Pray Essays

  • Is it Safe to Pray?

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    Is it Safe to Pray? No matter what religion a person practices, everybody has gone to church whether it is on a regular basis or for an occasion such as a wedding or funeral. When you look up at the altar and see the priest, you don’t question their morality because society is taught not to question a higher authority figure. Why would such a symbol of purity and sanctity have anything shameful to hide? All of the sudden the man at the altar has lawsuits being filed against him. Child molestation

  • Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love

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    and cares that the self identifies with. In order for a self to transform then it must change its desires or cares therefore self transformation is possible through the modification of which it desires or cares for. Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat Pray Love, claims to have transformed herself throughout the three years that the novel takes place, but did she actually transform herself? Elizabeth Gilbert was born in Waterbury, Connecticut July 18th, 1969, and grew up on a small farm. She graduated

  • Islam

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    book, the Koran, and by the rules Mohammed taught them. Every Muslim should pray five times a day: at dawn, noon, afternoon, evening, and night. He needs to pray facing Mecca. On Friday at noon, Muslims go to a Muslim temple to pray. After praying, they hear a sermon. There is no priest or minister, only a leader called the Iman. The mosque is built so that when the people pray they will face towards Mecca. Before they pray, the people must wash themselves. God is the greatest king of all, and no one

  • Free Huckleberry Finn Essays: From Conformity to Manhood

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    Watson's heaven and hell. He finds her harp strumming view of heaven boring and he wants to be in an exciting place. When Miss Watson tells Huck that he will get anything he prays for, he takes it very literally and decides to pray for fishing line, which he gets. But praying for fishing hooks didn't seem to work, when he asks her to pray for him to get some fishing hooks she calls him an idiot. These are both gentle pokes at southern religion. Christianity practiced a people so very pious, like Miss Watson

  • Prayer - The Most Important Part of our Life

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    with deeper thoughts. Prayer isn’t just closing your eyes, folding your hands and speaking. Prayer is a much more meaningful part of religion. We all need to pray, God himself demands us to pray. Prayer is defined as an act of God, a god or another object of worship, such as in devotion, confession, praise, or thanksgiving. When most people pray, they just say the same prayer, like the Lord’s prayer for example. Saying the same prayer isn’t really such a bad thing, its more about the meaning and the

  • Personal Narrative - Finding Truth in Prayer

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    Personal Narrative- Finding Truth in Prayer Glory, God stared me in the face. A man, my savior stood at the curtain. “Are you planning to pray?” he inquired. I blinked twice, “Um... yes?” Praying isn’t my ‘thing,’ but I figured “When in Vatican City...” I stepped past the man and into Enlightenment. Behind the curtain a room heavy with relics awaited. People stood, sat in the corners; heads down and hands clasped the room was immobile. Satan himself could not stir a soul. I took my

  • Elie Wiesel's Night

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    This anger grows as Wiesel does and is a constant theme throughout the book. Early in Night, Elie Wiesel begins to express doubt about his faith. Some talked of God, of his mysterious ways, ...and of their future deliverance. But I had ceased to pray. How I sympathized with Job! I did not deny God’s existence, but I doubted His absolute justice. (42) A good example of the mental shift occurring within Wiesel, this passage. Having grown up as a child of extreme faith in God and his divine

  • Public Prayers at High School Sporting Events

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    Public Prayers at High School Sporting Events The Supreme Court has just received Santa Fe v the people, in this case the students was banned from saying a prayer at a foot ball game . The constitution protects the right to free speech. Therefore, there is no reason for this case to have come up in the first place. If someone does not want to hear a prayer, they do not have to listen to it. If I were the judge I would rule that banning prayer at school events is unconstitutional. The first reason

  • School Prayer

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    Constitutional right to pray in school, either individually or in informal groups so long as the prayer is not organized by the school. But if the students only knew what they were really doing by praying in school. II. First of all they are going against the Bible. As to quote, Matthew 6:5-6: "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray..." So as you can see

  • The Film (Movie) Version of All Quiet on the Western Front

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    seems very pushy and strict. He is especially strict with Paul, the main character in the movie. In this particular scene, Paul is drawing a picture of a bird. In Paul's family they are glad that he is going to war. His family prays for him and they pray for the Kaiser, the ruler of Germany. We see here that this is ironic because Paul's family is praying for someone they  have never met. When Paul goes to see his friend in the hospital, another friend asks for the boots

  • Prison Reform In America

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    in America," Roger T. Pray points out the much attention that has been devoted to research to help prevent crimes. Showing criminals the errors of their ways not by brutal punishment, but by locking them up in the attempt to reform them. Robert Pray, who is a prison psychologist, is currently a researcher with the Utah Dept. of Corrections. He has seen what has become of our prison system and easily shows us that there is really no such thing as "Prison Reform" In Roger Prays essay we see how our

  • Christmas Traditions

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    the night and rest before continuing with their long journey to Bethlehem. Two persons usually represent Saint Joseph and Virgin Mary. In this event, all the people of the community come and participate in this mini-recreation. All the people sing, pray, and even cry when asking for a posada. They use candles and incense to accompany these two Saints. They usually walk all over the neighborhood to find a place. They go from house to house asking for permission to stay and spend the night to rest.

  • Comparing Oedipus Rex and King Lear

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    acutely the irony of Oedipus' confident declarations that the murderer of Laius should be "driven from every house, / Being, as he is, corruption itself to us," and again on the next page, As for the criminal, I pray to God- Whether it be a lurking thief, or one of a number- I pray that that man's life be consumed in evil and wretchedness. And as for me, this curse applies no less If it should turn out that the culprit is my guest here, Sharing my hearth. (13-14) Oedipus has

  • This above all, to thine own self be true: Being True to Yourself

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    an excuse. Hamlet does not want Claudius’s soul to go to heaven, therefore he decides not to kill him, explaining: “A villain kills my father, and for that, I, his sole son, do the same villain send to heaven” (3.3, 76-78). However, after trying to pray, the King claims that his prayers were not heard: “My words fly up, my thoughts remain below. / Words without thoughts never to heaven go” (3.3, 97-8). Therefore, had Hamlet chosen to kill Claudius at that time, his soul would have gone to Hell. Hamlet

  • Night Book Report

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    cruelty and evil he witnesses during the Holocaust. He wonders how God would even let such an evil take place, he feels that if the world is so sick and cruel, than God must also be sick and cruel or not exist at all. Moshe is asked why he prays and replies, “I pray to the God within me that He will give me strength to ask him the right questions.” Meaning, questioning is a fundamental to the idea of faith in God. The horrible experiences of the Holocaust force Eliezer to ask questions about the nature

  • Harold and Maude and The Book On The Taboo About Knowing Who You Are

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    obsessed with their religion and convinced that it is the only true religion that they become blind to new ideas and experiences. Instead of being incarcerating, religion should be enlightening. In the movie, Harold asks Maude if she prays to a god. Maude responds, "Pray? No. I communicate." Maude understands that it is restraining to blindly worship a god. By using the word "communicate," sh... ... middle of paper ... ...ime in his life, Harold loves another person, Maude. When Harold tells

  • An Analysis of the Quotation The Mills of The Gods Grind Slowly, but They Grind Exceedingly Small

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    Then, in His divine wisdom He responds to these requests either directly or through other people. Very often, His answers are not all one would expect. In fact, His reply may be the exact opposite of what most would think to be best. Many times people pray to God for something that is not immediately received. Due to this fact, they lose faith in the prayer process. They think God has ignored them or is resentful of something that has been done. “The mills of the gods grind slowly...” could be interpreted

  • Prayer At Sporting Events

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    person. (Gholson) At Celina High School, Celina, Texas, the students and administration completely ignored the ruling of the courts by continuing to have student led prayers before football games. The students wore orange and white shirts that read “We pray before we play!” And the town’s people constructed a large billboard that read, “We answer to a higher Judge than you!”(Kay, G) That is the kind of attitude that other towns need to overcome the government on a ruling that is to be honest, absolutely

  • Our Lady Of Fatima, Portugal 1917

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    Santos, Francisco Marto, and Jacinta Marto. They were shepherd children who ranged in ages from seven to eleven years old. One day, the children were approached by an angel while they were tending to their sheep. The angel came and told them to pray with him. He said, “Do not be afraid. I am the Angel of Peace”. The children were approached by the same angel a couple more times before they were ever approached by the Lady. The second time they saw them, only one of the girls heard what the

  • Abiding in the Lord

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    up our worship to You from the depths of our being because You have drawn us to seek You and Your word. Cleanse us again with Your precious blood. We trust in Your presence and the moving of Your Spirit; we do not trust in what we can do. Lord, we pray that You bless every one of us. We can sow and plant, but we cannot give life to others or cause them to grow. Lord, only You can do these things. For this reason, we really look to You to take care of the needs of everyone, especially the newly saved