Mosque Essays

  • A Brief Note On Mosque And Mosque

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    from each other. Mosques, where Muslims go to worship, and Churches, where Christians go to worship, differ in many ways. The structure and decorations of the building, the way they worship inside the building and the religious leaders they have in the mosque and church are different in many ways. The belief each religion has affects the way their religious building is built and run. The structures and decorations of the religious buildings are very different. When you enter a mosque you will notice

  • A Place of Worship: The Mosque

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    In this essay, I will be discussing the role and function as well as the main features of the mosque in the Muslim community. The word mosque is defined as a ‘Muslim place of worship’. It is very important in Islam because it is the place where Muslims humbly face their lord, prostrate to him and ask from him. Muslims gather in mosques to pray their 5 times daily prayers in congregation. This is a symbolism of Muslim unity and brotherhood. It also symbolises equality as every person is the same

  • Features of a Mosque

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    A mosque is a building used as a place of worship for Muslims. It is often referred to as a ‘masjid’ by many Muslims as this is the Arabic term for it. There are many features within the mosque all of which are necessary for the mosque to properly function. The most distinguished characteristic of a mosque is that it hosts the five daily prayers. These are performed in congregation with an Imam leading the prayer. The prayer hall has a distinctive type of carpet. This is since the carpet has sections

  • Importance Of The Mosque In Malaysia

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    MOSQUE IN MALAYSIA 2.1 Introduction The Mosque is the symbol of the great of Islamic. The development of the mosque was grown base of adifferent culture and country, but still have a same function and goals. The demise of development of the mosque was started during Prophet Muhammad (peace upon to him) through to four main Islam dynasties. There are included Ummayad dynasties, Abbasid dynasties, Fatimid dynasties, Safavids dynasties and Ottoman dynasties. In this chapter, the researcher will

  • Mosque Lamp of Egypt

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    The “Mosque Lamp” of Egypt at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art is one of several lamps that survived from the Islamic Era. As furnishings such as rugs or lamps were a significant aspect in mosque architecture during the 14th century and later, the “Mosque Lamp” made in Egypt is specific to the Mamluk period of the mid 14th century. Though there were other mosque lamps made continuing through the Ottoman period starting after the second half of this century, this “Mosque Lamp” made in the Mamluk

  • Al- Aqsa Mosque

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    The Noble Sanctuary is a significant site with a sacred mosque and a sacred shrine within its walls, held in Jerusalem, for the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religions. The Noble Sanctuary, which includes the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque, represents the sacrifices and hardships many people have faced throughout the decades that formed our world in to what it is today. The Jews and the Christians have a special place in their heart for The Noble Sanctuary, but the magnitude and relevance of

  • Main Features of A Mosque

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    Ai) Describe the main features of a mosque A mosque is mainly used as a place of worship for Muslims to pray to Allah. Not all mosques are the same, they vary from place to place. Some mosques are big and expensive whilst some other mosques are small and cheap. All mosques are different but are yet similar in some ways for example; all mosques are a place of worship. Some mosque have a tall minaret in which the Muezzin uses it to call the Adthaan, informing nearby Muslims that the time of prayer

  • Features of Al-Masjid-Al-Nabawi Mosque

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    Studies coursework 'Name the features of a specific mosque' A mosque is a place of worship for followers of the Islamic faith. Its primary purpose is to serve as a place of worship for practising Muslims where they can pray together. Al-Masjid-Al-Nabawi, also known as the prophet's mosque, is the second holiest mosque in the world and is the final resting place of the prophet Muhammad. The original mosque was built by the prophet himself. The mosque also served as a community centre, a court and

  • The Ground Zero Mosque: An Insult to America

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    planning to construct a mosque within only blocks away from ground zero itself. This is an extremely offensive and distasteful decision and should not be allowed for three main reasons: it is a direct attempt to aggravate the American public, compromise can be the solution and a way to elude future violent situations, and just because these individuals have the right, that doesn’t mean that they should feel compelled to go on with construction. Building an Islamic mosque so close to ground zero

  • Essay On Badshahi Mosque

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    students would have studied at the madrassa at the mosque because in those times almost all the mosques also served as madrassas (religious schools). They would have learned the holy Quran and Arabic from the Imam and other resident scholars of the Badshahi mosque. The British demolished the hujras on the east side of the mosque so that this mosque could not be turned into a fort to be used against the British. An interesting thing about this mosque is that although it has been built on an extremely

  • Islam the Role and Function of the Mosque in a Muslim Community

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    The role and function of the mosque in a Muslim community A mosque is generally a very symbolic place for a Muslim, being a humble way for Muslims to recreate pure divine presence on earth. The primary purpose of the mosque is to serve as a place where Muslims can come together for prayer. Nevertheless, mosques are known around the world nowadays for their Islamic architecture but most importantly for its general vitality to the Muslim Ummah (community). A mosque brings the community together

  • How Islamic Architecture in Spain Changed from the Seventh Century to the Mid-sixteenth Century

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    The Great Mosque of Córdoba was built in Córdoba, Andalucía, southern Spain: the capital at which Muslims exist. The great Mosque of Córdoba went under massive changes over centuries. These changes occurred because the Mosque was conquered by groups of people following different religions, including Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Each religion marked its conception through changing or adding a unique artwork that symbolized its essence. The Great Mosque of Córdoba was built by Arab architects in

  • History of the Islamic Association

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    There was no mosque, which is an Islamic place for worship and gatherings, available at this time. So these seven decided to start congregating weekly for Friday (Jum’uah) prayer. During this time, there were only a few mosques in the Midwest, as there were a greater number of Muslims in larger cities in the East and West, mainly New York and Los Angeles. This small but vitally important start resulted in the Islamic Community of Cincinnati, which is now made up of two main mosques. After years

  • Ignorance is not Bliss

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    easier to ask “Why do they hate us?” without actually thinking about it. It will always be easier to keep bumbling on as we have been doing, to not pay attention to the echoes of our footsteps. Works Cited CBS News. "Poll: Most Say 'Ground Zero Mosque' Is Inappropriate." CBS News. 25 Aug. 2010. Web. 6 Oct. 2010. . Goodstein, Laurie. "Islam: Not in My Backyard?" New York Times Upfront 20 Sept. 2010. Print. Hamid, Mohsin. "Why Do They Hate Us?" Editorial. The Washington Post. The Washington Post

  • Roman and Islamic Art and Architecture

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    Islamic art and architecture design. The best expressions of Islamic art and architecture are found in Muslim mosques. The mosque serves as a place where Muslims can come together for prayer of Islam. Mosques are also a center for information, education, and dispute settlement. One of the most famous mosques of the Islamic art is the Great Mosque of Samarra in preset day Iraq. The Great Mosque of Samarra also has a spiral staircase on the outside of it. The Romans also excelled in the highly practical

  • Analysis Of Little Mosque On The Mosque

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    radical, terrorist and subservient religion, the television program Little Mosque on the Prairie, serves to combat modern day Orientalism and Islamophobia through education and humor. Filled with richly diverse characters and viewpoints, Little Mosque offers viewers an alternate depiction of muslims within popular culture and successfully illustrates Forbes and Mahan’s religious and cultural typology. Additionally, Little Mosque attempts to bring awareness and greater understandings of Islamic practice

  • Being a Muslim

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    Being a Muslim Yes I think it is hard to be a Muslim in a country like England for example if you go to school or work you have to miss some of the prayers. Five Pillars of Islam Shahadah A Muslim expresses his/her faith in the following words: Ash-hadu anla ilaha illal-Lahu Wahdahu la Sharika Lahu wa-ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu The English translation of the Shahadah is as follows: " I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, the One

  • Ancient Islam Research Paper

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    through centuries or even developed into bigger situations. The Muslims have had a great amount of changes. Muslims are known to worship in buildings called Mosques. Mosques are similar to churches, but are used for Islamic believers. There are many famous Islamic structures, one of the most famous is located in Malaysia. The Crystal Mosque it is made out of crystals, glass, and steel. It was built between 2006 and 2008 and opened in February 8th, 2008. It has the storage to hold over 1,500 people

  • High School Marching Band Leadership

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    freshman year. Outside of school, I helped out at my local place of worship, the Al-Islah Islamic Center. During the summer, I would volunteer to help the kids improve their reading of our holy book (the Quran). Also the prayer leader (Imam) of the mosque was writing theses instructional Islamic books and he asked me to help him write and edit them. I plan to do more things outside of school and also participate

  • The Influence Of The Arabesque In Islamic Art

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    Architecture often featured, lush gardens and garden motifs, as a symbolic representation of the Muslim paradise, the garden has been talked about in the Quran, no fewer than 130 times. Some of the great feats of Islamic architecture would be the Great Mosque, Cordoba, with its white marble and red sandstone, or, The Dome of Rock, which was the earliest, Islamic sanctuary. There were three primary dominating motifs, which exist, Geometric, Floral, and Calligraphic. It is interesting that the Muslim created