Riot shield Essays

  • The Shield of Achilles in Homer's Iliad

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    creative values of civilized life that war destroys. The shield of Achilles symbolically represents the two poles of human condition, war and peace, with their corresponding aspects of human nature, the destructive and creative, which are implicit in every situation and statement of the poem and are put before us in something approaching abstract form; its emblem is an image of human life as a whole. Forged by Hephaestus, this shield includes all manner of imagery to dazzle and overawe Achilles'

  • Samuel Sewall

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    request that he pay more attention to his wife. She was Sewall’s foundation in life; he loved her dearly and would do whatever it took to keep her happy. The hardest blow for Sewall came when Hannah died in 1717. “Lord help me to learn; and be a Sun and Shield to me, now so much of my Comfort and Defense are taken away” (Sewall 4). Sewall lived according to Puritan belief in that he viewed the deaths of family as punishment for his faults. “The Lord pardon all my sin, and wandering and neglect, and sanctify

  • The Otixan's Second Raid

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    fighter asked the old man the best he could in broken common if he had any resting wishes. The old man chuckled and told Otixan to go in the back to claim both his rewards. In the back was a nicely made shield with an insignia on it that Otixan never seen before and a small book, Otixan took the shield to wear proudly as his first prize but hid the book knowing of its taboo nature to his

  • Synthesis Essay: The First Amendment

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    cocktails or sling shots to assault officers. (Source 2) This is where the hard squad comes into play. These are the officers that carry all of the gear and equipment of the soft squad plus additional protective gear and weapons. This includes riot shields, tear gas, and rubber bullets. If necessary, police officers have access to military weapons.

  • The Evolution Of Canada

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    Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia. Two territories--Northwest Territories and Yukon Territory--are in the N and NW. The outstanding geological feature is the Canadian Shield, a 1,850,000-sq- mi (4,791,500-sq-km) arc of Pre-Cambrian rock from Labrador around Hudson Bay to the Arctic islands. The Shield, site of once great mountain chains worn down and covered by the sea, contains valuable minerals--gold, silver, platinum, copper, nickel, cobalt, iron, and zinc--making Canada one of

  • Physical Geography Of Saskatchewan

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    northeastern part of Saskatchewan is a part of the Canadian Shield that was formed during Precambrian era and features some of the oldest rocks in the world. The border that separates the Canadian Shield from the rest of the province runs across Saskatchewan from south-east to north-west. This part of the province was formed during Precambrian era and contains igneous and metamorphic rocks. From the minerals found in that part of the Shield the most abundant and the most important for Saskatchewan

  • Symbols and Composition of the Statue Saint George by Donatello

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    country. This begins with his expression of pride and inner turmoil on his face and ends with the wide stance of his feet, a mighty shield in-between. Even the platform he is standing on and the composition of his body help contribute to the strength of this realistic soldier of a man. Everything from his mighty arms to the cloak he wears on his back act as a shield to the enemies of whomever building or town this sits by. Saint George is a symbol of hope and defiance to his protectors and a symbol

  • Beta Particles

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    shielding for this investigation, this is so I can measure the deflection more easily. The angle at which the beta particles are being scattered is 48o. Deciding on the Type of Shielding I will test for the best shielding. The best properties of the shield will be; it can be malleable to form different shapes and can be punctured, can stop radiation at a small thickness. Equipment Strontium 90 beta source GM tube + counter Different thickness of different metals Clamps, bosses and clamp stand to hold

  • Achiles’ Shield in the Iliad

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    Achiles’ Shield as an Element of Contradistinction in the Iliad The Iliad is an epic of death. It is a tale of conflict, battle, agony, and horrific mutilation. Honor and glory are attained through warfare. The great shield of Achiles stands out in this context because it depicts the glories of an orderly, functioning, productive civilization. This depiction of life stands in stark contrast to the scenes of death that constitute a large portion of the narrative. An examination of the shield of Achiles

  • History of Alberta

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    Although first used in 1967, it was proclaimed into force June 1, 1968, following an act of the Legislature. The flag shows the Alberta Coat of Arms on a dark blue background. The flag is twice as long as it is wide. The shield is positioned in the center of the flag. On the top of the shield is a red St. George's Cross on a white background. Underneath there are white snow capped mountains. Behind the mountains there is a dark blue background, with rolling green hills in front. Below the mountains is a

  • The Norse Battle Formations

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    One of the battle formations that Norse warriors formed was called the “svinfylking” (boar formation). The svinfylking was a battle formation where a group of heavily armed warriors (usually 20 to 30) would interlock their shields to form a wedge that had the center pointing towards the enemy's formation. The triangular wedge tapered back on each side from the center point to make a tight spearhead. The Viking warriors would get in a “boar formation” wedge and then charge forward in this tight

  • History and Mechanics of Viking Warfare

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    provide for themselves as protection. Social status was a major factor in the quality of a warrior’s armor. One of the most important pieces of armor the Vikings used was their shield. The most common type of shield used in Viking warfare was a round shield. There were other shields during this time, but the circular shield made it extremely easy for the Vikings to move around. A... ... middle of paper ... ... in their enemies to their greatest advantage. When the Vikings sailed abroad to a new

  • Homer’s Iliad - The Shield of Achilles

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    Homer’s Iliad - The Shield of Achilles Homer devotes the final passages of Book 18 of The Iliad to the description of the shield of Achilles. Only a quarter of the description concerns warfare, the essential grist of the epic. Instead, the bulk of the description presents a peaceful society and rural idylls, a curious choice for the most ferocious warrior of the Greeks, and an odd thing for both armies to fear. A narrative emerges from the scenes of the shield, and it is this that fits Achilles

  • “The Allegory of Peace and War”

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    along its edge and the circular decoration around the inside of the shield are meticulously done. Additionally, the shadow created with the change in hue, saturation, and value on the inside of the shield help create the depth and curvature of the shield. The body armor also implements a well-crafted mixture of shadows and smooth curved lines as well as color change to create depth. Had this not been so craftily accomplished, the shield would have taken on a flat and dull appearance. This is true for

  • Beowulf Attacks the Dragon

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    makes his final boast. He says that, even though he is old, he shall “still seek battle, perform a deed of fame” by killing the dragon. (Norton59) He doesn't know how to grapple with the dragon, like he did with Grendel, so he will use a sword and shield. He tells his men that the outcome will be “with us at the wall as fate allots, the ruler of every man.” (59) He tells them to let him fight the monster alone, “By my courage I will get gold, or war will take your king, dire life-evil.” (60)

  • Herald

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    were when Heraldry began. Knights needed a way to identify each other. The noble families developed different patterns and symbols that they would paint on their shields. These symbols served the purpose of representing their families and also, establishing who the enemy was and who the allies was in a battle. They termed these shields, coats of arms. Any family could have a coat of arms but for them to be considered official, they had to be recognized by The College of Arms. The College was where

  • Warfare of the Middle Ages

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    A weapon is an extension of your body, it can be strong, fast, silent, deadly, powerful and much more. In medieval times weapons and armor such as swords and shields were all key parts in winning battles. The middle ages started after the Roman Empire fell in 476 by barbarians, and the Middle Ages took place in Europe. It started in the 5th century and ended in 15th century. The Middle Ages were dark and dangerous times full of war and many battles took place and there were many different weapons

  • I am A rock Paul Simon

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    Paul Simon said that the person or people in his poem were sick of society, and wanted to be isolated away from society. He represents this by saying that they want to be like a rock, or like an island. They wanted to be isolated away from society. The poem talks about people being sick of society, and want to be isolated from it. Even in the first line, he made an analogy between December being dark and dingy, by saying "A winter's day - in a deep and dark December." The month of December is usually

  • Coat of Arms

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    Coat of Arms Most people believe a coat of arms to be a shield of some sort that knights used in the middle ages to protect themselves in battle. In reality, a coat of arms consists of more than just a shield. There are actually five elements in a coat of arms: the shield, the crest, the helm, the wreath and the mantle or mantling. Each of these elements creates what is know as a coat of arms. While it is true that knights did indeed wear coats of arms during battle, the emblem was not only found

  • Fear of Failure in The Catcher In The Rye

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    to protect people around him, because he failed to protect his brother Allie from death. Holden feels that he has to care for those close to him. He watches over Jane, Phoebe, and even Mrs. Murrow when he meets her on the train. Holden tries to shield these people from distress. He does not want to fail anyone else. Returning back home from getting kicked out of Pencey, Holden meets the mother of Ernest Murrow, a classmate of his, on the train. They introduce themselves and start talking