rather as a nation.” The Hindus and Muslim had many differences between them. They inspite of living together for centuries could not forget their individual cultures and civilizations. Al-Beruni recorded his idea in 1001 A.D in his famous book Kitab-ul-Hind as: “ The Hindu society maintain this peculiar character over the centuries. The two societies, Hindus and Muslim like two streams have sometimes touched but never merged, each following its separate course.” The relations between Muslim and Hindus
rather as a nation.” The Hindus and Muslim had many differences between them. They inspite of living together for centuries could not forget their individual cultures and civilizations. Al-Beruni recorded his idea in 1001 A.D in his famous book Kitab-ul-Hind as: “ The Hindu society maintain this peculiar character over the centuries. The two societies, Hindus and Muslim like two streams have sometimes touched but never merged, each following its separate course.” The relations between Muslim and Hindus