppinger, a Professor of Geosciences at Trinity College in San Antonio and long-time observer of Montana geology, was the first person to describe to me the many problems of the western rangelands that have developed out of the over-grazing of cattle. From a hilltop among the upland slopes of Whitehall, Montana, he pointed out a few patches of bare

  • The Alamo

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    well made movie about the Alamo is well overdue. In the past there have been many movies that have tried to recreate the events of those unforgettable thirteen days. However, they have all ceased to hit the nail on the head. I have lived in San Antonio my whole life and it wasn’t until recently that I have come to a better understanding of the story that is the Alamo. There are many things to consider when making a movie about the Alamo. Issues concerning racism, authenticity, and historical

  • Service Before Self

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    English Composition/ Illustration Final Draft Service Before Self The day I finally signed up to join the military I knew I was taking a risk in my life. I believe it is important to take risks in life to move into bigger and better things. My first huge decision I made in my life was to join the United States Air Force. My uncle was the main person who put the idea in my head but my dad and my friends thought otherwise. My parents were divorced when I was young and I didn’t have the privilege like

  • Observational Abilities Test

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    Medical Center : Primary Care Meeting, University of the Incarnate Word : World Literature Class, and University of Texas at San Antonio : Business Statistics Class. The sample sizes and constructs were as follows: Wilford Hall Medical Center          :     30 people - 19 (F) 11 (M) University of the Incarnate Word     :     19 people - 9 (F) 10 (M) University of Texas at San Antonio:     32 people - 11 (F) 21 (M) The test subjects were all presented with the same scenario, given the normal degree of

  • Dave And Busters Inc

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    Dave and Busters in America’s leading upscale restaurant/entertainment concept and currently operates 17 locations across the United States. Dave and Busters aggressive domestic expansion plans continue with 6 additional 1999 openings slated for San Antonio, a second site in Atlanta, St Louis, Austin, Jacksonville, Florida, and Providence, Rhode Island. At least seven more Dave and Busters locations are scheduled to open across the United States in the year 2000. There are currently two Dave and Busters

  • The Effects of Technology, Government Policy, and Economic Conditions on American Agriculture During 1865-1900

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    cattle trails to transport their goods. Document B demonstrates a good mapping of the major railroads in 1870 and 1890. Although cattle trails weren't used in 1890, this document shows the existent of several cattle trails leading into Chyenne, San Antonio, Kansas City and other towns nearby the named ones in 1870. So, farmers began to transport their goods by railroads, which were publically used in Germany by 1550 and migrated to the United States with the help of Colonel John Stevens in 1826.

  • Nasty Trick in Stephen Crane's The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky

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    title of the piece, "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky." We learn in the second paragraph that the couple is on a coach from San Antonio and that "the man's face was reddened from many days in the wind and the sun" (91). We also learn that the "bride was not pretty, nor was she young" and it would seem that this couple are rather out of place on this coach speeding away from San Antonio (91). Crane is up to something. Don't think he's going to leave them on this train. No, I am here to inform you that he

  • Ethnic Groups in Texas

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    likely decline and the percentage of other groups will increase. From 1836, when Texas became independent from Mexico, to 1900 there was little to no immigration from Mexico to Texas. Latinos primarily remained in areas such as Goliad, Laredo, and San Antonio. In South Texas, they were the primary population even though many Anglos were beginning to settle there after the Mexican War of 1846-1848. During the Civil War, however, Latinos moved west to displace Native Americans from their land. The rise

  • The History of Southwest Airlines

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    The History of Southwest Airlines Southwest Airlines (SWA) begins in June 18, 1971, when SWA first operated a first airline consul between Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. Rollin King and Herb Kelleher are the founders of the company. The end of 1971 SWA immediately began to expand. In 1972 all Houston service is transferred to Houston's Hobby Airport form Houston Intercontinental, that is make more convenient for people to fly. During the first year of operations the customers were the

  • Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol

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    focusing on public education’s “savage inequalities” between affluent districts and poor districts. From 1988 till 1990, Kozol visited schools in over thirty neighborhoods, including East St. Louis, the Bronx, Chicago, Harlem, Jersey City, and San Antonio. Kozol describes horrifying conditions in these schools. He spends a chapter on each area, and provides a description of the city and a historical basis for the impoverished state of its school. These schools, usually in high crime areas, lack the

  • music censorship

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    During 1956 ABC Radio Network bans Billie Holiday's rendition of Cole Porter's "Love for Sale" from all of its stations because of its prostitution theme. Stations continue to play instrumental versions of the song. .... The Parks Department in San Antonio, Texas, removes all rock and roll records from jukeboxes located at city swimming pools, terming it "jumpy, hot stuff" that is unsuitable for teens. ... 1957 Producers of the Ed Sullivan Show instruct cameramen to show Elvis Presley only from the

  • Oliver North

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    Amendment, the right to not incriminate yourself. With doing so, he also saved the reputations of many who turned their backs on him. For this and many other achievements, Lt. Col. Oliver L. North is an American hero. 	Oliver L. North was born in San Antonio, Texas. His age and date of birth are being withheld due to security reasons. He attended school in Philmont, New York and later enrolled into the United Sates Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. As graduation neared, North chose the path of being

  • The Effectiveness of a Multicultural and Bilingual Education

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    Gena Dagel Caponi associate professor of American Studies at the University of Texas in San Antonio states; "Studying any one part of us does not divide us, it educates us. Occ... ... middle of paper ... ...reenhaven Press Inc. 2000. 101-102. Chavez, Linda. "The Dangers Of Multiculturalism." Reprinted in: Williams, Mary E. ed. Are Multicultural Approaches Good For Education? Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego. Greenhaven Press Inc. 2000. 106. Chavez, Linda. "Bilingual Education Is A Failure

  • Comparing Marriage in Eveline and The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky

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    time for her to leave with Frank approached, she realized that her current life was not all that bad.  Marriage would not be the answer to her dilemma.  She did not go with Frank. The people of Yellow Sky knew Sheriff Jack Potter had gone to San Antonio, but did not know why he went nor when he was coming back.  However, Potter had gone "to meet a girl he believed he loved, and there, after the usual prayers, had actually induced her to marry him, without consulting Yellow Sky for any part of the

  • Ethics in the Automotive Repair Industry

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    Ethics in the Automotive Repair Industry “Another memorable encounter took place in San Antonio, when I pulled into a transmission repair shop. The owner test-drove the Olds with me in the pasenger seat. As we climbed a hill, the car seemed to be straining. I looked down and noted that he had one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. ‘boy, it ain't got no power at all in second gear,’ he said. ‘It's real obvious the clutches are burnt.’ His solution: rebuild the transmission for $395 to

  • Like Water For Chocolate Character Descriptions

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    after he and Tita are finally blissfully united while making love at the novel's end. Rosaura - The second daughter of Mama Elena, Rosaura marries Pedro, much to the despair of Tita. Rosaura leaves the ranch when Mama Elena sends her and Pedro to San Antonio to keep Pedro and Tita apart. Her first child, Roberto, dies as an infant; her second, Esperanza, prohibited like Tita from ever marrying, weds Alex after Rosaura dies. Gertrudis - The eldest daughter of Mama Elena. Gertrudis escapes the ranch

  • Personal Narrative: Investing In The Future

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    socially impaired adults"(Collins 59).      The need for some sort of assistance for many children became obvious to me on a volunteer project I did in high school. The summer after my junior year I took a trip to San Antonio with about twenty other students. We were divided between two different projects, and I went to work in a summer day-care program in an underprivileged area. The day-care was for children aged infant to eighteen, and on an average day about 175

  • David Robinson

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    David Robinson David Robinson is often regarded as one of the greatest centers to ever play the game of basketball. He was born on August 6, 1965 to Ambrose and Freda Robinson. As a student he excelled in all of his classes, and sports except basketball. By his senior year in high school he stood an incredible 6 feet, 7 inches tall, but had never played organized basketball. However, the basketball coach at his high school noticed Robinson and added him to the team without ever testing him. Robinson