News Essays

  • Investigating News and News Manipulation

    881 Words  | 2 Pages

    Investigating News and News Manipulation In this essay I shall give reference to what news is and the manipulation used by News agencies who select information at a particular time for a particular audience, giving examples of two news articles I have found in ‘The Guardian’ news paper to help portray how they achieve this. News is fresh events reported through media. It is most often than not stories that effect people all over the world. News is gathered mainly by primary research in

  • radio news

    924 Words  | 2 Pages

    Radio News Speech Good morning, Sioux City. This is Adam Lewis and you are tuned to KL&R on this delightful March 3rd for all your news so you’ll know what’s going on. This story coming right out of good old Sioux City…. Eleven businesses in a strip mall on Gordon Drive are all wet after a water main burst early Wednesday morning. Water and mud spewed from the break in the main and into businesses at Sioux City's Gordon plaza. "We walked in to open the store," said Beverly Gonzalez, Dollar etc

  • News and The Media

    1174 Words  | 3 Pages

    Everyone watches the news but does that mean we have to trust them? The media is known for giving us verified information that is usually observed and /or proven. Most people get their information about current events from the news media because it would be impossible to gather all the news themselves. Television news is extremely important in the United States because more people get their news from television broadcasts than from any other source. Print media is the oldest form of media but is

  • news of the day

    705 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ourselves to Death, by Neil Postman, ?the news of the day? is viewed as ?a figment of our technological imagination? (7-8). He states that without the media to broadcast the events that take place daily, there would not be the concept of ?the news of the day? (7). Postman says that the news only exists because of our advanced systems of communication, making it possible for us to report the news to the public as it happens. Without these methods and tools, news would not exist the way it does. This is

  • Antigone News Channel

    918 Words  | 2 Pages

    Comparing The Chorus of Sophocles' Antigone and America's News Channels The Greek Chorus is very similar to America's news channels because it brings the people the news in a way that they can understand it. The play Antigone by Sophocles is a tragic drama structured around the argument between a king and two sisters about the burial of their brother. Antigone can be compared to the conflict surrounding granting illegal immigrants amnesty. The Chorus is a group of people who provide background

  • News Summary and Reaction

    568 Words  | 2 Pages

    News Summary and Reaction ASTRONOMY “A New Black Hole” “Scientific American Evidence that the heavens house a previously unknown type of black hole was reported by scientists yesterday. Data from NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory revealed a hole was some 600 light-years from the center of the starburst galaxy M82. The brightness of the x-ray source indicates that this moon-size hole has the mass of at least 500 suns, making it intermediate between stellar black holes and the supermassive

  • New Zealand And New Australia

    1208 Words  | 3 Pages

    New Zealand used to have free from corruption stable democratic political system which creates a superior government supported environment for a range kind of business. (Pears Trust, 2012) It welcomes new investors and helps New Zealand businesses smoothly operate, grow, plan for the future and be flexible in local and international market. Nevertheless, government still has intervention which positively or negatively influencing on New Zealand business. From the latest news there is ongoing discussion

  • A New Deal A New America

    877 Words  | 2 Pages

    commonly referred to as FDR, is without a doubt one of these leaders. FDR made new laws, put forth many ideas, and raised the public’s morale before, during, and after WWII. He affected America in such a way that he brought us out of the slum of Great Depression. Even though Franklin D. Roosevelt put America in debt, his new deal policy gave millions of Americans jobs, stimulated the economy, raised public moral, and introduced new big government tactics. He was truly the people’s president. It is true

  • New Gadgets for the New Year

    591 Words  | 2 Pages

    Welcome the ‘New Year’ with new gadgets For once again in the new year of 2014, the market is completely ready to be inundated with new gadgets with newer innovations. The New Year shall be hot for the smart watches. Apple is ready to launch its flexible smart watch causing a bang in the market, while Samsung could launch its flexible phone in other markets of the world after introducing it in Korea. The people mad after gadgets are too restless to know about iPhone of Apple and of galaxy 5 from

  • News Broadcasting

    2315 Words  | 5 Pages

    News Broadcasting On April 7, 1997, I watched NBC 5 News at 6. Warner Saunders (filling in for Ron Majors) and Carol Marin were co-anchors. Because I do not usually watch the news, I found myself seeing it with fresh eyes. For instance, I never before realized how little time is spent on each story within a 30-minute newscast. I knew they were brief, but I didn't know just how brief they were. The story lengths were from 20 seconds to three-and-a-half minutes. Watching the newscast from a critical

  • Entertainment And News

    744 Words  | 2 Pages

    Entertainment and News News coverage, whether by television, radio, the internet, or newspaper must be selective, selective not simply in which stories it reports but in how it presents them as well. The media is incapable of providing a rundown of everything that has transpired in a day. Therefore, editors, reporters, etc… decide what will go into the reports. Equally important, reporters are still human beings who, in spite their good intentions, occasionally succumb to anger, jealousy,

  • The Impact Of Social Media On News

    1193 Words  | 3 Pages

    social media overtakes traditional media in this new technological age, news organizations and journals have sought to keep up today’s trends in order to maximize their revenue and maintain traffic. As Clive Thompson stated in his article titled This Just In : I’m Twittering, he mentions that “the power is in the surprising effects that come from receiving thousands of pings from your posse. And this, as it turns out, suggests where the Web is heading.” News environments are rapidly changing to adapt with

  • New York New Music Ensemble

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    The New York New Music Ensemble began with a bang, literally. This ensemble has been around for twenty-three years and it is considered to be “the raising standard” in contemporary chamber music. On Thursday afternoon, I saw the ensemble perform three pieces: Trio, Nutturno, and Marxville Songbook. These three possess very similar tone color and composition. The ensemble’s first piece, Trio, was composed by Donald Martino. This musician pursued his interest in music at a very young age. By age fifteen

  • The New Testament: The Mystery Of The New Testament

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    Mystery of the New Testament The New Testament is a part of the Christian Canon, which is inclusive of the Old and New Testament. The New Testament consists of twenty-seven books, and is the foundation of the Christian religion. The New Testament has set the bar for Christianity as a religion, but many questions surround the New Testament. These questions surrounding the New Testament have continuously sparked controversy. The Old Testament revealed how worshipers of Christianity were to live their

  • Free News in a Linked World

    2591 Words  | 6 Pages

    Free News in a Linked World We usually classify communication media in three categories: published media, broadcast media and what Chris Chesher calls “invocational media”.1 The published media include newspapers, magazines and books. Radio and television are broadcast media — I would add speech as a nontechnological broadcast medium also. Invocational media represent communication tools used on interactive and networked digital computers.2 News delivery is present on every communication medium

  • Explain the new features of the New Deal

    1228 Words  | 3 Pages

    The New Features of the New Deal There were many features to do the new deal. Roosevelt had promised action and in the first hundred days of his administration, he kept up a very hectic pace of activity. During the time of his election the economic crisis deepened and bank failures increased. FDR's first task was therefore to restore confidence in the banking system. The most important acts of congress passed in the hundred days were those which tried to bring relief for the unemployed and

  • The New Deal: The Success Of The New Deal

    1867 Words  | 4 Pages

    Roosevelt introduced the New Deal in 1933 to achieve economic recovery and provide relief for the people in America. Some Historians argue the New Deal promised much, but did not achieve what it was set up to do, as unemployment was still present and the social and economic development across states remained unequal. Some contemporaries claim the New Deal did little to help cure the effects of the Depression, but instead prolonged them. Although, despite these claim, others praise the New Deal reforms for

  • New Freedom Vs. New Nationalism

    730 Words  | 2 Pages

    on how our county is run today. Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson debated a political situation that still effects government and industry in our nation to this day. In Theodore Roosevelt's opinion, trusts are inevitable. As said in his 1910 "New Nationalism" speech, "There can be no effective control of corporation while their political activity remains. To put an end it will be neither a short nor an easy task, but it can be done". Woodrow Wilson had a somewhat different view on how trusts

  • Realization in Welty’s A Piece of News

    2362 Words  | 5 Pages

    Realization in Welty’s A Piece of News Ruby’s death fantasy reflects the conflict between her wants, needs, and life in this Eudora Welty story. We first meet Ruby while she is coming in from a storm with a package of coffee wrapped in newspaper from a man from Tennessee. We find out later that she has a habit of hitchhiking and picking up men from Tennessee. Welty writes, “When Clyde would make her blue, she would go out onto the road, some car would slow down, and if it had a Tennessee license

  • New Orleans

    2973 Words  | 6 Pages

    New Orleans In a country containing so much diversity and history, it is practically impossible to locate one city which embodies American diversity. A colony started by the French was the first area to fully integrate culture and religion. The city of New Orleans, now prosperous from its diversity, epitomizes the "American Melting Pot". It is complicated to relate such different backgrounds, but with an overview of history, culture, religion, and integration on a small scale, a reader is capable