Rape investigation Essays

  • Exonerating Wrongly Convicted People

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    Criminal Law declares what conduct is illegal and proscribes a penalty. Although, we rely on our court system to administer justice, sometimes the innocent are convicted (Risinger). Most people would not be able to imagine a person who is convicted of a crime as innocent, sometimes that is the case. Imagine what a variance that is: an innocent criminal. In an article by Radley Balko he asks the question, “How many more are innocent?” In his article, he questions America’s 250th DNA exoneration and

  • DNA Evidence And Rape Bees

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    For the last month I've spent every day researching, scrutinizing and simply pondering trying to figure out why a father would kidnap and rape his own daughter or why anyone would rape a three-year-old girl and how DNA evidence and rape kits may lead to wrongful convictions. It's been hard to find information with very little access to anything or anyone closely related to this case. The case within itself seems vile and ignoble. And I am not a private investigator or the real life version of

  • Anonymity In Rape Cases

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    Rape complainants and rape suspects and/or defendants were afforded anonymity in 1976 by The Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act. This act sought to guard innocent defendants from the inevitable stigma stemming from being accused of rape. It also aimed to create equality between the two parties. Rape suspects and/or defendants lost their entitlement to anonymity in 1988. Nonetheless, there has still been widespread debate about whether defendant anonymity should be restored. The coalition government

  • Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography: Rape

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    Annotated Bibliography- Rape Rape: sexual assault of an individual or group that is not consented for. McGylnn C, Munro Ve, (2010) Rethinking rape law: an introduction. Rethinking rape law international and comparative perspectives. USA:Routledge, 18 - 30. The introduction chapter 'Rethinking rape law' addresses an analytical overview of rape laws throughout a range of jurisdictions. Thus, engaging the development and debate of sexual assault laws within international and comparative perspectives

  • Sexual Assault On Campus Research Paper

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    danger and the problem is put off by them because of inadequate polls. This problem I’m talking about is Sexual assault on campus. Many people think that because a college has low sexual assault and rape incidents reported that it makes it a safer school. This is the opposite of the problem. Only 12% of rapes and sexual assaults are reported the law enforcement when 1 in every 4 college women are sexually assaulted. This study was done to more than 3,000 women and 2,000 men on 32 college campuses. That

  • The Invisible War Analysis

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    Invisible War (Kirby Dick, Amy Ziering). The Invisible War exposes the epidemic of rape and sexual assault in the U.S. military, and by using personal stories and the government’s own figures and statistics from Department of Defense reports over the years, the film demonstrates what it means to serve in the military if you’re a woman. I had no idea what I was about to witness while watching this documentary about rape in the military, but I was not prepared for the full story The Invisible War presents

  • Effects Of Rape And Rape Culture

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    Rape and rape culture are very real and present problems with our post-secondary system. Not a day goes by without a new revelation, number or statistic coming to light. Not a day goes by without feminists screaming to “take back the night” and men’s rights advocates crying for sex. There probably isn’t a person in existence who doesn’t have an opinion on the issue. There is so much focus on it, millions of dollars going into solving it. So, now there is a question we must ask ourselves - why is

  • Why Is Rape Is Wrong

    686 Words  | 2 Pages

    Rape I will start my paper by stating my personal opinion on rape and that no matter what the case is rape is always wrong. I totally disagree with any situation that takes the category of this crime. I have seen and heard of to many cases that had occurred and ruins someone’s life. But in a sense I can say that there are situations where one may say someone is lying about what really had occurred the time of an incent dent. In today’s world our president Barrack Obama says 20 percent of our

  • Film Analysis: The Hunting Ground

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    just an individual. Many times, these men minimized their actions by failing to recognize their behavior as aggressive (Starecheski). In The Hunting Grounds, one male stated in an interview, “Just because they had sex and she said no, doesn’t make it rape.” Fraternity members later bragged to their friends about the assault, and as a result, they would receive praise (Starecheski). While not all brothers participated, none of them did anything to stop or prevent these occurrences. Between encouragement

  • Serial Killers In Toronto

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    ABSTRACT This paper examines the rapes and murders of the many women in Scarborough, Toronto between the years of 1987 and 1993. This paper will serve as a critical analysis of the serial killers, the victims, portrayal, investigation and framing of the story that is portrayed in the movie, Karla 2006. This critical analysis will be done by utilizing knowledge and concepts obtained through the Serial Killers Topic course offered through the University of South Florida. The two killers being analyzed

  • How Might Victim Assistance Have Helped Or Harmed Jane Doe

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    physical trauma she suffered. Throughout the first stages of the investigation, Jane Doe requested to walk out of her room, so she would not be embarrassed, and the officer’s response was they need to preserve the evidence. This was a common phrase used during the movie. Once the officers arrived on the scene, and started conducting the interview, they kept interrupting her, or putting answer into her mouth to speed the investigation along. Not once was she asked how she was feeling, and when she

  • Date Rape Drugs In College Campuses

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    women innocently drink without the intention of blacking out. However, “date rape” drugs have become more common making a horrible possibility, reality. Many women face the challenge of being drugged when going to party because of men who want to take advantage of women. At the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, a fraternity is being investigated on the suspicion of “date rape” drugs at one of their parties. A investigation started by the police after the hospitalization of three women and one man

  • Brock Turner Rape Culture Essay

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    sexual assault and rape are swept under the rug. Male sexual violence is normalized, with society blaming the victims of sexual assault and engaging in slut-shaming, objectifying women, and misogynistic language. This rape culture exists in society at large today, but in this paper I will explore the depth at which it occurs on university campuses and the lack of institutional action taken by authorities to address

  • Rape On College Campus Essay

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    Rape on College Campuses American college campuses are held on a pedestal as places of higher learning, socialization, creative and innovative thinking, and career training. American college campuses are also the place where an average of 31,302 women will be a victim of rape or sexual assault every year. About 20% of rape cases will be reported to schools, and a small percent of schools will investigate and take action against the alleged rapist. In fact, many colleges and universities will allow

  • Rape On College Campuses

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    At college campuses, rape reports have become more frequent. But, for how often campus rape occurs it doesn't get reported as much. One reason for this is because many of the perpetrators are college athletes. Universities have done many things to hide it from the general public when someone is sexually assaulted on their campus. Universities can hide it when their players commit campus rape because they are often responsible for the investigation. Campus rape is unacceptable and athletes committing

  • Anthony Sowell Research Paper

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    mentions his mother while he is being interrogated by Cleveland Homicide Detective (Sberna). The classic neighbor that every family wishes to have, friendly, helpful and caring was holding back numerous secrets. In Anthony Sowell’s actions of the rape, beatings and murder of 11 innocent women, he demonstrates the qualities of a human monster while showing how nurture creates a personality as well as proving that humans are capable of creation more fear than those who are written about in fiction

  • Student Abuse and Rape in College

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    The amount of rape and abuse cases according to statistics is at an unacceptable high. At least 1 in 4 women will experience sexual assault during their years in college (Sexual Assault and College Campuses – Statistics). In many instances the incident is a result from alcohol intoxication. According to Sara Lawrence College at least 50% of sexual assault cases include alcohol (Sexual Assault and College Campuses – Statistics). Administration from all over must come together to put an end to senseless

  • Defensive Attribution Hypothesis

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    Introduction Sexual assault and rape are some of the most recurring problems in our modern society which needs immediate attention. Research indicates that of five women, one of them is likely to be a victim of rape or attempted rape. Therefore, rape cases are rising more quickly than expected. This study explores some variables which scholars have considered to be related to a rape victim in different perspectives. Some of these variables include sexuality, resistances of the victims, professional

  • Rape Power Control Theory

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    Rape is one of the most intimate crimes in the world. According to nolo.com legal encyclopedia rape in nonconsensual sexual intercourse that is forced upon someone that is not wanted. Statutory rape is when a person disregards the under 18 consent law and forcefully has sex with them. According to ular.edu there are many different types of rape such as anger, power, sadistic, stranger, acquaintance, and martial rapes. These different groups show that rape can happen to anyone at any time. The power-control

  • A Comparison of Sexual Predators

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    Although the definition of rape might be concise, the crime itself can be extremely variable depending on the situation and predator. It was once widely conceived that rape and other sexual crimes where primarily lust motivated. Recent information, however, suggests that stimulus can be as multi-faceted as the perpetrator themselves. Discrepancies in such facets as motivation and opportunity are variations that can limit the profiling and apprehension of sexual criminals. One of the most common