The fiction story “The Icebound Land” by John Flanagan, it follows two characters, Halt and Will. Will, an ranger aprentice, tries to escape from his captivity of the Skandians with Evanlyn, the princess of Arulean. Halt acomponies Horace to find and save Will from getting traded away. The theme of this story is to save someone important to you at all cost. First of all, this story takes place in the Skandian’s place, with Will and Evanlyn waiting for their fate while Halt and Horace are on the way
The Universal commercial Code ( UCC) has been created to foster the free flow of commercial activity in the United States by making laws that are both reasonable and practical. Article 3 of this code deals with negotiable instruments. These contracts for payment serve as a substitute for actual money and make the flow of commerce move along at a faster rate. There are certain requirements that must be met for an item to be qualified as a negotiable instrument. First the instrument must be in writing