Multiracial Essays

  • Multiracial Students

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    Multiracial Students At first glance, freshman Angela Corbett’s room might seem a bit bewildering. On one wall sits a Black Panthers poster, on the other, a Nicaraguan flag, and glimpsing around, one might even see a stuffed leprechaun. During lunch, she might be found enjoying some soul food, or eating a meal from south of the border. Around her could also be people from various cultural backgrounds, who she has no problem calling her friends. As perplexing as it seems, this is not an

  • Working With Multiracial Students

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    with the climb in the number of interracial marriages, (Root 1996) American school systems must learn how to cater to the needs of multiracial students. In this paper, multiracial “refers to people who are of two or more racial heritages. It is the most inclusive term to refer to people across all racial mixes. Thus it also includes biracial people” (Root 1996). Multiracial students face problems with developing their racial identity and feeling approval from peers who are not mixed, making their experiences

  • Multiracial Identity in Essays by Julia Alvarez and Danzy Senna

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    Multiracial Identity in Essays by Julia Alvarez and Danzy Senna The essays of Julia Alvarez and Danzy Senna address issues of multiracial identity important in their younger years as they grew up daughters of a multiethnic and multiracial background. Despite the slight generational differences, the same issues are as important today as they were twenty or thirty years ago. The concept of one being multiracial is a relatively new concept. In the past, a person with a mixed racial background

  • Multiculturalism In the United States: Demographics, Diversity, & Divisions

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    to mark off more than one racial group in 2000 and thus identify as multicultural or multiracial. As will be shown in this paper, analysis of the Unites States racial composition and relevant studies indicate that America has not become the “melting pot” of cultures and races that was once predicted. Through residential racial segregation, the continual influx of immigrants, and the emergence of a multiracial population, America has remained a “mosaic” of cultures – separate entities combining

  • The Causes of Racial Tension

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    Today, there is racial tension all around the world. Racial tension means the feeling that exists when people do not trust and be aggressive to each other. In Malaysia, racial tension has deepened recently. The Indian government has released an advisory for its foreign students that studying in Australia which showed that racial tension appeared around the White and Indian (“MEA issues travel advisory to Indian students in Aus”, 2010). Racial tension between the Han and Uighur communities in Xinjiang

  • The One-Drop Rule

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    The growth in the multiracial population in the United States of America since the 1970’s has greatly increased and is continuing to increase. Although the number of biracial and multiracial Americans is relatively small to the total population at 5 million, the multiracial population is growing at a rate of ten times faster than that of the White population (Stuckey 2008). These facts weren’t officially known until the United States government’s verdict to allow individuals to claim multiple races

  • Biracial Identity Development

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    identified by others differently, depending on the social context. A biracial individual’s racial identity development is contingent upon many factors, both internal and external. With the dramatic increase in the number of individuals with a bi or multiracial background it is important for us to recognize the complexity of the racial identity development of this culture. It is critical to understand the hardships as well as the advantages of being biracial, to help them avoid any negative behaviors

  • Interracial Marriages: A Modern History

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    involvement with an “inferior” race was seen as demeaning the purity and superiority of the majority race (Yancey, and Lewis). Due to this belief many states inforced miscegenation laws. This law nullified any marriages of a white, black, indian, or multiracial person. If any attempted to interracially marry there was a fine of fifty dollars and possibly imprisonment (Yancey, and Lewis). Sexual activity amongst unmarried interracial couples was not typically desirable it was more accepted than an interracial

  • U.S. Racial Legislation and Black Mixed-Race Women’s Identity

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    Mixed race women have been primary targets for racial scrutiny, including being subject to sexual objectification and stereotyping. In this paper I will argue that because of a history of dichotomizing black and white racial identity, biracial or multiracial are still not racial categorizations that are visibly recognized by most Americans. In... ... middle of paper ... ...55. Walker, 69. Walker, 99. Musser, Amber J. Other Tongues: Mixed-race Women Speak out. Ed. Adebe DeRango-Adem and Andrea

  • Influence Of Biracial Identity

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    I stopped signifying with only one race and fitting into some of the racial stigmas that people place on me. I also came up with a good conclusion: Biracial or multiracial people like me, are not “half-breeds,” “quarters-halves,” etc. We are humans. Fully. Period. Therefore, as a person, I have just as much right to embrace 100% of every race and culture I came from, just as much as everyone from a different race

  • Multiracial Feminism Essay

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    Multiracial Feminism: Recasting the Chronology of Second Wave Feminism introduces ideas by Becky Thompson that contradict the “traditional” teachings of the Second Wave of feminism. She points out that the version of Second Wave feminism that gets told centers around white, middle class, US based women and the central problem being focused on and rallied against is sexism. This history of the Second Wave does not take into consideration feminist movements happening in other countries. Nor does it

  • I Have A Dream Speech

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    In “Patrolling Racial Borders: Discrimination Against Mixed Race People," Heather Dalmage provides a brief history of and social context for the discrimination against multiracial people in the United States. She identifies people who discriminate against multiracial people as “border patrollers," or people who believe the color line is fixed and permanent, and thus they have the ability to discern between “themselves” and “others”. She goes on to identify broad areas of everyday life in which multicultural

  • Biracially Raised Children

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    PA: Temple UP, 2001 Rose, Caroline. “Potential Role Conflicts in Black-White Marriages.” Interracial marriage: Expectation and Realities. Ed. Stuart, Edwin. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1973. Rosenblatt, Terris Karis, and Richard Powell. Multiracial Couples : Black & White Voices. London, UK: Sage Publications, 1995. Sung, Betty Lee. Chinese American Intermarriage. New York: Center for Migration Studies, 1990. United States, Bereau of the Census, “Source U.S. Census Bureau: State and County

  • Mandingo and Interracial Relations

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    When a person of color is in a relationship with a white person, their relationship is often met with great tension. The history of issues with interracial relationships in the United States is long. Loving someone across the color line was once illegal, but now that segregation is over, more people are having interracial relationships. In the movie, Mandingo, the main theme is interracial relations. In the movie, which is set in the deep south, a plantation owner by the name of Hammond purchases

  • Race and Ethnicity in the United States Still Matters

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    will answer throughout the paper. I will first examine the battle of interracial relationship throughout history and explain how the history greatly explains the importance of being multiracial today. This includes the backlash and cruelty towards interracial couple and their multiracial children. Being part of a multiracial group still contains its impact in today’s society; therefore race still remaining to matter to this group in the U.S. People who place themselves in this category are constantly

  • The Melting Pot: Interracial Marriages

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    Interracial Marriages 2 The Melting Pot: Interracial Marriages To be or not to be? Once again this is the question. In the past, social scientist and society in general, categorized people involved in interracial romances as disturbed, or they labeled these relationships as acts of rebellion, or attempts to move up on the social ladder (Majete 2000, 1). Today this no longer seems to be the case. However, this can still be quite controversial. Part of the reason for this controversy begins with

  • Challenges Of Interracial Relationships

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    Interracial Relationships Interracial couples have always existed. Interracial relationships have grown higher and higher each year. Census shows that they are more interracial couples. In 2000 7 percent of opposite- sex married couples were interracial lot interethnic, which grew to 10 percent in 2010. Those couples are primarily located in the Western and Southwestern part of the United States as well as Alaska, Hawaii that data showed.” Other Census findings shows that the increase of interracial

  • Interracial Relationships: Then And Now

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    in 1990. Between 1980 and 1990, interracial marriage increased within all gender, educational and racial groups, but especially among the more educated (Qian 1997). Although increased rates of interracial marriage may move us closer to a more multiracial society it is relevant to ask how much opinions have changed from previous years. In this paper I will analyze how interracial marriages and relationships have changed from the past and how they still need help in today’s society. The term interrelationship

  • Oral History

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    condemned, but have become more common throughout the last few decades and those individuals that are biracial and multiracial as a result of those unions have demanded institutional changes that would acknowledge the plight of multiple racial backgrounds and challenged society to move toward reform of perspectives, both socially and politically. This analysis of biracial and multiracial groups and the evolution of the United States concerning the consciousness of race, as well as social justice for

  • Half-Caste by John Agard How effective is the light-hearted ridicule

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    Half-Caste by John Agard How effective is the light-hearted ridicule in this poem? In the poem Half-Caste by John Agard the poet uses ridicule to put his point across, he uses this technique very effectively and many times and by the end of the poem you realise how stupid the fact of someone being a Half Caste is. The poem is about a man from the West Indies and is called Half Caste, which means of mixed race. The poem starts off with a verse off three lines all written in Standard English