Misunderstood Essays

  • Being Misunderstood

    896 Words  | 2 Pages

    Being misunderstood could come from many things. Just to tell a little about where this is coming from. My family consists of my mom, dad, brother and sister. My sister is 9 years older and my brother is 3 years older. Being the baby nobody listens to you. It’s hard to make anybody take you seriously or believe that you know what you’re talking about. There is an advantage however, you see everything and hear everything. Picking up things that you don’t even know you are learning. I started reading

  • Margot's Misunderstood

    548 Words  | 2 Pages

    by Ray Bradbury, the main character, Margot, is being misunderstood by her classmates on Venus, because Margot remembers the sun on earth, but her classmates do not. Because of this, the children locked Margot in a closet so she missed seeing the sun that appeared once in seven years. After seeing the sun for the first time, the children felt ashamed of what they had done to Margot. The story starts off showing us how Margot was misunderstood by the children before they saw the sun, then it progresses

  • The Sirens: Are They Misunderstood?

    592 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sirens. Mythical creatures that lure sailor in with their beautiful song, leading them to their death. But is this all there is to them? Are they really the merciless killers stories make them out to be, or are they simply misunderstood? The Sirens are creatures greatly misunderstood. Singing this melody of death is their punishment for not fulfilling their job, they do not actually want to sing it, and by singing this, they do not want to kill anyone, but rather kill themselves to free themselves.

  • How Does The Operation Affect Charlie In Flowers For Algernon

    925 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Operation Effect on Charlie Intelligence means having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level. Charlie is a thirty-seven-year-old man who was given an opportunity to increase his intelligence from an IQ of sixty-two to two hundred. A science fiction short story, “Flowers for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes, was about a man named Charlie who had an operation to improve his intelligence and why it was necessary for him to have the surgery. Charlie, before the operation, could not understand

  • Misunderstood: The Holocaust

    1353 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Holocaust Misunderstood The Holocaust was looked at wrongly, even though it was an important turning point on the path of Germany and the country's future. Germany had started the Holocaust, which led to the loss of 11 million innocent people’s lives., Although the Holocaust was not entirely negative. It offered Germany a successful future, one of which starvation and death were not a part of. This would not have happened if the Holocaust did not occur. The Holocaust was beneficial for the country

  • The Story of The Misunderstood

    759 Words  | 2 Pages

    It all started with my childhood. I was a child who looked forward to my daily routine; watching cartoons, having my best friends come over and play kitchen, and singing karaoke. My mom found it impressive when I learned how to read through karaoke. When I knew that I made her proud, I was eager to learn more. Therefore, every night before I slept, I prayed to go to school. Every morning, when my siblings would leave to school, I would try to find a sneaky way to go with them. I missed those days

  • Teenagers are Misunderstood

    1591 Words  | 4 Pages

    The age that I have chosen to study for this essay is teenagers. The reason for this is because so many remarkable things happen during the teenage years and these things vary from culture to culture. To be a teenager is to be in a time of fluctuation and more often than not in western society, a time of rebellion. There are certain rituals that take place during the teens such as socializing with friends in a place other than school, more responsibilities around the house and less juvenile relationships

  • The Misunderstood Symbol

    687 Words  | 2 Pages

    Symbols can signify a much grander organization or group of people, but their meanings can change throughout time and ignorance. Certain people tend to change the meaning of such symbols to fit it into their beliefs or philosophy. Symbols change throughout time, but they always have an origin and their true meaning. Symbols can communicate without the need for verbal language, when a symbol is presented to a person, he or she automatically knows what the symbol represents depending of the popularity

  • Why Soccer Is Misunderstood

    574 Words  | 2 Pages

    basketball, and hockey. Some games will actually be 120 as a result of overtime which makes it one of the longests sports with only one break and minimal player substitutions. At the end of the day the true reason soccer is disliked is that it is misunderstood.

  • Epilepsy: The Misunderstood Disorder

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    which a person has two or more seizures affecting a variety of mental and physical functions. Epilepsy is one of the oldest conditions of the human race. Epilepsy Awareness is important because Epilepsy is a widely misunderstood disorder. The reason that Epilepsy has been misunderstood has been mainly due to research not being conducted until the middle of the nineteenth century. There are six main types of seizures and many treatments that can assist an epileptic patient. Many facts and myths exist

  • Raisin In The Sun Misunderstood

    1304 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ambitious. Goal-oriented. Misunderstood. When someone has a dream but their family doubts it, they still do anything in their power to achieve it. A Raisin in the Sun, a play by Lorraine Hansberry, tells the story of an African American family in the 1950s trying to live with the society at the time. Beneatha Younger, daughter to Lena Younger and sister to Walter Younger, is a college student in her twenties living in Chicago with her vast household. She struggles throughout the story with

  • Misunderstood Me Essay

    742 Words  | 2 Pages

    experience . In the story The Metamorphosis, one character named Gregor is being misunderstood from his family. People who are quiet are sometimes misunderstood because people do not know them well. In my experience there are times where people misunderstood me. People at one point have to feel alone and misunderstood by people. One character named Gregor who turned into a beetle in the story The Metamorphosis is misunderstood by his family and is left alone because of turning into a beetle. In chapter

  • Creative Writing: Misunderstood

    858 Words  | 2 Pages

    When do you feel like it's time for a change? I’ll tell you a story about a girl who always felt misunderstood. Well, to start with her appearance she was about 5’5 and 135 pounds curvier than other girls, really dark skin almost like a healthy dark chocolate Hershey’s kiss. Her hair was always burgundy like piece of red velvet cake, she had some many ear piercing you would think she was part of a rock band. Only you will learn she didn’t belong to anything. She always wore the newest gym shoes and

  • Celebrities: Who Are Misunderstood?

    1701 Words  | 4 Pages

    Celebrities Celebrities are misunderstood in several ways, people view celebrities as being snobby, rude to fans, all that matters is being recognized by persons and having attention, also not caring about the fans. People see celebrities as being rude and stuck up because on social media there is persons that are rude and make up rumors about celebrities because the person might not like this actor or actress. People make assumptions of celebrities because of rumors seen on the internet and on

  • Medusa, The Misunderstood Gorgon

    2367 Words  | 5 Pages

    Medusa, the Misunderstood Gorgon By having the appearance of gruesome scaly skin with pure piercing black eyes, and the uncanny appearance of a snake. This terrifying beast with collective serpent skin tied around her waist like a belt, is the one and only Medusa, as her Mythology name suggests. Medusa is most notably known for her distinctive snakes for hair. Not only did she have snakes for hair that already appalled all of mankind, she also has the capacity to turn anyone who looks into her eyes

  • Misunderstood Young Adults

    504 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are many ways that young adults can be misunderstood by people older than them such as parents, teachers, mentors, etc. The ways of misunderstanding can vary depending on the type of young adult and who the older person is. In some ways young adults can make stupid decisions that don't make sense to an older person. This can be because adults have more experience in life and may consider the consequences more. What that adult may not understand is how important what the young adult is doing

  • The Misunderstood Monster In Beowulf

    739 Words  | 2 Pages

    The misunderstood Monster! In the poem of Beowulf, everyone believed Grendel to be a bloodcurdling, and horrendous monster. The very place where Grendel lived, tells what a dark and horrible monster he was. From the poem Beowulf, it reads; “living down in the darkness…his den, his miserable hole at the bottom of the marsh.” Grendel’s upbringing alone set him up for being the horrendous monster that he was. Just imagine walking in his shoes for a moment, imagine being raised as Grendel was raised

  • Essay On The Misunderstood Misfit

    1263 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Misunderstood Misfit With his violent, deliberate killing, the Misfit seems to be an unlikely person to look to as a role model or to look to for spiritual or moral guidance, but he does demonstrate a deep conviction that the other characters lack. His beliefs and actions are not moral or widely accepted by others, but they are strong and consistent, if he had applied his moral integrity to a less wicked lifestyle, he could have been considered a preacher or even a teacher. Throughout the

  • Misunderstood Minds Summary

    684 Words  | 2 Pages

    The documentary follows five families dealing with a differently abled child; The film focuses on difficulties the families go through, professionalism or lack of it by school officials Misunderstood Minds, documentary, is an excellent reminder of the fact that while there is a constant battle concerning over diagnosis, Every parent wants the best for their child, after all a child is a person’s most precious possession. For this very reason having a child with a learning disability becomes overwhelming

  • Dragons: Misunderstood Beauties

    1951 Words  | 4 Pages

    The dragons that we come across in our lives can be just as menacing and terrifying as one would imagine a dragon to be. They rear their beastly heads, breathe the scalding fire that threatens to burn everything in it’s path, and menace our lives with an unparalleled sense of fury. We are not all born princes, the ones who defeat the dragons with a sweep of their magical swords, filled with a bravery and courage that only a prince can possess. Nor are we all damsels in distress, needing the prince