Milltown Essays

  • Personal Narrative: The Flint Michigan Water Crisis

    861 Words  | 2 Pages

    Over the past year, a major contamination event shocked the nation. The Flint Michigan water crisis opened my eyes to the issues of contamination throughout the country. I soon realized that I did not know much about my neighborhood or potential hazards. I grew up in an apartment complex in North Brunswick, NJ. Nine years ago my family and I moved into our new home, which is located on the border of North Brunswick and New Brunswick. My current neighborhood is different in many ways, but I have learned

  • Blue River Journey

    502 Words  | 2 Pages

    the river appeared to be on private property, so we abandoned our quest. After participating in the Steamboat Days parade in Jeffersonville, we set off to Milltown, a town of roughly

  • How Does Finch Overcome Guilt?

    638 Words  | 2 Pages

    Guilt. Experience. Death. Theodore Finch (“Finch”) and Violet Markey live in the small town of Bartlett, Indiana. Violet is portrayed as popular, pretty, and everything that Finch, who deals with constant gibes from peers who refer to him as “freak”, is not; however, much of Violet’s status is a guise hiding her true feeling since the death of her sister Eleanor. When the two teenagers meet for the first time on the ledge of the school’s bell tower, it is evident that they may not be so different

  • New Deal Assignment: Eleanor Roosevelt's First Lady

    890 Words  | 2 Pages

    Brittanie Kirchoff October 3, 2017 HIST 113 New Deal Assignment Eleanor Roosevelt was an outstanding First Lady, she was the longest lasting First Lady in office and helped define and shape the role of the First Lady’s duties in office. She played many roles as the First Lady, she made public appearances with her husband Franklin D. Roosevelt, she was a leading activist in women rights and civil rights, she held many press conferences, wrote a column daily in the newspaper, and hosted radio shows

  • Michelin Tires Research Papers

    909 Words  | 2 Pages

    Michelin Tire Michelin Tire is one of the biggest, and most popular tire companies their are. When most people hear the name Michelin Tire they probably think of the big white michelin man, or someone who they know that has Michelin tires. However the biggest thing people should know is the history of the company. Without the history, the company obviously wouldn't even be around. Some major things people should know are where was the company started Why was the company started Who started the company

  • Rex Scrugg Analysis

    1827 Words  | 4 Pages

    Ever since he was a little kid, Rex Scruggs has had only one ambition. Win the respect and approval and, heck, maybe even the love, of his difficult grandfather. It isn’t easy to be the grandson of Malcolm Scruggs whose house is filled with trophies and medals from his years as an international-level kayaker, and whose kayaking exploits on the rivers of the Columbian Andes decades earlier earned him a write-up in National Geographic magazine. Now seventeen, Rex, who has inherited from Gramps his

  • People with Disabilities Need Inclusion

    2230 Words  | 5 Pages

    Inclusion; the way forward? According to the World Health Organisation (2011), there are more than 1 billion people with disabilities in the world, with this number rising. Many of these people will be excluded from the regular situations we, ‘the ordinary’, experience in everyday life. One of these experiences is our right to education. Article 42 of the Irish Constitution states that the state shall provide for free primary education until the age of 18, but is this the right to the right education