Jon & Kate Plus 8 Essays

  • A Mother's Struggle for Normalcy

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    would society react differently? For Kate Gosselin, this would be the case. The 34 year-old mother of eight divorced Jon Gosselin, 32, in June of 2009 for many reason pertaining to Jon and his actions (Hamm et. al. 1). Jon and Kate Plus 8 was the reality show which focused on these two celebrities raising their eight children. A divorce may seem cliché for a reality star couple, but it goes much deeper than Kate for more reason than one. Although Jon cheated, abandoned his kids for a time,

  • Personal Narrative: Life At Lancaster Country Day School

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    use me to as a sick and twisted way to formulate drama? I had a friend. I had many friends really, I was friends with the whole 50 people in my grade. But this friend, this friend was different. Her name Mady Gosselin. Yes, the Mady Gosselin from Kate Plus 8. We had been close, I talked to her almost every day. However,

  • Kate Gosselin Research Paper

    608 Words  | 2 Pages

    Kate Gosselin is being criticized once again. She is constantly in and out of the news, making headlines for her bizarre antics and rules regarding her eight children. Her split from Jon Gosselin was highly publicized following their marriage being shown on Jon & Kate Plus 8 on the TLC network. It has since been canceled and reworked to be Kate Plus 8. With all of the struggles of multiples being put on television for the world to see, Gosselin has found herself under fire a lot. Things have not

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Reality Shows

    809 Words  | 2 Pages

    Reality TV Show The beginning of reality television started with competition shows and with the time reality television shows began to appear more and more. There are many different types of reality shows, such as game competitions, cooking contests, talents, or real family life. That means there are many viewers have been increasing and they like these types of shows because it is fun and many people get interested to know what will happen next. Every reality television show has been known to every

  • Argumentative Essay On Bioengineering

    1380 Words  | 3 Pages

    Bioengineering: Many parents want a child that will achieve a lot and leave a mark on this earth, leave a legacy behind. Egg donation, karyomapping and IVF allow for parents to create this child they want. But can “playing god” and creating a child through these options cause more health, social, and ethical problems down the road. Bioengineering through egg donation, IVF, karyomapping, and other techniques should be totally illegal in the United States because of expectations parents will have

  • Yoga and its Positive Effects on the Mind and Body

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    24-25). Yoga is not something that you do at the studio and leave behind. It becomes a way of life; leading to healthier habits, improving psychological health, and encouraging spiritual growth. An article on using yoga in intimate relationships, by Kate H. Feldman says; "It means learning and using relational skills which you intentionally build into your daily interactions: taking time to listen to, and learn about who your partner is; learning how to make agreements; learning how to set boundaries;

  • Portrayal Of Women In The Media

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    women in the media make it seem like it is okay to let their men be in charge, so they are often seen as submissive. The media does not like submissive women and will take something so little to the highest extremity. I also watched the show Jon and Kate Plus 8, and if the wife did not run along with what her husband wanted to do, TMZ would run with it as they were not getting along and were getting divorced. Books, movies, and magazines are encouraging women to now “please their man”. In today’s time

  • Television Is A Positive Influence Of Reality Television

    1483 Words  | 3 Pages

    Reality Television has the ability to obtain any ones attention because of its unpredictable experience. People have the chance to feel better about themselves when watching Jon & Kate Plus 8, or imagine a life with wealth like the entrepreneurs on Dragons Den. Reality shows allow you to feel more engaged, than a scripted television show. They prepare us for the real world by giving us a virtual experience from the perspective of someone else. Being able to watch someone encounter an experience,

  • Run Like The Wind Essay

    2200 Words  | 5 Pages

    runners come from, Kenya. In the past three decades, runners from Kenya have simply dominated the sport of long distance running in all facets including cross-country, track, and the marathon. In the world rankings for marathon running, Kenyans hold 8 of the top 10 spots for the men and 6 of the top ten spots in women’s rankings. (Entine, Par. 2) But how can one country be so overpowering in a sport that anyone can participate in? There are a number of factors that all work together to make Kenyan