John C. Calhoun Essays

  • John C Calhoun Analysis

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    April 2014 John C Calhoun As “The Champion of the South”, John C Calhoun often threatened the unity of the nation. John C Calhoun was a War hawk who had a desire to go to war with Great Britain. He developed the Nullification theory, a theory that changed Southern government. He defended the idea of slavery, calling it “a positive good”. His ideas and theories had a great impact on the South’s secession and also his desire to annex Texas led to a war with Mexico. John Caldwell Calhoun was born on

  • John C Calhoun Character Traits

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    John C. Calhoun: John C. Calhoun was born in Abbeville, South Carolina on March 18, 1782. Calhoun was known as the "cast iron man." His parents were Patrick Calhoun and Martha Calhoun. Most of his early childhood was spent on his father's plantation. He was educated at Yale University. He was an American statesman and a political theorist. Calhoun is from the democratic party. He was known to be in the Nullifier Party. From 1811-1850 John was married to Florid Calhoun. He is an inspiration

  • John C. Calhoun: The Starter Of The Civil War

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    John C. Calhoun: The Starter of the Civil War If one person could be called the instigator of the Civil War, it was John C. Calhoun -- Unknown. The fact that he never wanted the South to break away from the United States as it would a decade after his death, his words and life's work made him the father of secession. In a very real way, he started the American Civil War. Slavery was the foundation of the antebellum South. More than any other characteristic, it defined Southern social, political

  • Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, And Daniel Webster And Their Differing Vi

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    Perhaps the three most influential men in the pre-Civil War era were Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and Daniel Webster. These men all died nearly a decade before the civil war began, but they didn’t know how much they would effect it. States’ rights was a very controversial issue, and one which had strong opposition and radical proposals coming from both sides. John C. Calhoun was in favor of giving states the power to nullify laws that they saw unconstitutional, and he presented this theory in his

  • Politics in the 19th Century

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    Europe with many different ideas. In America, slavery and social reforms were a hotbed of debate sparking many controversy’s, one of which almost lead to the secession of South Carolina. No one besides Charles Fourier, Alexis de Tocqueville, and John C. Calhoun represented the potent cocktail of varying social ideas and political theory of the 19th century better. These three were unique in their ideas and have a very impacting legacy. Charles Fourier was a Utopian Socialist according to Karl Marx. Fourier

  • Andrew Jackson Downfall

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    shambles. Jackson’s cause of death is widely speculated. Some maintain that his death was caused by two bullets in his body giving his lead poisoning. However, most, including the majority of the staff here at the South Carolina Leader, believe that John C. Calhoun is to blame for Jackson’s passing. Born in 1767 in Waxhaw, South Carolina, Andrew Jackson was a child of Scotch-Irish immigrants. Shortly before Jackson’s birth, his father, who was also his namesake, passed away, leading to his mother moving

  • National Tariff Policy Between 1816 and 1832

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    Resolutions to look at early examples of state sovereignty. I will conduct internet research, review various books written at different times in history, review periodicals, including the Charleston Mercury, and review letters and speeches written by John C. Calhoun and Andrew Jackson during this period. Part B: Summary of Evidence Since the Constitution was ratified in 1787, the states have wrestled with the balance of power between the federal government and the individual states. As early as 1798

  • The Nullification Crisis

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    Nullification is a precursor to secession in the United States as it is also for civil wars. However, in contrast, the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions did not suggest that states should secede from the union. Under the direct vigilance and radical views of Calhoun, he suggested that states should and could secede from the union if they deem a law was unconstitutional. Calhoun’s reputation as a “Cast Iron” proved fittingly as compromises were reached for the proposed Tariffs. The southern states contribution

  • Leaders in the States' Rights Debate

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    John C. Calhoun, also known as the " cast-iron man." Born in California on March 18, 1782, I am sure could never imagine in his life that he would become seventh vice president of the United States of America as well as secretary of war and state. I mean he studied law under Tapping Reeve at Litchfield Conn. Then in 1808, he officially began his public career in South Carolina where he then lived until his death in 1850. Being born in the frontier was not a bad thing, at least not for Mr.Calhoun

  • Rice

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    because South Carolina, from her climate, situation, and peculiar institutions, is, and must ever continue to be, wholly dependent on agriculture and commerce, not only for prosperity , but for her existence as a state…" (Boller, pg.110) -John C Calhoun: South Carolina explosion and Protest (1828)  While the north was undergoing an "industrial revolution," the south remained agriculturally based. Rice, which was the first grown in South Carolina

  • Analysis of The Disquisition of Government by John Calhoun

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    Analysis of The Disquisition of Government by John Calhoun The Disquisition of Government by John Calhoun was written as a document to primarily defend the ideologies of the South. It was a work of that elaborated on John Calhoun’s Political Theory, which mentions the idea of a “concurrent majority”, which is that a concurrent majority on an issue is one composed of an agreement of the most important minority interests in a society. He believed that a constitution having a majority behind

  • John Calhoun Character Traits

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    John C. Calhoun John C. Calhoun had been born in South Carolina on March 18, 1782. he went to school at Yale, and during the economic recession in 1808 to 1810, he realized that the British Policies were destroying the economy. He had served in the South Carolina legislature and then was elected to serve on the United States House of Representatives and served three terms. In the year 1812, he and Henry Clay, who were two famous "warhawks", had preferred war to the "putrescent pool of ignominious

  • Cause of the American Civil War

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    Print Wahl, Jenny. "Slavery in the United State.” Feb. 2010. Web. 10 Mar. 2013 Scruggs, Leonard M. The Un-Civil War Shattering the Historical Myths. Universal Media, Web. 24 Mar. 2013 Clyde N. Wilson and W. Edwin Hemphill, editors, The Papers of John C. Calhoun, vol. 10, 1825-1829 Columbia. 1977. U of South Carolina P. April 2013 Freehling, William W. Civil War: The Nullification Controversy in South Carolina. New York City: Oxford University, 1965. Print. Latner, Richard B. "The Nullification Crisis

  • Relationship Between Jackson And Calhoun

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    John C. Calhoun John C. Calhoun (1782-1850) was an American politician and political theorist. He was secretary of war, secretary of state and soon resigned to become a senate. Calhoun was the Vice president under both John Quincy Adams (1825-1829) and Andrew Jackson (1829-1832). He was born in South Carolina and graduated from Yale with a law degree. John Calhoun was a very active politician which helps develop the relationship between Jackson and Calhoun. Jackson and Calhoun had a very rocky

  • Reaching Comprimise: An Arm Bends Inwards

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    always bend inwards. But let this piece of history to teach humans, that they can always open their chest wide and spread their arms as far as possible. Sources: 1. Carnes, Mark, and John Garraty. The American Nation: A history of the United States, 2008. Print. 2. Nullification Crisis. 2008. Web. 15 Sept. 2011. 3. South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification, November 24, 1832. Web. 15 Sept. 2011 4. Nullification Proclamation. Web

  • The Petticoat Affair: Manners, Mutiny, And Sex In Andrew Jackson's White House

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    History 217: U.S. History to 1865 The Petticoat Affair: Manners, Mutiny, and Sex in Andrew Jackson's White House. By John F. Marszalek. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1997. viii, 296 pp.) John F. Marszalek, author of The Petticoat Affair argues in his book that the Margaret Eaton affair, which plagued the first Jackson administration, was a social situation that had political ramifications. The thesis is that the Jacksonian Presidency brought a change to the office. Bringing

  • Andrew Jackson: The Achievements Of The Jacksonian Democracy

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    Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson had a number of accomplishments the first one being the Jacksonian Democracy. The Jacksonian democracy was a political movement that he and his supporters started. The movement was to make the democracy better for the common men and celebrated white supremacy. This movement was suppose to be a democratic movement to enforce powerful ideals but of course only for white men. Jackson had a lot of supports most of them being farmers. Jackson claimed to want more

  • Andrew Jackson and the Nullification Crisis

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    Andrew Jackson had led the nation from 1829 to 1837. During his presidency, there were two issues he had faced, one of them being the Nullification Crisis. The Nullification Crisis was a major issue led by John C. Calhoun, who at the time was Andrew Jackson’s vice president. Calhoun and the supporters of the nullification believed in state’s rights, and that the states could reject federal laws if they believed it to be unconstitutional. It all started when Congress passed the Tariff of Abomination

  • The Career Of John Caldwell Calhoun

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    The political career of John Caldwell Calhoun spanned over forty years. By the time of his death and despite never achieving his greatest ambition of holding the nation’s highest office, his achievements in the lesser offices he held throughout his life allowed Calhoun to become one of the most distinguished, respected, and admired statesmen in the history of the United States. Serving in both the House and the Senate of Congress, serving as Secretary of War and Secretary of State, serving in the

  • state nullification

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    another which is the North. Thomas Cooper, the president of the South Carolina College said “Is it worth while to continue in this union of states, where the north demands to be our masters and we are required to be their tributaries.”(Goode 89) John C. Calhoun being Vice President and was from South Carolina strongly disagreed with this Tariff of Abominations. He even wrote “South Carolina Exposition” which used the constitution as an argument against the tariff. Then, there was the Haynes and Webster