Muscadine Essays

  • Memorandum: Breach Of Contract

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    SUBJECT: Breach of Contract Facts of the Case After my first conversation with the grape producer I decided that purchasing his company’s product would be to my business’s benefit. The partnership began with my company faithfully receiving Muscadine grapes from Mr. Bre’nard Williams. Each delivery was prompt and at a consistent price. An invoice was sent with each delivery, requiring payment within 30 days. There may have been a few times that a late payment may have been made; however, it was

  • Business Ethics: Case Analysis Of The Grape Company

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    whose family operates a Muscadine grape business. He happens to be my Sunday school teacher. He asked if I would be willing to sell them at my store. I was interested, and I started promoting the grapes, and the products through their seeds. I personally invested a lot of time in the product by exposing it to my customers. The product became a hot commodity, and over time, I placed regular, increasing phone orders, and I began investing heavily in advertising for the Muscadine products at my store.

  • Analyzing Contract Validity in Business Transactions

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    relevant legal rules of law, as well as a biblical perspective that can be considered in coming to a resolution and optimal outcome that will be mutual beneficial for both parties. The facts John Doe, an owner of a local produce company, produces Muscadine grapes that are known to contain high antioxidant qualities. John Doe recently gained Marshall Peterson’s business, supplying his local health food products business with a regular shipment of the grapes. Mr. Peterson has established some frequency

  • Breach Of Contract Case Study

    1014 Words  | 3 Pages

    Liberty University TO: Alex Fairchild, Mediator FROM: Marshall Peterson DATE: November 19, 2016 SUBJECT: Resolution of dispute to the breach of contract from the producers of Muscadine Products I, Marshall Peterson, am seeking resolution and restitution of damages for breach of contract by the producers of the Muscadine product line. Such contracts that have been violated have been the Good Faith and Fair Dealings relationship developed over the years and also the Requirement Contract said company

  • Belle Meade Plantation Case Analysis

    561 Words  | 2 Pages

    In 1807, John Harding founded the Belle Meade Plantation in Nashville, Tennessee. 210 years old, the historic grounds became a nonprofit museum commemorating Tennessee’s past. Back in 2004, existing sources of funding for the operations were no longer sustainable. The economic recession in the early 2000’s prompted leaders Alton Kelley and his wife to pursue social entrepreneurship, an ambitious plan for securing adequate, long-term funding. In 2009, Belle Meade Plantation was the first winery in

  • Implied Contract Essay

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    Contracts are used to dictate how an agreement between two or more parties, involved in a mutually beneficial relationship, will function in a way that is agreeable to all parties involved. There are many different types of contracts for many types of situations and they can cover a wide range of rules and regulations dependent each parties wants and needs. Sometimes the agreement between the parties involved changes, but it is not always so simple to change the terms of a contract. As Christians

  • Marshall Peterson Case Summary

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    In this dilemma, I must decide whether to honor the requirements contract with Marshall Peterson, a mutual friend and a business partner or sign an output contract with a Texas company and potentially double my business profits. Until now, Marshall and I have seemingly enjoyed a profitable business relationship that has always been based on mutual benefit and trust. Although, Marshall often tests the trust in our business relationship by not honoring the terms of the invoices. Marshall and I had

  • Petersen Vs. Grapes Company: Case Study

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    defendant owns The Grapes company. I expressed interest in adding more products to my line up. The defendant at that time begin to discuss the high antioxidant qualities of the Muscadine grapes her family’s produce company

  • Essay On My Laboratory Experience

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    This statement if for the MU PREP program to further elaborate on my laboratory experiences. My very first laboratory experience was with Dr. Rolf Joerger at the University of Delaware’s Townsend Hall food microbiology laboratory through the Nation Science Foundation - EPSCoR Progrram, there I also helped out some other principle investigators around the department occasionally as need. I came in, in the midst of ongoing research pertaining to the acid tolerance resistance of salmonella serovors

  • Disturbed Preserve Analysis

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    “Disturbed Preserve” fig.2 fig.3 The “disturbed preserves” are areas in which there has been human alteration of the landscape, whether it be infrastructural installations or beaten trails, that has then been left alone. These areas are recovering forests that normally transition from primary growth to secondary, but are made vulnerable through these artificial developments that alter the dynamics of the landscape in which the native species would emerge. Consequently, these sites, which are

  • Cholly as the Father that Was Not There in The Bluest Eye

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    becomes a hatred for Darlene. Cholly, moving faster, looked at Darlene. He hated her. He almost wished he could do it - hard, long, and painfully, he hated her so much. The flashlight wormed its way into his guts and turned the sweet taste of muscadine into rotten fetid bile. He stared at Darlene's hands covering her face in the moon and lamplight. They looked like baby claws. (Morrison 148) Later, Cholly finds that he has reason to believe that Darlene is pregnant. Left with the impression

  • Case Study Of A Valid Contract

    1944 Words  | 4 Pages

    What is actually considered a valid contract? The first issue we must look at in this contract dispute is to determine if there is even a valid contract. A valid contract has three basic elements an offer, an acceptance and consideration. If a contract meets your states requirements for a binding legal agreement, you are generally bound by that contract. The essential terms of a contract identify the parties to the contract, subject matter of the contract, contract price, and the time for performance