Matron Essays

  • Unit 2 Essay Assignment

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    Unit 2 Essay Assignment The setting in both Lord of the Flies and I Only Came to Use the Phone contributes to the dehumanization of the characters in each of the readings. The settings are both isolated, which is the cause of all the chaos that takes place because when you take a human being out of the comfort of society, they go back to their natural animalistic tendencies in order to survive. Survival of the fittest is present in these quotes. Also, the island archetype plays a huge role in both

  • Thesis Essay

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    As time progresses in both Lord Of the Flies and “I Only Came To Use the Phone”, the characters show definite sings of savagery. The authors of these stories show the change from civilization and reduction to the characters’ basic, primitive nature. In the beginning of Lord Of the Flies, the young boys are deserted on an island due to their plane crashing. Once on the island, they find each other and begin to assemble. They come together as a big group and elect a leader. There are other boys in

  • Analyzing Hamlet's 'Plight Of The Matron'

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    Zack Zaleski Mrs. Heather Marr AP Literature and Composition, Period 6 6 January, 2015 Plight of the Matron It would be ideal for Hamlet to be viewed under a gender scope, as under such is where the majority of the problems facing both pro- and antagonists, especially later on, can be found within the play. From various subjects like Hamlet’s Oedipus Complex situation with his mother, his domineering mentality over Ophelia, and Gertrude’s self-loathing at no fault of her own. Of course, one of the

  • The Lord of the Flies and I Only Came to Use the Phone

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    show how characters in both stories effectively personify these characteristics, either by being placed in situations they are not accustomed to, or by being in power and abusing it. In “I Only Came to Use the Phone” Maria is juxtaposed against the matrons to show corruption and savagery throughout the insane asylum. There is also imagery in the short story to highlight the dark, corrupt feeling the reader may get from the text. In Lord of the Flies, however, Jack is juxtaposed against Ralph and Piggy

  • Stereotypes is Jack Davis-No Sugar

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    them and keep them ignorant so they will not turn into a threat to him or Whites in general. His wife Matron seems like a kind caring person, like a mother figure which is how the audience expects a Matron to be. Their conflicting beliefs (Matron promotes the idea of improving aboriginals, Mr Neal promotes ignorance and suppression) causes conflict Neal "I can’t see anything funny about this" Matron "I know you can’t" (Act two Scene Ten).143 Mr. Neal’s beliefs also conflict with the beliefs of Sister

  • Mummy Portrait Of A Woman Analysis

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    The Mummy Portrait of a Woman from Faiyum, Egypt (ca. 100-110 A.D.) and the Bust of a Roman Matron from Alexandria, Egypt (ca. 140-150 A.D.) both commemorate a female individual by realistically depicting them, and endowing them with a sense of nobility and virtue. However, each work conveys this sense of individuality through the employment of different mediums and techniques. The Mummy Portrait follows the Egyptian tradition of mummification that has been in place for over 3,000 years, while also

  • Comparison Essay

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    interest, and they did this by having their characters go after something that makes themselves feel powerful. In Lord of the Flies it was the powerful feeling of hunting for the boys, and in I Only Came to Use the Phone it was the power that the Matron had over Maria by sexually harassing her. Although those two examples seem as though it is people who abuse power it goes beyond that; as if the evil within everyone is awaken by power and that evil is what succumbs them to abuse the power. In Lord

  • Analysis of Setting in Lord of the Flies and I Only Came To Use The Phone

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    There are many different fears that one may have including: Monophobia, the fear of being alone, Agoraphobia, the fear of being in crowded places, and Achluophobia, the fear of being in the dark. While looking at these different phobias, one may notice that they all are specific ways that a person may act depending on the setting they are in. It is common for authors to place their characters in a designated setting to reveal the most basic traits of human conduct. In Lord of the Flies, William Golding

  • Sibling Rivalry

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    Little Talabrina stifled a giggle with her tiny hand. She poked a single gold eye around a corner. She played with Yasraena like this for hours. Her stuffy big sister wanted her to do some boring stuff in the family Chapel. No doubt, it was for some dumb boring chanting again, or something else just as boring. So she snuck out and let her sister chase her around the House. This was much more fun than staying in the Temple. Right now, she hid by her eldest brother’s room. She heard Yasraena scream

  • Who Is Jeanie With The Light Brown Hair Color In Boarding School

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    the girls are in the classroom learning to mend socks the Matron suggests singing the song, Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair. This song is about a caucasian girl. The girls listened to the song a few times before beginning to sing themselves. “Jeanie with the light brown hair, happy as dancing daisies” (45). This song is hard for the Native American girls to relate to as they are doing labor in a boarding school. This is a way for the matron to debunk the dark features of these young girls that is

  • Beechworth Lunatic Asylum

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    She is seen almost everywhere on the grounds. In what is now part of La Trobe University’s computer rooms, you can see her apparition walking around. Along with on the granite staircase, and former dormitory area. Matron Sharpe was very understanding, and caring, towards her patients. This was quite uncommon in this time. Another ghost people have claimed to see is the ghost of a patient. His name is Tommy Kennedy. Kennedy was quite popular at the hospital, and he

  • The Recovery Center: A Suspense Story

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    She felt hundreds of insects crawling all over her body. She was paralyzed by fear, after staying in the box. She was in a state of hysteria and shock. The next morning the Nurse walked into her pink room with a breakfast tray. An hour later the Matron came to get her for another session. The same routine was repeated as the day before. But this time She decided that she was going to drink brandy, she was convinced that the vodka was spiked causing her to hallucinate. Half into brandy bottle she

  • Ally McQuillen

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    Advocating Civility In both Golding's Lord of the Flies and Marquez's "I Only Came to Use the Phone" emerges what is more than a simplistic story but instead an avocation for the author's beliefs. These authors use several techniques such as plot and dialectical choice to exemplify their distaste for savagery. Both main characters, Ralph and Maria, transition from an individual in a new and isolated environment to a savage who is a part of this place. When looking at Golding and Marquez's techniques

  • Creative Writing: Doctor Paw

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    ‘H-h-how did I die?' the girl asked as a cold tremor wracked her body. Shivers coursed through her but they became less frequent as she warmed under her blankets. How did her hair get to be so wet and why did she hurt so much? Where was she? All her questions remained unanswered because it was too much of an effort to think, let alone move, or open her mouth to ask them aloud. Am I in heaven? That was the first question she asked herself when she returned to consciousness ten minutes ago. Bright

  • Shaping Behavior: Personal Experience and Understanding

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    School years, I lived in a boarding school which helped shape students to act responsibly when we were out on excursions, debates and sports activities with other schools. I was never the early bird, when I got enrolled into the boarding house. A matron was assigned to each dorm to get the students ready by six in the morning, everyday for school. She did blow a whistle every morning exactly by six a.m, which meant "get up". She did give us twenty minutes to take a shower, ten minutes to lay the

  • Abuses of Power in I Only Came To Use The Phone, and Lord Of The Flies

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    to kill he would kill anything or anybody that would not obey him. Jack expects complete obedience from everyone on the island. There is a certain amount of power and authority that has to exist for a society to work properly. When people like the matrons and Jack are placed in positions of power they tend to take advantage of their positions. Also they will mistreat or harm the people they feel are below them. This power satisfies their ego, they feel it completes them but it leads to their own demise

  • Understanding Corruption and Savagery’s Relationship

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    exploded into a thousand white fragme... ... middle of paper ... ... the reader realizes that the matron and Herculina are corrupt where the matron tries to convince Maria to give her pleasures for a letter to Saturno, and where Herculina is noted to murdering two individuals. The authority in the story is corrupt which leads Maria into becoming immoral and participating in the offers the matron has offered her, which leads predominantly to her downfall. Therefore both authors Garcia and Golding

  • Evolution of Nursing: From Saint Fabiola to the 21st Century

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    return. Many times, it was women of higher class positions who served as matrons for the sick in their community. It was men who often acted as physicians and in case of war, monks and Christian knights provided care for the soldiers (Cherry and Jacob, pg. 7). There was little

  • Abuses of Power: Lord of the Flies, and I Only Came To Use the Phone

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    At times, people of authority will use their power to their own advantage. Often, too much power can go to that particular person’s head, and he/she can become corrupt. As readers have seen in literature, abuses of power are often harmful to the abuser and their subjects. Corrupted authority and abuses of power eventually lead to the collapse of society. This concept is shown many times throughout the novel Lord Of the Flies and the short story “I Only Came to Use the Phone”. Displayed through

  • Antonine Woman as Venus

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    or slightly higher. Antonine Woman as Venus is obviously a freeborn woman. She comes from or was married into an aristocratic family, which would not be possible for a slave or a freedwoman. She is a young matron of approximately 20 years of age. We can determine she is young and a matron because her pose is not as modest as an unwed adolescent's pose may be or as modest as an elder woman's pose may be. (Shelton 292) Her age is also determined by her sexually confident pose, her locks draping