and/or habitat differently. An artist who dealt with technologies of built space is Rachel Whiteread. The core concepts of Whiteread’s work includes, playing with negative space and scale, and focusing on line and form. In the piece called Judenplatz Holocaust Memorial a.k.a. Nameless Library, Whiteread uses sculpture to represent what is not there, the empty space. By... ... middle of paper ... ...about recreating scale. When a person sees this piece from an airplane view or on a balcony, he or she
Have you ever had a friend that is different from yourself? Either different features, talents, or personality or even someone who may have a different background and experience. John Boyne, author of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, uses the innocence of two young boys to create a bond between different worlds during World War II. These different worlds, the Nazis and the Jews, add to the bond between the boys, due to the hatred that is evolving around them. The differences in Bruno and Shmuel backgrounds
supporting Staub’s claim comes from The History of the Holocaust by Carell Evans, the Presi... ... middle of paper ... ... June 2013. United States Holocaust Memorial Council. 25 Mar. 2014 . "History of the Holocaust - The Bystanders." History of the Holocaust - The Bystanders. 17 Mar. 2013. 2 . Charny, Israel W. "Bystanders to Genocide." Encyclopedia of genocide. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1999. 127. "Be An Upstander." Be An Upstander. Holocaust Museum Houston. 2013 . Marsh, Jason, and Dacher Keltner
automatic reactions of moral outrage, personal horror, religious self-righteousness and dramatic extremes, not to mention severe depression", (McCarthy, 1993) Schindler's list premiered mere months after the inauguration of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, leading to a capitalising success on the American peoples cultural focus on historical voyeurism. The critical reception of Schindler's List is a intellectual discussion on the moral nature of a film through the ability to dramatize
Monuments should make people feel something, whether it is positive or negative. Monuments honor, teach, and inspire people in their own way. There is a lot of consideration put into monuments to appear as worthless. Monuments like The Crazy Horse Memorial are portrayed badly because no one knows what the man looks like, but the monument honors the North American Indians and people seem to forget that. So when building any kind of monument the site, aesthetics, money, and purpose are some factors
The Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. The Holocaust Memorial Museum was built to honor those who were directly affected by the Holocaust. “Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God himself. Never” Elie Wiesel (“Holocaust Encyclopedia”). While some believe the building of the museum was a political act for President Carter, others were very optimistic of the outcome. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum was a marvelous achievement for this