Revolutionary United Front Essays

  • Revolutionary United Front Essay

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    Interestingly, the United Nations Children Fund created a broader definition when it came to child soldiers; where as, the Cape Town Principles defined a narrower version of child soldiers. This stems from the fact that the Cape Town Principles was applicable in regional areas within Africa and had no international capabilities. Policy makers are able to create a narrowed version of the United Nations definition; whereas, the United Nations needs to abide by one definition and make sure that it was

  • Sierra Leone's Revolutionary United Front

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    Masters. Power and Wealth to the People." According to Konye Obaji Ori, a Nigerian publishing author and editorial writer, this was said in 1991 by a rebel group who believed in a new future for the small country of Sierra Leone; the RUF (Revolutionary United Front). Many Sierra Leoneans were advocates of the RUF, and believed that the government should not remain in its current state, but later became repulsed when they realized the measures the RUF took to achieve their goals. 10,000 involuntarily

  • Blood Diamonds and Rap Industry

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    like Sierra Leone. The people of Sierra Leone are being enslaved by the rebel Revolutionary United Front (R.U.F). A majority of the people that are enslaved are children including what are called demobilized child soldiers. Demobilized child soldiers are child soldiers that no longer are in the rebel army but have to stay at camps where all of the "retired" child soldiers have to go until the Revolutionary United Front decide to either kill them or find use for them by making them rejoin their ranks

  • People Should Not Buy the Diamond

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    People Should Not Buy the Diamond “Blood diamond” reflects a dark and ferocious side of this gorgeous world that is full of vanity, cruelness and ambition. In Africa, Sierra Leone, there exist a lot of child soldiers that serve the RUF (Revolutionary United Front), and those people mine diamond from the warzone, and sell them into the official market. Therefore, the RUF gets the profits and uses it for illegal plans or terror attacks to threaten the country and the people. These behaviors and activities

  • Ishmael Themes

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    from the RUF and the military leaves the civilian government, and the war Ishmael has been avoiding catches up with him. After his uncle's death, Ishmael flees Sierra Leone for neighboring Guinea and eventually makes his way to his new life in the United States. The theme of this book was courage because it took a lot of strength to do what Ishmael did. Ishmael and his friends show courage on the decisions they had to make and the way they proceed deaths. If i was in their time i wouldn't be able

  • Book Review Of A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

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    Book Review This is a book review of a novel called A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah. The book was published on February 13th, 2007 by Douglas McIntyre and it has got 229 pages. The genre of this book is what is called a memoir which is basically a collection of memories that an individual writes about moments or events, both public or private that took place in the author's life. A Long Way Gone is the true story of Ishmael Beah, who becomes an unwilling boy soldier during a civil war in Sierra

  • Summary Of A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

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    A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah follows the journey of a twelve year old boy as a child soldier for the RUF, or Revolutionary United Front. Through the novel we’re brought along on Ishmael’s journey as he changes from the normal, adventurous young boy, to a mad killing machine, and then rehabilitated by the UNICEF. After his “realization,” Ishmael uses his past to educate and help others on the issue of the use of children in war. The story begins two years before Beah is forced to be a soldier

  • Sierra Leone and the Blood Diamonds: Civil War and Children

    524 Words  | 2 Pages

    Being located in the west coast of Africa and between Guinea and Liberia, “Sierra Leone has an abundance of easily extractable diamonds”(BBC News). The diamonds had brought “encouragement” for violence in the country in 1991. Attacks of the Revolutionary “United Front (RUF) ,led by former army corporal Foday Sankoh”(Encyclopedia Britannica), were on government military and civilians. In response to a corrupt government, the RUF performed violent and terrorist acts that scarred many. “The RUF captured

  • Controversial Kanye West

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    The controversial artist Kanye West has always attempted to make known what he thinks, no matter if he has to be disrespectful or graphic in his illustrations of said topic. So it wasn't a real surprise when he chose to focus his energy into reveling to the American public horrors happening that had a direct connection with the beloved diamond stone. West's 2005 music video “Diamonds from Sierra Leone” shows the corrupted underground diamond trade in the African country, Sierra Leone. From this groundbreaking

  • Political Film: Blood Diamond

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    upcoming elections. The movie's background sets in the time during the Sierra Leone Civil War in 1991–2002 that shows the struggle between government loyalists and insurgent forces. In the movie, there are two African men having troubled in the past, but united by a single mission of adventure and danger to get the blood diamond. These diamonds were primarily

  • Child Soldiers In A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

    1105 Words  | 3 Pages

    in Sierra Leone and at only thirteen years old he was captured by the national army and turned into a “vicious soldier.” (Beah, Bio Ref Bank) During the time of Beah’s childhood, a civil war had erupted between a rebel group known as the Revolutionary United Front and the corrupt Sierra Leone government. It was during this time when the recruitment of child soldiers began in the war. Ishmael Beah recalls that when he was only twelve years old his parents and two brothers were killed by the rebel group

  • Child Soldiers: Converting Innocent Children into Armed Killers

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    pass through this violence.” These are the words of a 15-year-old girl in Uganda. Like her, there are an estimated 300,000 children under the age of eighteen who are serving as child soldiers in about thirty-six conflict zones (Shaikh). Life on the front lines often brings children face to face with the horrors of war. Too many children have personally experienced or witnessed physical violence, including executions, death squad killings, disappearances, torture, arrest, sexual abuse, bombings, forced

  • Examples Of Imagery In A Long Way Gone

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    Imagine yourself in the shoes of a twelve year old boy who vigorously fought through blood and death, seeking for survival and hope during a Civil War in Sierra Leone. The novel, A Long Way Gone, tells the story of, Ishmael Beah, a young boy who experienced the mental and physical battle of reluctantly becoming a soldier. Today, majority of us can relate to Ishmael’s unfortunate circumstances through his life because it is something that we have all been affected by individually in areas all across

  • A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah

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    Book Summary In A Long Way Gone, Ishmael Beah, a former boy soldier with the Sierra Leone army during its civil war(1991- 2002) with the rebels of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), provides an extraordinary and heartbreaking account of the war, his experience as a child soldier and his days at a rehabilitation center. At the age of twelve, when the RUF rebels attack his village named Mogbwemo in Sierro Leone, while he is away with his brother and some friends, his life takes a major twist. While

  • Compare The Bite Of The Mango And Sierra Leone

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    drastically impacts the readers. The war in Sierra Leone broke out in March of 1991, and it lasted until 2000. This war happened because a group of men believed that the recently independent government of Sierra Leone was corrupt (Bah pg. 2-3).The Revolutionary United Front, or the rebels, began to attack villages in attempt to overthrow the government. They typically cut off the hands and feet of civilians. RUF grew, and they took over much of the countryside. Then, they began to attack Freetown, the capital

  • The Effects of War on Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone

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    History and Prevalence of Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone In the early 1990s, the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) of Sierra Leone, led by former military agents invaded Sierra Leone from Liberia. The RUF initially said they were leading a political movement. Their main goals were to promote liberation, democracy, and freedom. They said they wanted justice and equality for all civilians living in Sierra Leone. In spite of what the RUF said they were doing, they were forceful and left trails of murder

  • Pros And Cons Of Punishment Of Child Soldiers

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    Have you ever wondered if child soldiers should be prosecuted or should given amnesty? I think we should give child soldiers a chance at life by giving them amnesty. Some people might not agree with me but i have several reasons that support my claim because it’s not there fault they are either drugged or they are bribed by food or they are traumatized also they might have killed their family so they have no other choice but to become a child soldier sometimes they also give them false promises

  • Essay Comparing A Long Way Gone And Blood Diamond

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    In Ishmael Beah’s A Long Way Gone and Edward Zwick’s Blood Diamond, both protagonists are redeemed of the sins they have caused. Both Ishmael and Danny Archer have caused many problems and have committed sins and being a bad person, by killing, lying, and doing a lot of illegal stuff. Danny has done stuff along the lines of smuggling diamonds out of Sierra Leone, keeping the war go on, killing others, using people like Solomon just to get a diamond. He suffers from the consequences of doing the sins

  • Monique And The Mango Rains: Kris Holloway

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    Daniel Ascano Dr. Tara F. Deubel Cultural Anthropology 2410 6 June 2018 Monique Short Essay Monique and the Mango Rains is a true story about a companionship between Kris Holloway, who is the author of the story, and a midwife in the village of Nampossela, Mali whose name was Monique Dembele. Holloway made it to Mali as she was in the Peace Corps and had been assigned to Mali for two years and was trained to “give health demonstrations, repair wells, build fuel-conserving stoves, plant trees, and

  • Blood Diamonds

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    The documentary follows the bloody past of the blood diamond, otherwise known as the traffic and conflict diamonds. These diamonds are nicknamed blood diamonds due to the amount of people murdered and innocent blood shed over groups wanting to get their hands on these rocks. The documentary shows us just how horrifying these beautiful gems, the symbols of wealth and love, are obtained. Many people, of any age, out in the hot sun, forced to work and dig just to find a few diamonds buried deep in the