Polyvinyl alcohol Essays

  • Bouncy Ball Bounces Lab Report

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    specific ingredients in a bouncy ball recipe affect a ball’s bounciness? Background Research: Molecules that are made of recurring chemical units are called polymers. The glue used in this experiment to create bouncy balls contains the polymer polyvinyl acetate (PVA). When this is reacted with Borax, the polymer cross-links to itself. Cornstarch, another major ingredient the bouncy balls, acts as a thickening agent. Hypothesis: If the amount of Borax in the solution is doubled, then the ball will

  • The Importance of Plastic in the Modern World

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    Introduction Plastic has found its way into every house and office, it’s found in many home appliances and office equipment. The reason for increased use of Plastic is that it has replaced Glass, wood and metals and it’s relatively cheap. Plastic is thrown away after its use and that creates a huge problem regarding the disposal of the plastic. This has resulted in the need for recycling plastic in order to avoid its disposal and to re-use it. The first time used plastic is known as virgin grade

  • Methods of Long Term Underground Storage

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    METHODS OF LONG TERM UNDERGROUND STORAGE BY WILLIAM N, NELSON AND STANLEY A. CATLOW Reprinted by the permission of: MAGNUM ENTERPRISES P. O. Box 621 Ephrata, Washington 98823 INDEX Chapter 1....................................4 Above Ground ...........................4 Chapter 2....................................5 Below Ground ...........................5 A. Ammo Cans.......................5 B. Plastic Bags ...................6 C. PVC Pipe........................6 Chapter 3................

  • Pvc

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    Polymerization: PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) PVC or Polyvinyl Chloride (Poly (chloroethene)) is a type of plastic used all over the world for a range of things such as pipes, clothing and electrical cables. PVC is considered a thermoplastic resin meaning it resoftens when heated. It’s molecular formula is (C2H3CL)n and is a white powder that’s resistant to oxidation and degradation. However, it can be harmful to the environment but since it’s economically beneficial to many countries this is often overlooked

  • Plastic Recycling Essay

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    Recycling means collecting and sorting waste for the purpose of producing new products. In Malaysia, the recycling program was officially introduced on December 2, 2000 and the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (ministry) has determined that the 11 November of each year as National Recycling Day. Recycling process involves a variety of solid waste including plastic. Plastics is the solid waste that cannot be decomposed, so the recycling process of this material can help reduce the quantities

  • Plastics and Our Environment

    896 Words  | 2 Pages

    Plastics and Our Environment Works Cited Missing Plastics today play an important part in cutting-edge technologies such as the space program, bullet-proof vests and prosthetic limbs, as well as in everyday products such as beverage containers, medical devices and automobiles. Recycled plastics are used to make polymeric timbers for use in picnic tables, fences, and outdoor toys, thus saving natural lumber. Plastic from 2-liter bottles is even being spun into fiber for the production of carpet

  • Building Your Own Agility Equipment

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    Purchasing agility equipment can quickly become a major expense. There are several ways that you can build a course right in your own backyard using materials purchased from a hardware supply store. Building your own agility equipment can be a fun and rewarding experience. Once your obstacles are complete and set up, your dog will be able to practice running the course whenever the desire strikes. Big trial coming up? Now you have a place to run your dog and get him in prime condition to take the

  • Polyethylene Research Paper

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    This maximises the intermolecular forces between the chains as they are able to pack closely together. However, this reduces the flexibility and is therefore quite rigid and strong. This isotactic polyvinyl chloride structure occurs very little. Another structure that is produced very little is the syndiotactic PVC. The syndiotactic PVC has a regular arrangement and has similar properties of flexibility, rigidity and strength to the isotactic PVC as

  • Here's To Your Health Summary

    695 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Idea Behind the Truth What’s your opinion on alcohol. Well Joan Dunayer explains her idea about it in her article “Here’s to Your Health.” The article consists of stories and different perspectives on what drinking does to your life and what people think it does. Looking into the article it reveals nothing really good about alcohol and that it provides false claims of what people claim it is. Dunayer explains in her article how alcohol can ruin someones life and there perspective of it through

  • Alcoholism: Recovery Experiences Between Men And Women

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    Alcoholism has been a fixture in our society since the first introduction of alcohol. Despite it being an equal opportunity disease, a large majority of not only the treatment, but also the research, has been about men. This lack of consideration of the different needs for men and women has led to many women going through recovery systems that do not address their experiences, and therefore do not allow them to take full advantage of that recovery system. This paper will attempt to look at the different

  • Fermented Alcohol Affects The Brain Case Study

    532 Words  | 2 Pages

    states that possession and use of alcohol is prohibited. If alcohol or any related article is found, it will be apprehended and discarded. Although kinds all alcohol are not allowed into all residence halls except Miner Village and North Pine, an individual needs to be aware of: distilled alcohol and fermented alcohol. Distilled alcohol is obtained by concentrating fermented alcohol, thus increasing the alcohol content in distilled alcoholic beverages. Distilled alcohol effects an individual’s behavior

  • The Dangers Of Underage Drinking

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    to disguise the fact that are abusing alcohol, so they come up with creative ways to hide it.  One way they try to hide it is by soaking it in candy, like gummy bears.  When they eat the candy they become intoxicated.  Along with alcohol infused candy, comes infusion of fruit.  This is done the same way as the candy and can be eaten alone or frozen to make “boozy popsicles” (FoxNews, 2010).  Teens will use another soaking method to hide the scent of alcohol on their breath by soaking tampons in some

  • Dehydration Of Cyclohexene Lab Report

    868 Words  | 2 Pages

    Title: Dehydration Of An Alcohol: Cyclohexene From Cyclohexanol Objective: To produce cyclohexene through the acid catalyzed elimination of water from cyclohexanol. To understand mechanism involved in the reaction. To learn the technique of distillation. Introduction: A secondary alcohol, such as cyclohexanol, undergoes dehydration by an E1 mechanism. The key intermediate in the mechanism is a cyclohexyl cation, which can undergo substitution as well as elimination. To prepare a cyclohexene

  • Alcohol Usage In The Distance Between Us By Reyna Grande

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    Do we really know how much damage alcohol can do to a person? Alcohol becomes an addiction. Alcohol has its benefits but it also has its downsides. It’s known that alcohol has it’s benefits but if you drink “moderately”. Alcohol can destroy your life and ruin your family. People tend to abuse alcohol, people make bad choices when it comes to alcohol. Alcohol makes you act a certain way when you're intoxicated. Alcohol can cause liver damage and many other health problems. The background of this essay

  • Alcohol-Induced Myopia

    911 Words  | 2 Pages

    crises regardless of an alcohol influence. He attempts to develop a comprehensive conceptualization of the alcohol-suicide relationship based on the social cognitive mechanism of alcohol-induced myopia, the reduction of perception and ability to engage in inferential thought. Rogers (1992) posits that alcohol use may initially lead to a reduction in psychological distress due to its ability to cause biases in cognitive processing by narrowing the options available. When alcohol use continues, it may

  • Alkyne Groups

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    The goal of this lab is to exemplify a standard method for making alkyne groups in two main steps: adding bromine to alkene groups, and followed by heating the product with a strong base to eliminate H and Br from C. Then, in order to purify the product obtained, recrystallization method is used with ethanol and water. Lastly, the melting point and IR spectrum are used to determine the purity of diphenylacetylene. This experiment was divided into two main steps. The first step was the addition of

  • dogs are cool

    685 Words  | 2 Pages

    dogs are cool. they smell good. they fart, and they eat alot of food. dogs are also very hairy. sometimes their hair is brown, sometimes it is white, and still other times is is black... have you ever seen a dog with no jkcool i sae a ah shf fkfnfa jdf d i sae dj that t you a re so coll fjfja red whit e jbakc are yu happyy eococ rocco is cool collin so conff djfn kljfdkl jgioawueajkljfnkajpoijwlkfv jdfjdsiajfk j fjfj j dfjlkfj ALCOHOLISM There are many social issues facing the United States today

  • College Students and Alcohol

    1142 Words  | 3 Pages

    College Students and Alcohol College student drunkenness is far from new and neither are college and university efforts to control it. What is new, however, is the potential to make real progress on this age-old problem based on scientific research results. New research-based information about the consequences of high-risk college drinking and how to reduce it can empower colleges and universities, communities, and other interested organizations to take effective action. Hazardous drinking among

  • Energy Produced by Burning Five Alcohols

    1649 Words  | 4 Pages

    How much energy is produced when burning five alcohols · Methanol · Ethanol, · Propanol, · Butanol · Pentanol. The aim is to find out how much energy is produced when burning these alcohols. The reaction that is involved in burning alcohols is exothermic because heat is given out. Form this reason the reactant energy is higher than that of the product. The energy is given out when forming the bonds between the new water and carbon dioxide molecules. The amount of energy produced by such exothermic

  • Experiment to Compare the Enthalpy Changes of Combustion of Different Alcohols

    2548 Words  | 6 Pages

    Experiment to Compare the Enthalpy Changes of Combustion of Different Alcohols Introduction: This plan will try to outline how the experiment of comparing changes of combustion of different alcohols will be conducted and what results are expected. Background When chemical reactions take place they are often accompanied by energy changes. Chemical reactions most frequently occur in open vessels. That is, they take place at constant pressure. Enthalpy refers to energy at constant pressure (volume