more people have begun to show support for a change in the system (Saad 2013). After George W. Bush defeated AL Gore in the 2000 election by losing popular vote, but winning the college, leading to a “legal recount contest”, many began to question the fairness of the college (Cohen, 2010). This marked the “third time in the nation’s history” the less popular candidate has taken office (Longley). However, the Electoral College should remain in place because it ensures the continuation of a Representative
The Electoral College The Electoral College system should be scrapped and be replaced with popular vote because it is unfair. By abolishing the Electoral College and replacing it with popular vote, it would represent citizens equally, it would allow citizens to elect their president just as they elect their governors and senators, and it would motivate and encourage citizens to participate in voting. The Electoral College can be a bit confusing to understand. It was created by the founding fathers
Does my vote count? This year is an election year, and many Americans feel very strongly about their chosen candidate, but often wonder: Does my vote count? Recently I have gotten very into debates. Tiktok has a plethora of live content creators that host all types of debates, which then led me to politics. After watching the different parties argue about their issues, concerns and desires regarding candidates for presidency, I became very interested. This became especially important to me considering
College did serve a noble purpose and in fact, was the most efficient way of voting in a time when mass transportation and technology did not exist. By participating in this process, townships were able to send a representative to cast a collective vote for that area. The modern Electoral College still operates in a similar fashion and yet, fails to serve a modern-day purpose. It challenges the democratic principles which the United States was founded on and may even operate illegally. Today, “forty-eight