Lusitanic Essays

  • Racial Prejudice and Bias Against Hispanics

    748 Words  | 2 Pages

    Racial Prejudice and Bias Against Hispanics At some point in life, every individual has been treated like an outsider. It occurs often with children or teenagers. However, one can still be regarded with this attitude as an adult. Furthermore, an entire group can feel as if they are being treated as an outsider, and sadly enough, it does happen regularly. One author, David Hernandez, spoke about these occurrences through his poem “Pigeons.” With his poem, Hernandez argues that Hispanics

  • Misconception On Hispanics

    645 Words  | 2 Pages

    Miss conceptions In today’s society we stereotype the Hispanic race as being lazy and having lot’s of children. People perceive the Hispanic race this way but reality we are all the same. We work hard to get were we are today in society. Many people have bad images of the Hispanic race because they see one Hispanic person who dress a certain way or even acts a certain way and they assume we are all bad people. For example if you see a Hispanic man that is baldheaded and has on baggie clothes people

  • How Did Culture Affect Hispanic Culture

    1553 Words  | 4 Pages

    History Hispanic culture is used to name the Spanish-speaking, Latin American countries. It also refers to the beliefs, values, norms, language, arts, practices, history, etc. of those countries. Some countries such as Brazil and Haiti are also considered part of Latin America, even though Spanish is not their primary language. Brazilian heritage was founded on the native people that lived in the country before its colonization, the colonizers that immigrated to the country, and the slaves that

  • Hispanics in Northwest Arkansas

    1580 Words  | 4 Pages

    Hispanics in Northwest Arkansas Imagine having to leave your hometown, where you have lived all of your life, in search of another job. You do not want to move, but at the same time you want to provide food and a decent lifestyle for you and your family. News arrives that an abundance of jobs are available in another part of the country. Hoping for the best, you pack your bags and head for employment. Your kids are saddened about the situation, but they understand the need for relocation