and expose its students to relevant topics, so the University of Adelaide set about to take these principles of passive and sustainable design and create Australia's first 6 star, Green star rated education building, Innova21. Depictive criticism static Innova21 is located within the University of Adelaide's grounds, directly opposite the eastern side of the Barr Smith Library. As you enter the university grounds from north terrace you are surrounded by a plethora of old classical buildings that
asymmetric door. "It is a dynamic, fluid journey through the house from arrival to the ocean view, it is choreographed to increase anticipation before reaching the main living space" said the architects. The large kitchen and dining room is located on the north side of the house and projects even further towards the coastline. The kitchen also features a secluded balcony that provides an opportunity to dine outside. The material for the outdoor structure of the house is clad