Macrocystis Essays

  • Biogenic Habitats

    769 Words  | 2 Pages

    Human-induced alteration of biogenic habitats at the landscape scale is increasing, and directly influencing local diversity and system functioning (Vitousek et al. 1997, Duarte 2002, Lozte et al. 2006 and Airoldi & Beck 2007). Alteration of natural landscapes can result in loss of entire habitats or transition of more complex to less complex habitats, for example shellfish reefs or seagrass beds to mud flats (Short and Wyllie-Echeverria 1996, Hughes et al. 2002, Ruesink et al. 2005, Thrush et al

  • Brown Pigment: The Brown Pigment

    725 Words  | 2 Pages

    manufacture their food by the process of photosynthesis. Laminarin, a unique type of starch, is produced in brown algae. Examples of Brown Seaweeds 1. Kelp Sea bamboo (Ecklonia maxima), the spilt fan kelp (Laminaria pallida) and the bladder kelp (Macrocystis angustifolia) are three common species of kelp found in the west coast of South Africa. The stipes or stem of Kelp has the strengthening tissue and tubular cells to transport the food through the plant. To deter herbivores, the blades of the kelp

  • Impact of Sea Otters on Community Ecology

    1490 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) are marine mammals capable of spending their entire lives in water. Being carnivorous in nature, they feed on sea urchins, crabs, fishes, mussels and clams. They are referred to as keystone species due to their profound impact on marine ecology. The interaction between sea otters, sea urchins and kelp forests has been studied as a model for the impact of predator-prey interactions on community

  • Diversity Of Life On Earth Essay

    3220 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction Fossil records indicate life has existed on this planet for at least 3.8 billion years. Most species that have ever existed are now extinct, yet the diversity of life on Earth is still so tremendous and complex scientists estimate there are 10-100 million species yet to be documented. Those that have been documented, have been categorized it into three domains, six kingdoms, twenty-nine phyla, and countless more subdivisions. Seemingly in spite of this diversity, a common ancestry unites